This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Now its here in the form of CRT! wrote Dennis Steinhardt, the brother of Kiel Mayor Michael Steinhardt. The best practice, supported by federal law enforcement explosives experts, is for schools and police to assess threats rather than automatically evacuating schools. In late 2011, a series of bomb threats including threats sent via international Internet proxy servers disrupted the Orange Public Schools in Pepper Pike, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb. Eventually all schools, the public library, city hall, wastewater treatment plant, stores and all roads into and out of the city. In 2015 we began a new annual tradition by hosting the Boys and Girls Club for a dinner and some dancing after. The library board overwhelmingly voted to keep the books on the shelves a win for those resisting backlash politics in Kiel. Ten bombs, fireworks strapped to aerosol cans, forced the closure of a California elementary school. One Maryland school district experienced more than 150 bomb threats and 55 associated arrests in one school year. Up to a pound of ammonium nitrate was brought to school by a Nevada middle-school student. And he described WILLs involvement as callous and self-serving. Crime Map for Calumet City, IL. Law enforcement is responding to the scene. School will resume on Monday, April 17th. (WSVN) - A lockdown at Ramblewood Middle School has been lifted after police investigated a bomb threat that was made to the campus. In the middle of the night, we received an anonymous email that made a bomb threat against our schools. We apologize for the inconvenience this undoubtedly caused students and families today. The Advertizing and Publicity persons are Doug & Gloria Bateman. Consider blocking incoming calls made from phones using caller ID block. This is about standing up for all the kids and educating them and making it inclusive.. Ross provided the following statement to 13News on the decision to stay open: "I received the email a little before 11 p.m. last night. Nixed. School buses have also been the target of terrorist bombings in the Middle East, so it would be wise for school officials to include school bus and transportation facilities in their bomb threat and suspicious device planning and training. WebCalumet: [geographical name] industrial region of northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois southeast of and adjacent to Chicago including the cities of East Chicago, Gary, High-profile school violence cases and other national incidents, along with easy access to formulas for homemade bombs on the Internet, have contributed to concerns about bomb threats, suspicious devices, and homemade bombs in schools, on school grounds and on school buses. Users can republish our photos, illustrations, graphics and multimedia elements ONLY with stories with which they originally appeared. At 6:54 a.m. today (Friday, April 14, 2023), the school corporation was notified of a bomb threat. Just days earlier, a group of 70 local teachers sought to correct CRT-related inaccuracies in their own letter to the editor. We determined to make the safest decision for our students out of an abundance of caution. But in the early days of the pandemic, writer Christopher Rufo sharpened the phrase into a kind of weaponized, catch-all for the woke racial ideologies that progressives back and conservatives scorn. (Lianne Milton for Wisconsin Watch). Box 5079 The Kiel Public Librarys trouble started in November 2021, when a man called police to claim that he spotted pornography on the shelves. School administrators must revisit traditional school safety, security, and emergency crisis plans not just COVID safety plans. -- to which we bring finger foods. Residents long saw Kiel, Wis. as a place where families stroll along river banks after grabbing a bite at Dairy Queen. It made me lose faith in government and policy, in the judicial system, as well as the congressional system.. At the Appleton gathering, Berg affably walked the audience through the narrative of Kiels Title IX episode that his group offered media outlets: a simple disagreement about pronoun use spurred a sexual harrassment investigation. Speedway released the following statement shortly before 11:30 a.m.: We are pleased to report that all Speedway Schools are cleared and safe following the bomb threat. The same issues that roiled conservatives in Kiel showed up in nearby school districts, Shaver added, but they didnt draw the same level of animosity as in Kiel. Cloquet High School, Middle School Evacuated After Bomb Threat Police in northern Minnesota responded Wednesday to a bomb threat at Cloquet High School. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Instructions for the elementary can be found here and middle/high school here. Classes were canceled Wednesday in District 149, which includes six schools in the Calumet City area. Rabidoux wants assurance that the investigation will be removed from the boys student records and said her children will transfer to a private school next year. As tensions escalated during the bomb scares, Funkhouser called on Kiel residents to be the light and stay positive. Forcing an administrations hand to drop a charge? Were the threats keeping our feet to the fire to keep pushing us towards a resolution maybe sooner than later? They want to attract money, and they want prestige., Kiel High School was among several named targets of bomb threats in Kiel, Wis. We also want to thank the law enforcement agencies, school administrators, and building grounds staff who showed incredible teamwork today in ensuring the safety of our schools. We like to visit retirement and long-term care homes and other community events to dance for their entertainment and our well-being, as a Club and as a person! Harden began to mobilize folks who felt the same, becoming one of Kiels most prolific organizers. We all had a great time at the first event when Andy gathered old and young together in a big square to start the dancing! More recently, bomb threats and threats of other violence have been made in methods ranging from written threats on school bathroom walls to electronic threats sent via the Internet through international proxy servers. High School athletic practices/events WILL be in session today. Work with local law enforcement authorities from the jurisdiction of your individual school to determine protocols for evaluating bomb threats and procedures for evacuations. School employees are understandably hesitant to this request, but it seems that the tension on this issue typically centers around what is meant by a search by school staff. Maintain filters on school computers to reduce the risks of students gaining access to bomb-making web sites. This is not us versus them. Bodden, who did not respond to requests for comment, wrote that his priorities include banning the (New York Times) 1619 project, Critical Race Theory and any equity-based curriculum for our schools., If we see large-scale involvement of political parties in elections at this level, you are going to run out so many good candidates, said Johannes. All safety measures will be activated and an update will be sent later today. One Maryland school district experienced more than 150 bomb threats and 55 associated arrests in one school year. One, Making a Baby, deals with pregnancy; the other, Its Perfectly Normal, contains illustrations of human anatomy, gender and sexuality. Codd confirmed that BSOs Bomb Squad and BSOs Threat Management Unit are on campus investigating. Our sessions accommodate new and veteran dancers, all of whom enjoy the physical and mental workout that comes with square dancing. SSC will operate on an eLearning Day Schedule today. WASHINGTON COUNTY, Oh. School Security & Emergency Preparedness Training, Managing Administrator & SRO Programs Training & Consultation, School Security & Emergency Preparedness Risk Vulnerability Threat Assessments, School Safety Roundtables: Electronic Teleconferences, Proactive School Security & Emergency Planning Book, 2015 national study of more than 800 violent school bomb threat and shooting threats, Proactive School Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning, School Security & Emergency Preparedness Risk/Vulnerability/Threat Assessments, School Security & Emergency Preparedness Professional Development Training, School Safety Roundtables: Electronic Teleconference Consultations, School Resource Officer/Police & Administrator Training, Post-Crisis School Safety Support Consulting, Increased school gun confiscations and use on campus: 10 steps to strengthen school safety and security, How Congress and the Biden Administration can restore meaningful programs to strengthen school safety, security, and emergency preparedness, School security expert witness says school safety civil lawsuits point to allegations of failures of human factors, not failures of security equipment and technology, Is remote learning the new crutch for school administrators when safety threats occur? The following school districts also reported delays/closings Friday: A spokesperson with the Johnson County Sheriff's Office told 13News that not all Johnson County schools received the threat. Subscribe to ournewsletterto get our investigative stories and Friday news roundup. We found that 30% of the schools evacuated and 10% closed school, oftentimes unnecessarily doing so, which revealed a need for school threat assessment training. He pushed to end school mask mandates during the pandemic. Trends Analytics. Several of its recent lawsuits target protections for transgender students, including challenging Madison Metropolitan School Districts allowance of students to choose their pronouns without informing parents. It turned into a big talking point: We need those candidates to save us from the pornography, even though no one seems to be able to show us that it exists, Johannes said. Today, Friday, April 14h will be an eLearning day. A final notification about athletic and ECA events will be communicated as soon as we have made a determination. May 18, 2023. In July 2020, two months after Floyds murder and amid nationwide protests against violence inflicted upon Black Americans, the mother of a Black Kiel High School student discovered racist messages in her sons football teammate group chat. Exactly when that shift started depends on whom you ask, but Kiel Police Chief Dave Funkhouser said it started in the schools. Berg said WILL aimed to protect both sides by withholding the notes from its narrative. On June 2, school board members emerged from a closed meeting to pronounce the Title IX investigation closed in an unsigned letter. Many who spoke to a reporter requested anonymity and out-of-view meeting spots. See more. It was the crossroads of COVID, isolation, bad grades, bad teaching policies, bad administration, he said. The standoff resulted in police killing the parent, who had a gun and seven bomb devices as a part of his siege. By May, Kiels political factions clashed over the direction of schools, public libraries and even the local farmers market. For questions regarding republishing rules please contact Andy Hall, executive director,, by Mario Koran / Wisconsin Watch, Wisconsin Watch July 16, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

. The FBI has offered assistance as law enforcement continues to search for whomever issued the bomb threats that paralyzed Kiel. Assess the location of school pay phones (should any still exist on your campus) and consider reducing, limiting, and/or relocating the number of pay phones should they exist on campus. Closer than this community has ever felt as it pertains to physical violence.. Inflatable bounce houses coming to Castleton Square Mall for a limited time, LL Cool J bringing star-filled lineup to Indianapolis in first arena tour in 30 years, Monday morning Live Doppler 13 forecast May 1, 2023, May starts with temperatures 20 below average | April 30, 2023, Henry County teachers now equipped with lifesaving technology, Indiana schools receiving almost $23 million in school safety grants, Center Grove Schools using high-tech crisis alert system, putting security at staff's fingertips, Indianapolis preschool conducts training for active shooter scenarios, Securing our schools: How Jay County is keeping kids safe, Talking to kids about anxiety after Nashville school shooting, Tipton Community School Corp.: E-Learning, Western School Corporation: Two-hour delay. 6:00 PM Bilingual PAC . FORT LAUDERDALE - A bomb threat led to the temporary evacuation of a Pompano Beach school. Wisconsin has some of the countrys starkest disparities between white and Black residents in education, public health, housing, criminal justice and income. 6:00 PM Board of Education Meeting . Lianne Milton contributed photography for Wisconsin Watch. WebSeveral bomb threats prompted evacuations at four schools in Lake County on Monday. Luke Berg, an attorney from the powerful conservative law firm Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), represented the accused boys. Dont sell the story it may not be marketed as an individual product. Good morning, Noblesville Schools families. COVID has affected our club activities as it has most everything else. Some things are not up and running yet as before (for example, the Square Time publication is only on-line at present). We require proof of at least three vaccinations and, though not mandatory, we encourage dancers to wear masks for the time being. Like the Orange Public Schools incident, anxiety ran high in this universitys school community. School safety and emergency preparedness guidelines may include strategies such as: Information on school bomb threats and other school emergency preparedness issues is available in Kens latest book,Proactive School Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning. This is Kiel against hate, Kim Konen said. More than 20 people offered public comments; only two supported limiting access to books. Our study revealed that more than 70% of the threats involved shooting and/or bomb threats. All students were reported safe and let out of school early. ; 2nd car thief still at large, 7-year-old girl airlifted after being bitten by dog in Miami Gardens, Investigations underway after 2 pest control workers die, 3rd critically ill after weekend work at Pompano Beach warehouse, BSO: Father charged after accidentally placing loaded gun in students bag. Copyright 1996-2023 by National School Safety and Security Services. The school districts handling of race suddenly dominated the school board contest, alongside falling pandemic-era test scores and false claims of pornography in the local library. They were helpful in trying to resolve things, he told Wisconsin Watch. School bus drivers and transportation supervisors should play an integral role in bomb threat and suspicious device training. Recognize that some bombers, terrorists, and related offenders who plant bombs also place secondary explosive devices to harm first responders and others after an initial bomb is located and/or exploded. Several public buildings in Kiel, Wis., including City Hall, have been targets of multiple bomb threats. Eventually all schools, the public library, city hall, wastewater treatment plant, stores and all roads into and out of the city. In a recent update, police tweeted that the lockdown had ended and that students will be released to their parents from inside the school. We also try to do a couple of demonstrations each year to help raise awareness, interest, and participation in the activity we all enjoy. Summary. Calumet City police spokesperson Sean Howard said someone called Carol Moseley Braun Elementary School Thursday morning to say there was a bomb inside Because hes white and straight? Its not the Taliban, and its certainly not 1939 Germany.. The right wing extremists will see that this tactic has worked, she said. Shortly after 9:30 a.m., the FBI Indianapolis division tweeted that it was "aware of these threats, and we are working in coordination with our state and local enforcement partners to investigate. I dont believe it got out of hand, but it got close, Harden said. Deputies say he allegedly But sometime over the past two years, an insidious force began tearing at the communitys fabric, about two dozen residents told Wisconsin Watch. Christianity and Critical Race Theory (CRT) cannot coexist; therefore, I cannot vote for any of the current board members who voted to support CRT, it said. First, the middle school, then multiple Kiel schools. I spoke to the Edinburgh Police Department and the Johnson County Sheriff's Department. School administrators, safety officials, crisis teams and staff should be trained and schools should have guidelines for handling bomb threats and suspicious devices on campus. The bullied student eventually transferred to a more diverse neighboring school district, where he graduated this spring. The final bomb threat came with an ultimatum: Drop the Title IX investigation or much of Kiel would face violence. Wisconsin Watch will dive deeper into the episode in a follow up story. WILL has proved remarkably successful in fighting pandemic restrictions and racial justice efforts while advancing other conservative causes in court. But some residents tell LGBTQ youth: you are not alone., Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Several public buildings in Kiel, Wis., including the towns main arteries, were targets of multiple bomb threats in May and June 2022. School board incumbents faced a whack-a-mole battle against misinformation. Place caller ID on school phones to help identify bomb threat callers. The person who sent the threats acknowledged the investigations closure in a follow up message, but promised threats to any Wisconsin school district attempting to investigate similar complaints in the future, according to WBAY, which received the email. We revealed this emerging trend more than five years ago. 1401 79th Street Causeway Koran holds a BA in Spanish literature and MA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Another major issue for schools involves conducting of searches following bomb threats. It always ends in terror. He said other officials hadnt spoken either before abruptly ending the call. As part of a settlement, the school district hired a consultant to educate staff and students about racism and harassment. Later, in 2021, a local resident accused the consultant of promoting critical race theory. Berg said WILL helped law enforcement by publicly condemning the threats and emailing the person who sent them, after obtaining the persons email from police. Officers from the Munising City Police Department These guidelines are designed to help site decision makers of facilities and schools respond to a bomb threat in an orderly and controlled manner with first responders and other stakeholders. That case is pending as courts decide whether the plaintiffs that WILL is representing may remain anonymous. First, Critical Race Theory is an academic legal theory taught in higher education. None was willing to be identified publicly, citing fears of retaliation amid the violent threats in Kiel. Im not sure how I feel about that. Matt Mencarini contributed reporting. Families have returned to their riverbank strolls. Residents long saw Kiel as a place where families stroll along river banks after grabbing a bite at Dairy Queen. Transportation facility and bus security issues should also be built into school security plans. Thats right, Steinhardt said when a reporter pointed out the lack of communication from his office. We have an Executive, a Caller and a fun bunch of members! Its an unbelievable scenario.. Unfortunately, many schools historically handled bomb threats and suspicious devices rather poorly. Nothing suspicious was located in Shenandoah School Corporation buildings during a search, Sproles said. Cold Cases Missing Persons Daily Archive. This is the United States of America. The public has yet to hear the transgender students side of the story, and federal privacy laws shield those details. Our team has been working on this situation since early this morning. The roadways around the school have been closed ", A spokesperson with Noblesville Schools said the threat was sent to "approximately 40 school districts throughout Indiana.". All content Copyright 2000 - 2023 WSVN-TV. Newsroom: (305) 795-2777. For more information on this site, please read our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. In a video, Ryan Harden, leader of Common Sense Kiel and the parent of a middle schooler, connected the issue to schools by pointing to a policy that allows people to return public library books to a school library. She took the messages to school officials, and the superintendent eventually filed a complaint on her behalf with the school district. Sports games canceled. The school Also secure science lab chemicals and custodial cleaning materials to reduce risks of unauthorized access to chemicals for making homemade bombs. School officials chose to shut down the schools for three days as school and law enforcement officials investigated. Its website, which has since stopped functioning, prominently featured a video of Rufo asserting a connection between CRT and Marxism. The districts swift closure of the investigation will send a chilling message to schools and districts that protecting transgender students could put them in danger, said Elizabeth Tang, senior counsel for education and workplace justice at the National Womens Law Center. Support investigative reporting with a donation of any size today! Watch for information from your school or teacher regarding assignments, or if that is not possible due to lack of access, follow up with your teacher when we return to the building next week. UPDATE 11:10am: The code red for Ramblewood Middle School has been lifted. Most recently, Koran was a 2021 Knight Wallace reporting fellow at the University of Michigan. Theyve chosen not to reveal everything, and theyre not obligated to, he said. Providing training to school personnel, including support personnel such as bus drivers, custodians, and secretaries, who are likely to encounter bomb threats and homemade bombs. Dont sell ads against the story. On social media, Harden called public library staff perverted and urged others to file complaints, circulating a form letter. The decision to close was made out of an abundance of caution and in consultation with the Center Grove Police Department, Homeland Security, and other agencies. Out of an abundance of caution, and on the advice of law enforcement, MCS chose to declare an e-learning day today, April 14, to provide time for an investigation continues into these widespread threats. The group is not anti-government, it says, but it helps members restore your communities to a constitutional republic, and hold court proceedings to bring tyrants and criminals to justice.. Right? one man said. Consider extending the school day or school year to make up for lost instructional time may be another necessity in managing such threats. Recognize, though, that many tech-savvy students are able to bypass these filters. For that reason, and out of an overabundance of caution, I am calling an e-learning day today, on Friday, April 14th. In general, the best practice followed by most school and public safety officials is to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis and determine whether to evacuate accordingly. Up to a pound of ammonium nitrate was brought to school by a Nevada middle-school student. Rabidoux, the mother of one of the boys scrutinized in the Title IX proceeding, said she also contributed to the groups efforts, and Mike Joas, elected to the school board in April, attended meetings. It is not the Middle East. The fact that people associate questioning narratives with hate and bigotry is asinine to me, he said. School bomb threats disrupt schools and create significant anxiety in a school-community, especially if they are reoccurring over a shorter period of time. Ten bombs, fireworks strapped to aerosol cans, forced the closure of a California elementary school. The library received 18 complaints by May, although seven or eight contained nothing beyond a signature, Davis said. Over nine days in May and early June 2022, six emailed bomb threats would land in school, police and news media inboxes, and the list of targets grew. Managing School Bomb Threats, Suspicious Packages and Evacuation Issues FORT LAUDERDAL E -- Students and staff at Ramblewood Middle School were evacuated as a precaution on Monday after a bomb threat was received, officials Public safety officials typically mean a visual search, not a physical search involving moving around boxes or suspicious items. That book also has images of same-sex couples, which helps explain why the American Library Association has four times since 2003 listed it among the most challenged books of the year. In 2022, nearly every local race became partisan. Our membership is quite varied in ages and abilities with everyone enjoying the fun and friendships that are offered. In April, Ty Bodden, who chairs the Republican Party of Calumet County, announced his state Assembly candidacy by touting an 80% success rate in managing local school and county races. CALUMET CITY, IL A bomb threat was called in Thursday to a Calumet City elementary school, forcing an evacuation, according to WLS. A blanket exemption in that policy appears to give the board broad power in extraordinary circumstances.. WESH 2's Claire Metz reports police evacuated the school due to a bomb threat that several people received on their phones. He also appeared to be financially outmatched. He has mixed feelings, however, about the violent threats used to pressure the board. (Lianne Milton for Wisconsin Watch), Credit should be given, in this format: By Dee J. INDIANAPOLIS Several dozen central Indiana school districts canceled in-person learning Friday, April 14, after a bomb threat was emailed to the districts, As a one-sided story about a Title IX investigation of students at Kiel Middle School ricocheted across the mediascape in spring 2022, hateful messages poured in to school staff, according to Kiel police. Assess the impact of student use of cell phones from school campuses. Backlash forced him to transfer and upended life for others in town. Another parent said the children were running and screaming, which frightened her. Others left their porch lights on at night a symbol for combatting the dark times. Questions loom about how the outcome might affect future Wisconsin school investigations and about what Kiels saga indicates about the trajectory of Wisconsins democracy. It provides lots of information, including news from other clubs in the Eastern Ontario Square Dance area, and details about conventions, jamborees, and dances. If anyone faces online harassment, Harden said, its him as detractors mock his family, leave negative reviews for his business and accuse him of running his own militia. We informed staff and parents just before school this morning once we had the most accurate and up to date information. (Lianne Milton for Wisconsin Watch). First, the middle school, then multiple Kiel schools. In the past, Kiels local races generally stayed nonpartisan, with little meddling from state political parties, said Eli Shaver, chair of the Calumet County Democratic Party. Ive seen fascism, Ive seen terror. A number of high-profile incidents involving bombs and bomb threats took place prior to the 1999 Columbine High School attack showed a trend we identified and trained schools to prepare for at that time: The attack at Columbine High School triggered bomb threats and attention to the need for school and police officials to assess threats versus automatically evacuating as a best practice. Mario Koran reports on education, immigration and issues affecting communities of color. Then he worked to flip the school board to advance his brand of conservatism. Hall, Wisconsin Watch, If published online, you must include the links and link to, If you share the story on social media, please mention @wisconsinwatch (. Since the Club is comprised of three square dance levels Basics, Mainstream and Plus we take turns for the teach part of the evening, and then dance to ensure we have knowledge of the new moves. For the moment, daily life in Kiel has resumed its normal rhythm. Instructional materials will be available on Canvas by 9 a.m. We invite you to explore the eLearning resources available on our website at eLearning Help Desk will be available for technology support.
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