For all we know the upper bulbs that sat on top of the Tartarian streetlights and found inside the homes of the Tartars themselves were not made from glass, but quite possibly from a type of quartz crystal. Then the underground children or orphans are brought up to the surface and distributed throughout to repopulate the world. From 7,000 years ago to the 1900s, Tartarian people mined Keweenaw copper at Michigan, US, to provide raw material for domes and coils throughout the world. He breaks it all down in a very unique amazing way and im honored to bring him on as a guest. During the winter, chimneys acted as pressurized electric vacuums radiating trapped heat inside of the chimney out through the fireplace, metal sculptings, and air ventilation ducts connected to the inside of the chimney. I am not a political advisor. The information presented on is not financial advice. Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms. Stay up to date on the latest articles and news from Noel. Interesting how the cars disappeared, reappeared again and were squashed in favour of the automobiles that require gas and oil to run. It could be why Khan chose the name Tartaria for the region which is filled with underground cities. Let's welcome our new friend Justfer You This aetheric energy would provide acoustical healing to anyone near the fireplace, air ducts, or anyone in or around the Tartarian home. Most people buy homes, but you sell homes. Look up every fair around the world, they systematically destroyed the evidence of the ancient cities. This friction would first cause the object to catch on fire. I am not a legal expert. The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out the Tartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the underworld if they challenged the religious authority. But only a few hundred years ago. Tartarian fireplaces were also used as a form of electronic wireless molecular transportation using the ionized aetheric chamber (chimney) as a means of demoleculerizing and becoming one with the aether itself. The Tartarians had hand held vials of gasses contained inside of a portable bulb, similar to that of a flashlight, mobile lamp, and a candle inside of a hand held candle holder. . The Tartarians were a tall people, averaging some eight to twelve feet in height. There is a Star Fort in New Mexico at Fort Union National Monument, just slightly sw of the parking lot. The property of being physical is not an attribute occurring only in our dimension but is an attribute occurring in all dimensions. Or were you one of the suckers who were [], Have a dedicated work space. You want to fight. They are worshipping Lucifer, whether they realize it or not, it is what it is. Real Footage of The Moon by NaTuber Tv Is Happening 24/7 - Artificial Chemical Clouds - Chemtrails Everywhere Real Hexagonal Sun With Strange Anomalies Layers of Clouds Are Moving In Different Directions at Same Time - The Hexagonal Sun Reality of Our World - Rockets, Space, Satellites, Astronauts, NASA, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Falcon 9 Key to Understand The Voluntary Consent in The Land of The Fee \u0026 The Home of The Slave you anyone's slave? Im defitineyl feeling it too! Are there benevolent forces mitigating what the controllers are really trying to unleash on our planet? Which are also formed by mud or being engulfed by what others are calling mud flood. The metal back plating found inside of the fireplace and chimney was connected to the rebar, upper tower dome, and outside metal poles which concentrated the power of the aether and focused that free energy onto the metal back plate inside of the chimney which ionized the air inside of the chimney. ~ CB, Staggering , Staggering yes. Most were wiped out by the resets which included fire, flooding, freezing. Youre cool. The Parthians rode horses ladden with shining armor that blinded their enemy and had fighting skills with sword and arrow and could charge on horseback with both hands free to use their weapons with accuracy of which they were no match to any of the Romans or western way of warring. IN my last newsletter I made mention of Rebecca L. Gould without ever giving a photo reveal. A toilet found in a Tartarian bathroom would have been constructed after the construction of the bathroom itself to be used by a non Tartarian individual. DelhiPlanet. You think the babys body is the mothers body wherein reality the bodies are two separate individual bodies. What happenned to these giants and their civilizations? She has been an enormous help to the TUC ministry ever since that time, editing books for publication as well as running the podcast and administrating the TUC community, among other tasks. Intro to the Past - Hidden History, Mud Flood, Giants and more. The great merchants of the earth didnt just paper clip key people, they also paperclipped their past. You claim to be spiritually awakened wherein reality you are just emotionally unstable. The Titans may have been led to Tartarus but memories die hard. And strange looking landscape shaped like mushrooms and chimneysand many of these are passageways to underground cities and tunnels leading to a whole underground world. The denotation of lost souls spending eternity in Tartarus the underworld is due to the Tartarian Empire having been buried and wiped out during the mud flood. everything from the graves of giants, high technology objects, stone circles, mounds, pyramids and ruins from . Their limbs were all in proportion to the deformed size of their bodies, and it was a monstrous thing to see their heads, with hair reaching to the shoulders. Several Im sure. 1. gegenie 2 yr. ago. 2. They excelled every other nation which was flourished, either before or since, in all manner of cunning handicraftwere brave and warlikeruling over the land they had wrested from its ancient possessors with a high and haughty hand. Aug 26, 2020 | Featured, Featured: Mud Flood, Flat Earth, Giants, hoax, Mud Floods, Tartaria. This is Yahweh's world and he hates us because we have the potential to be greater than him and to replace him, so he will do everything to All traces of the former civilizations dissapear except for some buildings and You affiliate yourself with a group of attention seeking unemployed school dropouts. This was partly fuelled by the World Fairs and Great Exhibitions in Europe (which also served to legitimise recovered technology) and also by the exportation and exploitation of convicts, orphans and slaves. And Im going. Take construction crews for example. Mudfossil university youtube, JonLevi, Philipp Druzhinin, Martin Liedtke The mud from the so called mud flood isnt from a watery briny solution of water and dirt, but rather the dustified remains of the Tartarians, Mayans, and other inhabitants that existed only a few hundred years ago. If the pop cultural phenomenon started by the Radium Girls are any indication, then these bulbs could have contained various substances such as mercury or radium which reacted with the aether or maybe the bulbs contained nothing at all and the quartz crystal itself is what reacted with the aether. Well, here is my latest update. And all someone had to do was flip a switch and a fan circulated that trapped hot air throughout the home or building. Some were wall mounted depending on the amount of sunlight absorbed. Many are composite images or multiple exposures designed to prove that these old buildings were constructed in the 19th century. Statures are diminishing after each deluge and with each new astrological age we enter. I bet you are wondering "how the hell do I save everyone and keep my promises at the same time" well I will help Mgtow is a way of life, not a state of mind, Was Trump on a boat during his speech at Walter Reed Hospital?, The riddle behind ancient super hero abilities, The difference between a male entrepreneur and a female entrepreneur, Ten things every professional male blogger needs in their life, You know youre a social justice warrior when, This is what sets me a part from the social justice warriors who claim to be woke, How to Beat Fable 3 and keep all your promises(spoilers). We also see how the name Tartaria would make sense to Genghis Khan as he was from the land of underground cities and must have known of their secrets. The MIC had already identified the emerging threat of supersized adversaries. Society had a title for their mothers. Higher dimension properties are mirrored in lower dimensions. May 26-28. The same tunnels where the rituals include child and human sacrifices and the blood of children is feasted upon. Thus, they ban anything that speaks of it as unorthodox. That costs money. These giants are humans just like us but much larger or taller -some 12 to 14 feet high. The mud flood theory is that a worldwide catastrophe occurred in which entire cities were buried beneath mud, sand, dirt and debris. Among many things, he traces religion back to the worship of the Peacock Angels, which were the fallen angels who were called by Enoch The Watchers, the same who mated with earthly women and had great giants in the earth. We all missed it. See more ideas about nephilim giants, amazing nature, giants. People later found and dug out the buildings, sometimes leaving entire floors uncovered beneath the ground, resulting in windows and doors partially visible in some instances. Understanding this will help understand most conspiracy theories, this is what they are hiding, our ancient past and our real lore and backstory. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Were you? We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. Tartarian fireplaces were not designed to burn anything. Why? Thanks! I knew it was a bad thing..but I always reasoned, slavery and central banking and more existed well before 1913. Have you looked into silicon trees at all? destroy us. These hundreds of discoveries all appear to go back to the days of Enoch before the flood. The inner surface of the walls in many places was adorned with elaborate carved work, evidently the labor of a master hand, and at the eastern end was a massive stone platform which seemed to have been used as a stage or pulpit. Like the crosses found on top of churches, cathedrals, and mosquesthe metal poles sticking out of the top and sides of homes and other Tartarian buildings acted as aetheric electrical antennas which harnessed the power of the aether and focused that free energy into the chimney. The Nahullo were said to be cannibals whom the Choctaw killed whenever the opportunity arose. So that area can be an in home office or if you have employees working for you then an out of home office. During the winter, the homeowner would close the upper portion of the chimney. I am not a political expert. Is there, in fact, a Master Plan to seduce mens minds and catapult humanity into a New Order of the Ages?. The Middle Ages are a Research Cahokia in Illinois, the place with the mounds that they would find giant skeletons in then the Smithsonian hoards them. The Sun. How this ties in with forbidden archeology is interesting as the entire region is filled with underground cities. Thanks again. The aetheric energy would ionize the gasses contained within the bulbs to provide illumination for that particular room. According to modern religionanity, Noahs Flood (which is just one of a number of deluges that have occurred during Earths infinite past) is said to have occurred roughly 6,000 years ago under the anti-gravitic ice canopy that encapsulated an Apollyonitic Earth. A theory I am investigating, Randy Maugans Read In order to charge the gasses contained inside of the portable bulb, the Tartarian would place the bulb inside of the fireplace. They say he was nailed to the cross of matter inside the circle. David Icke has written several books which tie in very well to this subject. They don`t want you to know the truth. Youre in a hurry. Did ancient peoples have advanced forms of technology that have now been forgotten? I will explain how this was discovered so you can discover it as well. Back then, NOAHS FLOOD WAS ALREADY A LEGEND. She is having a rally for him at the tea party tomorrow night, if you want to go and find out more. My arrival is predicated upon me speaking exclusively on the Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood subject, which has been plastered all over TUC over the last few years. You missed it. A similar technology was used to wipe out the previous creation; however, this time instead of tuning the EMVF weapon to break a part the cellular structure of steel molecules, the EMVF weapon was tuned for the composition that made up life, such as iron (in our red blood cells). That old dragon Yaldabaoth will be bound up and cast back GiANTs were real. Its secrets, once unlocked, point to an amazing and frightening future destiny for you, me, and the entire world.. I did a lot of research to make sure the geography and customs, and real names of people and empires where correct (even if our history books didnt mention it that way) in order to show the real events of that time period. 2. There was an ancient worldwide civilization that got flooded and buried under mud that archeology calls the cultural layer. Privacy Policy. The XM7 was actually designed to combat giants and not modern body armor like what the public was led to believe. Read more here: Did You Know About The Underground Cities in Cappadocia, Turkey, Going as Deep as Almost 200 Feet? We all discuss connections to what we learn and a lot of great info came from comments and chat. its true and intended divine potential. Be as critical of old photos as you would new ones. I cant tell you the last time I donated money to anyone. Designed by visionary illuminist architects and based on knowledge of the occult wisdom, Masonic geometry and sacred numerology, this Architectural Colossus can be traced back to the antiquities of Mystery Babylon. I am not a financial expert. Martin connected the Phonecians as the enemies of humanity orchestrating all of this and the stuff we learned about this reality is truly mindblowing. Interesting. Tartarians also used large cavernous underground dugouts or basements which trapped and stored cool air. The buildings that religionists use as places of worship in our present day originally functioned as hospitals during the reign of the Tartarian Empire. The information presented on is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. ", Then from, Horatio Bardwell Cushman wrote in his 1899 book History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indians: The tradition of the Choctaws . If anyone is asking for money or donations of [], If we go outside and look around, everything we see was built by men. Which would mean that the events themselves that are mentioned in the bible school tax manual occurred at least half a million years ago, and perhaps even millions of years ago or even older then. During the summer, the process would reverse and the fireplace and air ventilation ducts would suck in heat into the fireplace and air ducts connected to the inside of the chimney from the inside of the house and by way of the ionized air from the aetheric electrically charged metal back plate inside of the chimney would force the heat up the chimney and out of the house. How old does an event have to be in order for it to become a legend? We see the symbolism in events like the CERN opening ceremony, and Super Bowl Halftime events and of course Oscars, and Music Awards and in various other forms. So stay tuned. The heat output this type of central air circulation system would be dependent on the amount of rebar in the house, the amount of tensional stress applied to the rebar, whether or not the house had a tower dome and metal poles on the outside that were connected to the rebar inside, the size of the chimney, the size of the metal back plate, the size of the fireplace, and the size of the fireplaces metal sculptings. What is plain when we examine the little historical data and images we do have, is that we have been lied to in the most colossal fashion; lies so monstrous many wont believe it could be done to intelligent Human beings. Nor do I think he was on Air Force One or in a submarine. The sheer greed and ruthlessness is staggering. Similar to how Tartarian streetlights and religous crosses acted as aetheric electrical antennas, the metal poles and roof top tower domes on houses harnessed the energy from the aether and focused that energy into the connected rebar. You will see air ships and electric cars. Mud Flood of the early 1800's and the next major one is now underway. And that its in the middle of no where..I wonder what else was on that plain. This video is meant to be an introductory visual presentation intended to catch the interest of open minded people wanting to learn about the lesser explored topics and alternate thoeries of the reality of our earth and its true history. He mentioned Martin Liedtke from his youtube channel and he bacame one of my favorite researchers. The heat would travel inside of the ventilation air ducts and heat the rooms where the air ducts opened up to. So our modern civilization is only some two centuries old, and before that, for perhaps a thousand years, existed the great world civilization of Tartaria(Atlantis?) Not even 450,000 years ago. Since I live the single life I was able to watch e3 this year amongst the tranquility of a calm atmosphere. Before I delve into the process of reincarnation, I should mention that our so called soul is nothing more than the culmination of our consciousness and our accumulated memories from our own personal lifetimes. Photoshopping is nothing new. Take in all the picture evidence from Justins video before forming a conclusion. Streetlights that existed during the reign of the Tartarian Empire were tall aetheric electrical antennas. Julius Caesar, who added the months of July and August, warped the universal calendar into one that would endure his name. The rebar focused the aetheric energy into the chimney and onto the metal back plate which ionized the atoms of the metal back plate and the frictional heat trapped inside of the chimney. ** That would be totally amazing if true. All of the metal poles sticking out of the house and the roof top tower dome were connected to the rebar in the houses structure. I think linking the sources to research studying this stuff this out will be the best way then we can discuss and ask questions. The earth is covered in ancient structures and grids, we inherited all this stuff from the giants, the past has been erased and rewritten. KEEP ON PRESSING INTO THE KINGDOM.PRESS, PRESS, PRESS.EVERY LIE SHALL BE REVEALED! But now im rethinking this and thinking so many Royal Historians past and present and anthropologists, Like Sir Vernon Bogdanor, Mary Beard, and many others too who work with the BBC. Back during the Sumerian reign Noahs Flood was already a legend. In the case of the Tartarians the EMVF weapon was tuned for life such as iron molecules. Very compelling! Many believe this story of Gilgamesh to be true and has all to do with the giants of the days of Noah and the mingling of seeds and beasts. Before a major reset occurs, children are abducted from the surface and brought underground over a period of years. Tartarian fireplaces and chimneys were pressurized electric vacuums which acted as an air circulation unit inside of the home. Mud volcanos are real, and instead of producing magma flows they produce slurries of warm mud. The true history of Earth doco, 5hrs long shows it. Copper ingots used in the Middle East and Europe complex were mined and molted in facilities in the Americas. Chimneys were not used to route smoke from the fireplace and outside of the home; and rebar in the structure of the home was not primarily used to provide any structural support. We are seeing evidence of similar cataclysms and extreme weather events now and have been told to prepare. In the case of 9/11, the EMVF weapon was tuned for steel molecules. If you do have [], You know everything. The Vatican has never been raided. Rebecca came to TUC during the summer of 2021 after following the breadcrumb trail from Rob Skiba and Nephelim research and soon thereafter began following the Torah. Can we please ad Sir David Attenborough to this list as well please. It doesnt matter who we are talking about.
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