Send your news to: Susan Williams Stevens,; Doug Fuss, She survived her freshman year on campus pandemic style and is excited to go back and have a more normal Cornell experience as a sophomore living in the AXO sorority house. Ryan Hudson is co-founder of Honey, a program that aims to help online shoppers save money by automatically finding and applying coupon codes at checkout. Hello to and from the Class of 2004! Richard Hagelberg of Gary, IN, is enjoying 39 years as the CEO of Kidstuff Playsystems (commercial playgrounds) and reports that the pandemic gave him the time to play the French horn and publish Tannhauser Suite for 4 Horns. Hes hoping for a return to performances of the symphony and Broadway shows. When we moved into Phillips Hall back in 1955, many EE faculty members were of the opinion that the building would be obsolete in about 30 years. Hear Darnells fascinating and inspirational story about taking the wrong path in life, lessons learned, and coming out the other side. You can also check out Darnells op-ed in the New York Times. Read more about Utility Shutdown Request 34197; Utility Shutdown Request 34110. Son Eric 18 (CALS) works for an investment fund in Washington, DC, and daughter Anjali 19 (ILR) lives in New York City and works for a consulting firm. While in Michigan Law School, he met wife Pat, and they married in 1954. He gets increasing satisfaction from reducing suffering for doctors and nurses who are leading so many and saving lives as they lead. He loves his daily bike ridegood for the body and the brain! Martha is finding satisfaction in her ability to support charities, with a significant one being the regular donation of platelets to the Red Cross. He derives much satisfaction from my daughter and two lovely grandchildren, but Im saddened by the loss of so many friends and loved ones from the pandemic. Cornell University Inara is particularly missed by Mike Duffy and others who shared classes with her at Cornell. Adil Ahamed was promoted to managing director and dealer principal with the family business, Destination Auto Group. Her last 30 years were with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Inst. If youre on our class Facebook page, youll see the photos I posted of the two new dorms on North Campus: the wonderfully named yet architecturally incongruous Toni Morrison and Gandag halls. The structure is approaching its 40th anniversary and is still going strong. It has allowed me to engage in meetings, workshops, and concerts from California to Switzerland. It has been one life-pleasing experience. After finishing her pediatric residency at Westchester Medical Center earlier this year, Kelly relocated to Plymouth, MA, where she and Sean recently purchased a house. at our next Reunion. Bob says that these days, its all about his two children and four grandchildren. Barbara Bova Hamilton, last in this column 31 years ago, reports shes now doubly retired: from Oakland U. as professor emeritus of rhetoric, and from her own company, Test Preparation Services Inc. Barbara and her husband, Robert McGowan, have for the last three decades lived on Bittersweet Farm near Clarkston, MI, just north of Detroit and not far from Oakland U. I apologize in advance for any errors in this next news; it was handwritten, and my 66-year-old eyes are not as keen as in the past! Send news to: Alex Barna,; Gary Rubin, Now to news received in April: Evelyn Kris Hoffmann Huffman is still in Kansas City. If you sent us your news in the fall, look for it in an upcoming column! Kathy Dixon Leone ( has been mentoring teens living in group homes/foster care and working toward the reform of the Palm Beach County foster care system. Nina French Glover (St. Petersburg, FL) is living in downtown retirement housing, which she says is conveniently near everything for her. As we emerge from this apocalypse and begin leading normal lives, it makes one even more grateful for friends and family. Agreed, and nicely said. Our biggest takeaway from the pandemic was that Athens was much more responsible with COVID restrictions than surrounding areas. Dean ( and Mary Williams (Ohio State 63) live in La Canada, CA. It was also so odd to see Morrison Hall abutting my freshman-year dorm, Dicksonsuch a stark and somewhat disorienting contrast. Cornell hockey takes on Boston U. at Madison Square Garden on Saturday, November 27, 2021. Fred and Viviane Thomas-Breitfeld 74 live outside of Milwaukee in Brookfield, WI. Audiovisual and lighting equipment of the latest design has been installed with central control provided by a computer-monitored system housed in the podium. In January, she married Tom Nagle (Boston U. Two additional deaths of classmates occurred in this period. Pam grew up in Connecticut and hasnt been able to visit the US to see her parents and other relatives in over a year. You may contact me directly, at my email or phone below. Jessica Marcus was scheduled to participate in the 112th running of the Race to Mac, a sailing race from Chicago to Mackinac Island. Putnam Park Trail. He also asserts his biggest takeaway from the pandemic: I have been labeled by my government as residing in unassisted living and being a nonessential person. In North Thetford, VT, Marcia Dunning, BS Nurs 77, is busy gardening in the summer and cross-country skiing in the winter. Jeff gets the most satisfaction spending time with family, playing a good round of golf or a game of tennis/pickleball, and organizing an activity that friends can enjoy. Recognized as a 40 Under 40 honoree by the Chambers of Commerce of both Alexandria and Arlington, VA, Tom has earned a reputation in affordable housing within the D.C. metro area. She loves her pro bono work for the various Bar associations (New York Womens Bar, NYC Bar), for her synagogue, and on the First Dept.s Committee on Character & Fitness, interviewing new lawyers applying for the NYS Bar. Stanley Bryer 1946 Professor of Biomedical Engineering . UPDATE: Since publication of this article in 1994, Phillips Hall has been further upgraded as part of the planning and construction of Duffield Hall. She lives in East Hampton, NY, and is volunteering at Amber Waves Farm in Amagansett and creating collages at the Art Barge. How do you know if youre really advancing or if youre stuck? 83) and moved to Clearwater, FL. Two of them attended the Bronx High School of Science and then Cornell together. In articles for the New York Review of Books, Weinberg has not been kind to religion. Spring-term classes began in the new building on the following Monday with relatively few problems. Remember! Cornell's colleges and schools encompass more than 100 fields of study, with locations in Ithaca, New York, New York City and Doha, Qatar. It wasnt until I spent a summer here between junior and senior year that I had the time to really explore and embrace even a small portion of the natural beauty of this region. I have seven children and steps who attended mainly southern collegesnone at Cornell, sadly. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic was the feeling of being trapped! Robert Temkin, MBA 53 (Rochester, NY; says, I met a charming New York woman while in Florida for vacation. He retired for the second time after 20 years as senior director, Medicare counseling at Rochester General Hospital. Research Groups . Over the years, the administrative facilities have also changed. While summer has been busy, we took a short trip to Spring Lake, NJ, in July to visit (and surf!) He says his 65-year-old body is showing signs of wear and tear, and he had a rotator cuff shoulder repair and Mohs surgery last year due to sun exposure. Phillips Hall, Room 423 607/254-8257. You may also submit your news via the online news form or on our class Facebook page. On the other side of parenthood, Don, ME 95, and Sandy Lean Patterson just sent their third of four kids off to college, at some unmentionable school with colors orange and black! Sandy noted that during COVID lockdowns, she took up a childhood hobby: roller skating! If I dont answer, leave a voicemail, and I will call you back. Weve been married now for 57 years. Fast forward to high school, from which I graduated at age 17: to be able to receive a NYS scholarship, one had to be a US citizen. She knows that she cherishes every day and is connected globally in ways that she could never have imagined after this pandemic. Steven Colvin retired in January 2021 after over 40 years at the Minnesota Dept. The building was formally dedicated on June 11, 1955. Significant changes to the building began in the mid-70s with the advent of the controlled-atmosphere microelectronics laboratory, the so-called clean rooms in the fourth-floor north wing, which led to the establishment of the National Research and Resource Facility for Submicron Structures and the construction in 1982-83 of the major addition now known as the Knight Laboratory, the home of the National Nanofabrication Facility. Special congratulations go to her mother, who was 101 in April, well, and still independent! . Hello, Class of 2014! Wed love to hear about you, your partners and offspring (and even your offsprings offspring), your careers and retirement, and your travels and hobbies. We recently migrated to group texting so as to avoid seeing each others faces. Lets follow John as he zooms out of his living room to see and report on his merry band of 91ers. Bob McKinless gives us an update on his recovery from breaking his leg a year ago, stopping his extensive biking reported in some earlier issues. Raymond Disch shared that he is CEO at Sourland Mountain Spirits distillery, located in Hopewell, NJ, and spends time being involved in his community. Cathy is brushing up on French because she wants to travel, and she has even picked up playing guitar again. Howard Greenberg wrote that his daily life has changedbut not drastically, all things considered. Another professor actually remembered me, even though I would never (ever!) She has performed over 50 leading roles in the operatic repertory including Mimi, Cio-Cio San, Violetta, Nedda, and many others. Weve finished in as quickly as 44 hoursand as long as 72 hours. World traveler Gligor Tashkovich, MBA 91, told us that he just returned from the Republic of Moldova, his 100th country or territory visited. Rachel Bennett shares that she has joined Northwell Health Fertility. Bob Beringer ( in Topsham and Ken Wing, PhD 66 ( in Brunswick. Wed love to hear what has been happening in your world lately! PHILLIPS HALL. Class Reunion chair Kathy Menton Flaxman ( writes: Our family has been living a life that, as it turned out, was well-suited to the pandemic. She finds hospital work is challenging and scaryalways wearing double masks, face shields, gowns, and gloves. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic is, Wear a mask and get vaccinated. Most satisfaction comes from finally having time to join a book club, which takes her back to her undergraduate English major days of loving to read. She is gathering with friends post-vaccine and continues to volunteer for worthy causes, one of which is becoming a great-grandmother. Members of the EE Faculty worked diligently to prepare for the transfer of the School to the new building. Occupation of Phillips Hall occurred between terms (under the old academic calendar) during the first week of February, 1955. Photographed at the dedication of Philips Hall in 1955 were, left to right, S.C Hollister, dean of the College of Engineering; Mr. Ellis L. Phillips; Mrs. Ellis L. Phillips; and Cornell President Deane W. Malott. Her youngest son is getting married in September and her oldest grandchild, Samantha, had a Zoom bat mitzvah last February. We remain in good health. Life is pretty damn good! I remain optimistic at the opportunity and resiliency my hometown and region continue to demonstrate. I enjoy seeing my grandchildrens dorm rooms or apartments and hearing how that generation is managing now. Barbara remembers with amusement that, at Cornell, dogs had free rein on campus and in the classrooms. My son Alex, who was recently promoted to the rank of Major with the US Army, and his wife are proud parents of baby Alessandro. After law school in 1953, he was commissioned in the US Army Judge Advocate Generals Corps and worked for three years in its patent division in the Pentagon. After living in Toronto for 15 years, John Carnella (class council) and Mimi Joh-Carnella relocated to East Hampton at the end of last year. Best wishes to all. He had his gallbladder removed laparoscopically as an outpatient; he went in at 6 a.m. and was home by noon. Elliot Gordon, who with wife Linda lives in Princeton Junction, NJ, is retired but active in the environmental commission for West Windsor Township, where he is developing a Safe Use of Pesticides course at a community college. Elliot still enjoys playing the piano. We have just read a whirlwind tour of life in the Plague Year+, with stories of coping, support, recovery, and resilience (with more to come in our next column). Sadly, we cant travel, she says, but she has been cooking, cleaning, and gardening. I do a lot of art workmainly mosaic art, some painting, and photography. Theodora Todi Frizzell Frick says, At 92, I have slowed down. We love to see them! Lets Go Red! We have managed to catch up with Andrew Emmett, Patrick and Lauren Tingey Smith, and Justin Matthews 00 this summer and hope to get back together in the coming weeks. We are also planning weddings for our two oldest boys during the next six months. When Franklin Hall was opened in 1883, the principal occupant was the Department of Physics. Overall, the pandemic has tested individual and collective sanity. Echoing the thoughts of many, Ed Nathan (, along with wife Sandy, shares, My biggest takeaway is the frustration that this has become a political issue. They are spending time in the summer in their Old Forge home. And a special request: submit by email following the topics suggested. After eight years of dividing her time between Alameda, CA, and Green Valley, AZ, Carole has sold the latter house and is back in Alameda full time. All the classmate news Im getting is written in longhand! My heart goes out to those who have suffered so much loss. The pandemic has taught her to get over yourself and worrying about what others think. We are hoping to visit Upstate next year (both Ithaca and Owego, my hometown) when things open up again., My lifelong friend Roberta Paikoff Holzmueller (we grew up together in Syracuse) shared the following: We discover Cornell connections in all sorts of places. The first three rows have been rearranged for conference seating with tables to allow the room to be used for small classes and seminars. John hopes to see more Cornellians in Florida, where he has many Cornell neighbors. Please continue to share news of the notable people in your lives. And, oh my goodness, I think I had forgotten how much there is to do hereand how insanely beautiful it is. I have been working with the Major League Baseball Players Assn. She has also had fun picking up new languages on her phone app. Classmates, please continue to stay in touch. I would love to hear from my old friends and acquaintances.. Another way of expressing this is, more scientific thinking combined with human compassion. A large array of multi-dimensional problems (climate, energy, etc.) She has six great-grandchildren. While we were deprived of an in-person Reunion for our 50th, it is our hope that you will turn to our column not only for updates on the lives of your classmates, but as a venue to reconnect with those with whom you have lost touch over the intervening years. Steven followed her to Austin as a professor of science in physics and astronomy, before winning the Nobel Prize with Glashow and Salam. Easy does it, Paul! Shes also happy to be back in touch with Artie Sherman, whos now at the NIH. Phillips Hall. While Cliff is not working any longer, he is having fun delivering flowers for a friend who asked for his help. Carol Solomon Levine (NYC) officially retired in 2019. Hopefully at least everyone enjoyed the autumn and all it offered and got outside for some air and exercise. She teaches diabetic education and is a private health and wellness coach. Fred will be celebrating 40 years as the pastor of the Jackson Park Lutheran Church in Milwaukee this November. Ken wrote, The pandemic has put a damper on our usual international travel fetish, but we still managed to get to Kenya for five weeks this winter to see our daughter, and weve done a lot of road tripping in the US. They are not to be used for classes, research, or project teams. She is a member of the varsity dance team and will be performing at all the home football and basketball games, so well be making lots of trips to Ithaca this year! To this end, Amy and husband Bill also bought a 110-year-old house as an investment property in downtown Ithaca to stay in during their visits, along with their other two children (ages 16 and 13), and to rent out as an Airbnb. The program brings together Cornells world-renowned hospitality curriculum with aloha and the aloha spirit law. Read the full article here. I dont eat out, do wear masks, and wash hands all the time. Joan still plays golf but is otherwise careful about all activities. Their children are all engaged in trying to improve the worldone in Africa, one in grad school in international environmental policy, one a writer, one a social enterprise entrepreneur, and one a special needs teacher. They also have three grandchildren. I pray that our classmates are safe and well and will come through this nightmare as survivors, ready to convene on the Hill for our 60th Reunion. Liz Belsky Stiel writes, My memories of Cornell, from the distance of almost 60 years, are all good. She writes, Lockdownloved it. Both are missed by their families and friends. He is recovering from a huge fall.
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