If you need police to protect you, all you can do is hope they will. A passenger looks out at the 36th Street subway station on April 13, 2022, where a shooting attack occurred the previous day. Rather than alleviate poverty, it creates it, due to the inflation of the money supply and the currency debasement that follows. While the shooter was inside two adjoining classrooms, 19 law enforcement officers stood outside for nearly an hour as they waited for tactical equipment to arrive. lifestyle seminars on finance, health, and life transitions that assist employees with major life decisions. Tax ID# 52-1263436, conscription. Tillis and Colleagues Reintroduce the Protect and Serve Act to Punish We need your support in this difficult time. Consider it as an IOU the Fed holds, literally pieces of electronic paper that says the United States Government and countless mortgage holders owe the Fed $8 trillion plus interest. Also consider how ideas like liquidity crisis, lending crisis, or credit crunch, have been mentioned since the banking crisis of 2007-09. These measures would end taxes on the metals, reaffirm gold and silver as money, establish in-state depositories, enable State Treasurers to invest state funds in the metals, and more. The deferred asset is the amount of net excess earnings the Reserve Banks will need to realize in the future before remittances to the Treasury resume. For them, it appears that the supposed importance of reserve currency status is not about economic concerns, but is really a political project. After all, even if the US central bank (the Federal Reserve)creates $8 trillion in new dollars in order to prop up US asset prices, much of the world will take those dollars out of US domestic markets, and this will reduce price inflation in the USat least in the short term. Old police motto: 'protect and serve' now 'comply or die' In return, these government agents will provide services. This is especially the case when the dollar is unbacked by any commodity like gold, and is simply a floating fiat currency that can be inflated at the will of the regime at any time. It has gone all the way to the Supreme court, which decided there was no constitutional duty to protect that person. Police have shot and killed Americans of all agesmany of them unarmedforstanding a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding somethinganythingthat police could misinterpret to be a gun, or igniting some trigger-centric fear in a police officers mind that has nothing to do with an actual threat to their safety. At the same time, conscription appears to have been implemented as a new form of punishment. Sadder is the reasons dont matter. One of my favorite aspects of the job as U.S. Attorney is that I get to work side-by-side with our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners every day. Consequently, if the Fed wanted to sell these assets today, no one would pay as much as the Fed initially paid for them, in fact theyd pay about $1.2 trillion less. Is it true or false that police are no longer required to protect and AllRightsForAllPeople | You will notice police cars no longer say However, those in the upper echelon of the Fed may require a much more impregnable conscience. CurrentlyMississippiistied for 45thout of 50 in the2023 Sound Money Index. Required and excess reserve balances no longer exist, theyve been combined into reserve balances, and so, as the Feds FAQ shares: The Federal Reserve Banks pay interest on reserve balances. It has even gone on to fight proxy wars, funded drone strikes across the globe, as well as post-secondary education. After all, even after the pound sterling lost its status as reserve currency in the 1930s, it did not disappear. Even worse, when the dollar ceases to be the dominant reserve currencyan event that is inevitableholders of dollars will see their purchasing power plummet. Now before your outrage bubbles over, consider that the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed (most recently in 2005) thatpolice have no constitutional duty to protect members of the public from harm. Or, asReuters put itin 2019, the dollar is used for at least half of international trade invoicesfive times more than the United States share of world goods importsfuelling demand for U.S. assets. Those assets include US government debt. With strong support from the Sound Money Defense League and grassroots activists, Arkansas passed SB 336 in 2021, ending state sales taxes on purchases of gold and silver. Speaking of averages, if the average low-level employee read Mises or Rothbard, it would only raise more questions and leave them in an ethical dilemma, which could become quite unnerving. After all, it's clear that it is not necessary for a country's currency to be a reserve currency in order for that country to have a high standard of living and a high degree of economic freedom. People need guns. Last Wednesday, after a 24-hour search, a suspect was apprehended in the New York City Sunset Park subway shooting that . Mustthey risk their lives in dangerous situations like the one in Uvalde? has been to transition to a digital platform. Im referring to the corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country and calling the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House. This shouldn't surprise us given many of the narratives surrounding the dollar's statuswhich focus on China and Chinese geopolitical power as the main reason to fear a decline of the dollar. Other countriesthat feel the need to flex their military muscles to its citizens and the rest of the world include France, China, Russia and North Korea. And they certainly arent operating within the limits of the U.S. Constitution. Some found they could avoid the summons by staying away from their official addresses. However, a financial statement review would not be complete without a look at the fine print. Since the Fed does not recognize losses, the loss of $16 billion (earned $59 billion but remitted $76 billion) was capitalized as a deferred asset. Even government agencies with largely administrative functions such as the Food and Drug Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Smithsonian have been acquiring body armor, riot helmets and shields, cannon launchers and police firearms and ammunition. The balance sheet is primarily an accounts receivable balance, perhaps the worlds largest, which is to say that the Fed owns debt, obtained by creating $8 trillion out of thin air and loaning it out. On the other, seldom talked about side of the balance sheet, are the liabilities: The liabilities primarily consist of money the Fed owes to others. Let's start with the happier portion of today's program first. John W. Whitehead has taken on everything from human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, protection of religious freedom, and child pornography, to family autonomy issues, cross burning, the sanctity of human life, and the war on terrorism in his weekly opinion column. And as recently as 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putinvoicedsupport for abolishing conscription. Weve allowed ourselves to be acclimated to the occasional lockdown of government buildings,Jade Helmmilitary drills in small towns so that special operations forces can get realistic military training in hostile territory, and Live Active Shooter Drilltraining exercises, carried out at schools, in shopping malls, and on public transit, which can and do fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers and bystanders into thinking its a real crisis. Realistically, they could revert to the pre-2008 policy and pay no interest, or because too many people wont like that, then at least lower the rate paid to banks to something smaller, like 1, 2, or 2.5%. Its almost as if the Fed only makes money when it expands its balance sheet, meaning the only way out of this is to inflate the money supply. Of these seven outliers, legislative allies in five states introduced sales tax exemption bills, with efforts in Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Maine still ongoing. Ending income / capital gains taxes on precious metals sales is becoming more popular. It has never been painted on most p. Quite the opposite in fact, as any severe market downturn typically forces the Fed to act more, with more bailouts, more money printing, and the creation of more lending programs. Together, this creates a sense of invincibility and righteousness among the police that is used to justify even outrageous behavior while simultaneously creating the perception among the public that the police are untouchable. Thats a done deal. The police response to the Uvalde tragedy is drawing attention to a newer conversation without gun-law reform or better domestic violence response, cant we at least rely on police to serve and protect? For one, deficit spendingwhether for elective wars or welfare programsmust always be paid for, either in the form of price inflation (i.e., the inflation tax), or in terms of future ordinary taxation. The path to profitability is an easy one, consider: Last year the central bank earned $170 billion in interest revenue (paid by government and mortgage holders), then expensed $102 billion to banks, literally 60% of the Feds revenue. All eligible men are required to register through an online government portal. The jobs available primarily consist of office workers, such as economists, researchers, attorneys, analysts, and IT positions. All in all, reserve status for the dollar meansa lot more US government spending. This begs the question: if the police dont have a duty to protect the public, what are we paying them for? They are no longer officers whose jobs are to keep the peace. In the cases DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, the supreme court has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. Answer (1 of 6): To Protect and Serve, or some version of it, has been the official or unofficial motto of various police agencies over the years, notably the Los Angeles Police Department. Power & Marketis publishedCC4, unless denoted otherwise. What is the Austrian School of Economics? Perhaps more importantly, a world less awash in dollars will mean a world with less demand for US assets such as US government debt. Rather, they have become "law enforcement officers". Kudlow laments that a toppling of the dollar from that perch"seems to be the direction we're going in. Anecdotally, other than mortgage loans, small business owners can attest that banks havent been lending to main street for a long time, save for government backed programs. Often, discussion about the dollars reserve status creates a false dichotomy between total domination of the global monetary system on one hand and complete abandonment of the dollar on the other. In recent years, Americans have been killed by police merely forstanding in a shooting stance,holding a cell phone, behaving oddly andholding a baseball bat,opening the front door,running in an aggressive mannerholding a tree branch,crawling around naked,hunching overin a defensive posture,wearing dark pantsand a basketball jersey,driving while deaf, beinghomeless,brandishing a shoehorn, holding agarden hose, andpeeing outdoors.