Specific phobia A, major depression has a relatively high rate of recurrence Penny, a 4-year-old, has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Accounts Payable A. E. odd or eccentric, but not psychotic, behaviors, Which statement would be made by someone supporting a cognitive explanation for somatic symptom and related disorders? He has had problems coping with life and relating to people. Failures of society B. Deviance, distress, and dysfunction C. Adolescents who have a friend who attempted suicide are less likely yo attempt suicide themselves E. relatively easy to change with drug treatment, Attempts to understand the biological basis of depression has linked it to imbalances in: Shawn refuses to step out of his houses he feels that the entire neighborhood has malicious plans for him. C. Illness anxiety disorder D. 5 to 8% D. Social anxiety disorder Jim consumes cocaine regularly and is dependent on it. George feels very energetic and active on some days of the month and engages in gardening, washing laundry, and other menial jobs till early morning hours. Jim is most likely to be suffering from: Eva was five years old when she survived a car crash that killed both her parents. Jason, who has borderline personality disorder, is undergoing treatment that combines cognitive-behavioral therapy with mindfulness training. His symptoms most clearly describe: A. Agoraphobia B. Post-traumatic stress disorder C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder D. Panic disorder E. generalized anxiety disorder. It is likely that Ted shows abnormal functioning in which part of his brain? E. bipolar disorder, Bipolar disorder was formerly called: B. according to the National Institute of Mental Health, genetically, if a first- degree relative has schizophrenia, the odds of a person having the disorder rise to ___. C) C. Chronic but not lifelong course; in late adolescence or early adulthood c. somatic symptom disorders which of the following is a difference between transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which are used for treating psychological disorders? A. Supernatural forces or demonic spirits were at work She sounds like she may be suffering from ______ disorder. E. genetic factors, Schizophrenia may involve imbalances in nerve pathways that utilize which neurotransmitter? D. Agoraphobia sometimes develops in people with panic disorder You can get your paper edited to read like this. E. Martin Seligman, Bertram suffers from schizophrenia with symptoms of catatonia. Vivid reactions in which the person feels as if he or she is experiencing the distressing event all over again. D. Unconscious aggressive desires A. Schizophrenia d. major depressive D. Schizophrenia typically develops in late childhood or early adolescence E. social influences on underlying biological factors, Dr. Tomlinson is a therapist working from the cognitive perspective. D. Relatively easy to change with psychotherapy A) D. Emotional distress Severely traumatic incident C. Failure in school C. Psychodynamic A. Childhood brain damage Solved Saved Help Which of the following symptoms best - Chegg which of the following is the difference between flooding and systematic desensitization? Edwinas therapist believes her symptoms best represent: She has difficulty getting out of bed to face the day and has lost interest in formerly pleasurable activities. Highest among monozygotic twins Conversion disorder Social anxiety disorder D. Is a form of attention-getting Psychology 410 - Abnormal Behaviors - Chapter 8 Flashcards E. Erik Erickson and Carl Jung, Regarding panic disorder, which of the following statements is false? The existence of two disorders at the same time shows that Claire has ___. A. c. is largely unlearned, but can be brought under the influence of the environment She even washes her hands innumerable times during the course of the day. Extreme suspiciousness or mistrust of others Multiple personality disorder Specific phobia D. Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck ___ is defined as the process in psychotherapy in which a client reacts to a person in a present relationship as though that person were someone from the client's past. A. Diathesis A. Perceptions that occur without appropriate external stimuli D. An irrational or excessive fear of something There are no gender differences in suicide attempts and suicide acts Which of the following observations indicates that the child stands at a higher risk of developing psychotic disorders? d. alternating between extreme hopelessness and wild euphoria. E. the disinhibition effect, A diathesis is a: B. D. Dissociative identity disorder d. mood disorders d. the re-experiencing of traumatic experiences through nightmares and flashbacks. guilt c.) disorganized speech d.) negative symptoms b.) Katelyn suffers from anorexia nervosa, and Aliyah has bulimia nervosa. D. Severe disorders such as schizophrenia and depression are more prevalent in impoverished and otherwise disadvantaged groups Sonya's behavior worries her mother. E. the tendency for people with depression to show indifference toward their future, Because the anxiety is not tied to any particular object in generalized anxiety disorder, this type of anxiety is often described as: B. a Caucasian-American female Which of the following terms about generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is true? Compulsions are. They focus on helping him develop a nonjudgemental attitude toward himself. They become so anxious that they withdraw from their parents. Danger, distress, and dysfunction, Abdhur is extremely and continuously worried, even when making easy decisions and performing mundane tasks. a. antianxiety Coltraines fears are characteristic of: B. A cognitive distortion Jack experiences panic attacks in his office and in the park where he goes jogging. Owner, Capital His thoughts begin to race and he imagines himself to be the messiah. A. increasing the availability of serotonin in the brain. A. She is likely to describe abnormal behavior in terms of: A. Claustrophobia; acrophobia B. Obsessive-compulsive disorder _____14. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? c. intense surges of fear and anxiety that peak within a few minutes. E. a loss of memory due to a neurological condition, A woman asks into a police station. E. psychologists take into account the cultural context when making judgements about abnormal behavior, Phobias develop through associations of aversive stimuli with previously neutral stimuli. B. Somatic symptom disorder In the context of psychodynamic therapy, this process is called ___. Abnormal Psychology Ch.5 - 8 Flashcards | Quizlet e. antidepressant, compared to traditional psychoanalysis, modern psychoanalysis includes all of the following EXCEPT: D. Serotonin and acetylcholine E. schizophrenia, Freudian theory contends that depression: B. Panic disorder is characterized by intense physical symptoms Ron, a patient suffering from severe depression, is being treated with psychodynamic therapy. Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder. A. b. a lack of feeling guilty. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A mental illness that affects or is manifested in a person's brain and can affect the way the individual thinks, behaves, and interacts with others is known by the the American Psychiatric Association as _____., Rick has been distressed over a long period of time. D. Positive symptoms; negative symptoms People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): have thoughts that they cannot dismiss, especially negative thoughts that most people can disregard. A. Hypochondriasis E. personality disorder, Dissociative amnesia is: He feels upset and disappointed because he thinks of himself as a failure who will never succeed. A 50-year-old man presents with persistently depressed mood for several weeks that interferes with his ability to work. His therapy sessions are both individual and group. C. Dissociative amnesia Major depressive disorder C. The role of stressful life experiences in creating a diathesis D) Panic attacks represent a syndrome that can occur with . Personality disorders When attempting suicide, women tend to choose more lethal methods His psychiatrist is most likely to prescribe ___ to treat his condition. C. Panic disorder Physical; depression Psychologists use multiple criteria for determining abnormal behavior is false? Which of the following is true about cognitive therapy? Is the result of conditioning People who commit suicide are usually suffering from a psychological disorder, but are not insane B. A. b. is best explained by a different set of learning principles than those governing normal behavior E. epinephrine, In experiments with Little Albert, Watson demonstrated: During a therapy session, Ron starts to talk about his fears and expresses his intense, unconscious emotions. D. Conversion symptoms are an outward sign of unconscious dynamic struggle between opposing motives B. Disorganized thinking In the blank space beside each account, write the letter C to which a normal account balance is extended on the work sheet. D) A. C. Schizophrenia Hide Feedback Correct! On other days, he feels very depressed, inactive, and does not even get up from his bed. This suggests that Jack has developed ___. C) Service Fees Revenue e. to determine how factors like his gender, social class, and ethnicity interact to make him anxious, Approximately how many people are hospitalized for schizophrenia in a given year? D. Waxy flexibility According to the diathesis-stress model ___. A. Caucasian Americans and African Americans Borderline personality disorder A. Michael, who wears womens clothing when no one is looking Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid public places or situations where you might feel panicked, trapped, helpless or embarrassed. Multiple Choice -17 an intense anxiety of being evaluated negatively by others fear of interacting with strangers fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult an intense anxiety and fear of being out in public Previous question Next question b. Schizophrenia occurs somewhat more frequently in other cultures than in the U.S., and particular symptoms vary from culture to culture Hence, they must have moved the video cameras before her search. B. Lambic system and hypothalamus C. Violent, aggressive outbursts D. The failure of certain cultures to promote self-actualization Abuse or neglect in childhood C. Operant conditioning E. it fails to provide secondary gain, Eleanor is a quiet 41-year-old housewife. Before 1952, scientists believed that dopamine ___. Since the attack, she has been overly cautious and watchful. E. emotional distress, Physical complaints that cannot be explained medically are characteristic of: E. panic attacks initially begin because of their association with a specific situation, All but which of the following have been implicated in antisocial personality disorder? Social deviance Bizarre behavior, Disorganized, Catatonic, Paranoid, Undifferentiated, illogical thinking, incoherent speech, exaggerated displays of emotion, extremes in motor activity ranging from motionless stupors to bursts of hyper activity, preoccupation with one or more delusions or hallucinations, often with extreme suspiciousness/hostility, catch-all category for cases that exhibit mixture of symptoms, Biological factors, Diathesis-stress model, fraternal twins= 17%, identical twins= 48% B. Dissociative identity disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder requires a compulsion to receive a clinical diagnosis. Bipolar Disorder. b. antisocial personality By what criterion is Georges behavior considered abnormal? A. Dissociative identity disorder Somewhat resistant to change C. La belle indifference a. defense mechanism in which unacceptable thoughts are pushed into the unconscious b. a mild depression c. repetitive acts d. an involuntary, persistent idea, emotion, or urge e. delusions of persecution a. defense mechanism in which unacceptable thoughts are pushed into the unconscious Fear of leaving one's home is a. acrophobia b. agoraphobia D. Psychotic frenzy B. C) He imagines that his girlfriend is cheating on him when she interacts with others, particularly the opposite sex. E. a loss of a physical function that defies explanation, Which model of abnormal behavior is the most comprehensive? D. Medulla and prefrontal cortex E. Thalamus and medulla, What is the approximate prevalence of bipolar disorder in the adult U.S. Population? Xavier is very possessive about his girlfriend. A person that takes every opportunity to bring attention to themselves A. B. Delusions a. Hugh, a 90-year-old male Agoraphobia involves fearing and avoiding places or situations that might cause panic and feelings of being trapped, helpless or embarrassed. B. Of the "4 Ds" of determining whether something is a mental disorder, ___ behavior leads to real discomfort or anguish, either in the person directly or in others, especially family members. C. Highest among dizygotic twins Intelligent people are more likely to suffer from severe forms of abnormality Janie is most likely exhibiting hypervigilance and chronic arousal. a. repeated, unwanted thoughts, urges, or images. Based on this description, she is probably suffering from: B. ), (b) x+y=a\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}=\sqrt{a}x+y=a. D. An African-American female B. Genetic D) E. My partner is angry today. Identify the characteristics of useful information. When her mother points out a toy to make Penny look in that direction, Penny looks in a different direction. Which of the following best describes Shawn's condition? Multiple Choice -17 an intense anxiety of being evaluated negatively by others fear of interacting with strangers fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult an intense anxiety and fear of being out in public. She tells Sonya's physician that there has been a marked change in Sonya's eating behavior. B. Humanistic model A. Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud c. the closer the genetic relationship a person shares with a schizophrenic individual, the greater the likelihood that the person will have or develop schizophrenia D. Carl Rogers _____11. A. Dangerousness D. Multiple personality disorder What might this look like? Bipolar disorder, Roger is always trying to be the centre of attention, regardless if the attention is good or bad. 15%. A. Fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult. c. disturbances in the functioning of neurotransmitters Which personality disorder is Roger most likely to have? E. social anxiety disorder, In the diathesis-stress model of explaining schizophrenia, which of the following factors would represent a psychosocial influence? Dissociative amnesia B. Dissociative disorders include cases of people with "multiple personalities" e. Jake, an 18-year-old male, As described in the text, behavioral models of abnormality assume that abnormal behavior: A. Somatoform disorder A. Internal, global, and stable In which of these situations would an agoraphobic be . A. A. Prefrontal cortex and lambic system ___ disorder is a major psychological disorder characterized by motor tension, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectation or thoughts. It negatively affects an individual's vocation. E. Meghan, who is afraid of flying in airplanes, Pablo has an intense fear of giving oral presentations in class. _____9. E. emotional distress, Twin and adoptee studies provide strong evidence for a ______ factor involved in anxiety disorders. e. is largely the result of genetics, but can be influenced by learning, Garth goes to a psychodynamic therapist for treatment of his anxiety. E. bipolar disorder, The earliest major psychological model of abnormal behavior was the: D. Patterns of disorganized speech D. This disorder affects men more often than women Christopher has borderline personality disorder. A. C. Dissociative identity disorder tDCS stimulates subcortical brain structures, while rTMS stimulates the outer layer of the cortex only. D. Norepinephrine C. Biopsychosocial They have difficulty parting with possessions because of their deep intrinsic value The inability of young children to acquire phobias e. moderate, authoritative discipline, A class of psychological disorders involving changes in consciousness, memory, or self-identity is known as: C) 2.People with panic disorder show dysregulation of norepinephrine in the locus ceruleus. b. social phobia C) Abnormal PSYC (Oltmann's 9th edition) Chapter 6 Flashcards Which of the four D's is Natasha experiencing? A. This sounds lie a textbook case of: b. fear is a general feeling of anxiety or dread that is not specific to particular situations From which of the following disorders does Abdhur most likely suffer? A. Familial environment characterized by neglect and harsh punishment B. D. Tactile B Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Amos, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, has negative symptoms. She also tells the doctor that Sonya is always feeling either anxious or sad and that Sonya no longer enjoys going to the movies or going out with her friends. B. A. E. la belle indifference, Which anxiety disorder has the lightest lifetime prevalence in the population? E. a breakdown in the logical structure of thinking and speech, Perceptions are to ______ as beliefs are to ______. He also is very fearful of dating. C) Acute Stress Disorder. _____4. A. Manic-depression Tiana strongly believes that she is being spied upon. Which of the following symptoms best describes agoraphobia? b. irrational belief C. Dissociative identity disorder E. the role of operant conditioning in fostering aggression, Critics of the concept of dissociative identity disorder suggest: a. genetic inheritance Christopher informs his physician that there is a marked decrease in his self-induced anxiety. C. Hypothalamus and medulla D. Irving, who hears voices C. Schizophrenia _____13. A. D) Which of the following are types of anxiety disorders? His suspecting behavior costs him his relationship. D. Grandiosity C. Rick, who has an irrational fear of riding on escalators The interaction of genetic predisposition and stress _____6. Owner, Withdrawals D. Michael, who is afraid of snakes D. Sociocultural A. Dissociative amnesia Cash This means when she fails, she is likely to make which type of attributions? ___ is defined as the speech of people with schizophrenia, which may follow grammatical rules but be nonsensical in terms of content. She is referred to a neurologist who finds no physical explanation for her condition. E. 12%, Genetic studies demonstrate that the concordance rate for schizophrenia is: D) In cognitive therapy, the therapist helps the client identify irrational thought patterns and then challenges these thoughts. A. Hippocampus Which of the following best accounts for a persistent and unreasonable fear of a particular object, situation, or activity? Which of the following is least likely to be characteristic of a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Dysfunction, danger, and deviance Some days, it takes Fritz over an hour to actually leave the house. Machinery D. More men attempt suicide, but more women complete the suicide act E. people who attempt suicide and fail arent serious about killing themselves, The sociocultural model explains abnormal behavior in terms of: A- Anhedonia (apathy, loss of interest in things once enjoyed) B. Unearned Revenue A. Perceptions that occur without appropriate external stimuli Internal, specific, and stable ___ is the process of releasing intense, often unconscious, emotions in a therapeutic setting. E. roy, who is continues to use drugs despite the effects on his health and functioning, Although they have different symptoms and characteristics, dissociative disorders and somatic symptom disorders are often grouped together because they both involve ______ defenses against ______. b. less emphasis on the remote past A. Agoraphobia A. Biochemical They block a different type of dopamine receptor than the traditional antipsychotics. Disturbed learning process B. Jealousy IN- Insomnia or excessive sleeping Based on this description, what is Tatiana most likely experiencing? e. Schizophrenia occurs about as frequently in other cultures as in the U.S., but particular symptoms vary from culture to culture, With the medical model, distinctive patterns of abnormal behavior are described as: Which of the following symptoms best describes agoraphobia? C. Agoraphobia B. Phobias D. Schizophrenia is best described as a type of _____ disorder. D. Different eye colors He goes back to check that he has turned off the water and stove and locked the door. E. men tend to develop the disorder somewhat later than women, Ceci has a depressive attributional style. A phobia is distinguished from anxiety and panic attacks by being both a) physiological and psychological b) irrational and unexpected c) specific and avoidant d) persistent and narrowly defined persistent and narrowly defined Which of the following describes a severity threshold for a specific phobia? c. biplar d. 60% Which of the following techniques have the researchers used? They need to sleep near their attachment figures. In this case, it is likely that Laine would be classified as having: a. generalized anxiety disorder b. obsessive-compulsive disorder c. schizophrenia d. a phobic disorder D. a phobic disorder C. Classical conditioning Schizophrenia results from an express of dopamine in the brain. B) C. The tendency for people with depression to have maladaptive attributions style Harold suffered abuse and neglect after birth. c. claustrophobia This content does not have an English version. The one determining feature of abnormal behavior is unusualness A. D. Grandeur B. d. Betty, a 50-year-old female 4% A. Dangerousness E. conversions; diatheses, The disorder that most resembles common notions of insanity, madness, or lunacy is: He also fears that his girlfriend will break up with him. e. heredity plays an important role in schizophrenia, but biological and environmental factors also play important roles, Regarding anxiety disorders, which of the following statements is false? Which of the following is a behavioral therapy technique, often used for phobias, in which a therapist pairs relaxation with gradual exposure to a phobia object, generating a hierarchy of increasing contact with the feared object? His symptoms most clearly describe: A. who among the following broke new ground by discovering dopamine and its functions? Which kind of panic attack symptom does this demonstrate? b. spoiling and excessive indulgence Abnormal Psychology final Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following is not a biological factor that makes people vulnerable to anxiety disorders? A. B. Individuals who hoard only collect items of low monetary value. The smallest noise startles her. When individuals avoid places that cause panic attacks, they reduce their symptoms, thereby reinforcing this behavior. A. Diatheses; delusions Which of the following symptoms is a characteristic of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Which of the following determines whether a behavior is a disorder or not? Which of the following disorders is Sonya most likely affected by? C. Some people with this disorder mistake their symptoms for a heart attack 2. C. Norepinephrine and serotonin c. less confrontation B. D) Occasionally, she thinks about committing suicide. _____5. C. Conversion symptoms provide secondary gain These disorders constitute ___. I must have done something wrong, Which theorists are associated with the humanistic model of understanding behavior? Significant sources of stress may increase the risk of developing particular disorders C. There are underlying physical causes that are unidentified C. Psychodynamic Sometimes he seems to "freeze up" in an unusual body position for hours at a time. D. Psychological illness Cynthia is a schizophrenic who shows almost all of the symptoms related to the disorder. Which of the following disorders is included in the "Anxiety Disorders" chapter of the DSM-V? Classical conditioning C. Psychodynamic Psychological disorders appear with equal frequency in all cultures studied C. Psychological disorder As a result, he fails to hold a regular job and is seldom productive. B. E. irrational and distorted thinking patterns, Angelique has not left her house for two years, she is completely terrified of going out. D. Involves distorted cognitions as well as learning influences Highly resistant to change A) F- Fatigue, expectation that one cannot control important life outcomes, tendency to attribute negative outcomes (e.g., "why did I fail that test", "why wouldn't he/she go out with me") to factors that are internal rather than external ("It's my fault"), stable rather than unstable ("It will not change"), and global rather than specific ("This reflects ALL parts of my life") - leads to hopelessness, mood disorder characterized by substantial mood fluctuations, cycling between very low (depression) and very high (maniac) moods, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- ADHD, Autism, Asperger's syndrome, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- ADHD, childhood disorder characterized by inability to focus attention for more than a few minutes, to remain still and quiet, to do careful work, childhood disorder characterized by severe language and social impairment along with repetitive habits and inward focused behaviors, a childhood disorder at the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum; characterized by impaired social interest and skills and restricted interests, While 46% of the general population suffers from psychotic disorders, high percentages of people in creative areas such as poetry, theater, art, architecture, etc. She cannot really identify why she feels this way, and she finds it nearly impossible to relax. E. post-traumatic, Delusions of ______ describe the most common theme among schizophrenia patients. D. Psychological; depression E. some people with this disorder have a high level of intelligence, Schizophrenia follows a ______ and typically develops ______. B. A. Humanistic Poor judgment, All but which of the following statements describes antisocial personality disorder? b. to determine the biological cause of his anxiety and find the right drug to treat is B. Medical D) D. It is not really an abnormal condition Rocko is the class clown and is unable to sit through class without drawing attention to himself. Abnormal Psychology Final Study Guide FROM EXAM 3 The brains of people displaying abnormal behavior were defective Identify an accurate statement about the atypical antipsychotics that are used for the treatment of schizophrenia. Dissociative identity disorder, Natasha has recently been feeling extremely sad and having thoughts of self-harm. C. I have to get an A in that class a. psychological oddities D. Psychodynamic C. Generalized anxiety disorder B. Neurosis D. Others intentions B. D. Usualness _____10. A. Schizophrenia affects about 1% of the adult population Depreciation Expense B) They do not want to go to school. Identify Xavier's condition that resulted in the breakup. Which of the following personality disorders is Rocko most likely suffering from? A. E. psychological; anxiety, Individuals with antisocial personality disorder demonstrate all of the following except: