Benson's boss, Deputy Chief Garland (Demore Barnes) needed an explanation on why Stabler left. The history between the two is "complicated," as Hargitay told TODAY in February. The scene was a joy for fans who long wanted Benson and Stabler to get together. I work here, she says before dropping her bag and taking a seat. At the end of the episode, Benson mentions to Stabler that theyve been partners all these years and she doesnt know his blood type. (We know who Benson will always trust, though!). Then she recalls how he showed up drugged at her apartment in the middle of the night while Noah was there asleep. Before going out with the squad for their next case, Benson tells the detectives shell meet them in five. Stabler rushes over to Benson and turns her over. I wish I could trust you, Elliot, Benson replies. Stabler tells Benson to go hide while he answers the door. And this letter, Benson continues. However, what got fans talking was the powerful exchange at the end. The pretend arguments were part of setting a plan in motion for Stablers next undercover assignment with a group of dirty cops within the NYPD known as The Brotherhood.. He told me to trust him, and I know him better than anyone, Benson says. Stabler Christopher Del Sordo / NBCU Photo Bank / Getty Images. Each always mentioned Stabler's marriage as the answer which wasn't a "no." I can see why you scare the pants off of Kathy, Bernie says, before pulling out an old family photo album with childhood photos of Stabler including one of him dressed as a carrot. Benson later apologizes to Stabler for not telling him about Moss. Then Stabler confesses to Benson something thats been on his mind: His father staged a shooting while he was on the job years ago. With Season 24 premiering in September, we thought what better time to take a very (and we mean very) thorough look back at the "complicated" history between Benson and Stabler. "Yes, I am.". Cragen tells Stabler hes running away from himself and that he paired him up with Blaine so he can get a taste of what he is like to work with. I had kids the old-fashioned way, Stabler says to Benson after she points out how much effort went into getting those embryos made. Later on, Stabler drives Benson home and offers to walk her inside. Since Porter and Benson were already close, Porter overhears Cragen on the phone telling Benson theyve located their latest suspect, whom Porter is somehow connected to. Cragen's suspicions about Stabler and Benson's bond are right. Viewers know he went home with a girl he met on the street and woke up hours later to find her dead in the next room. During a briefing, Benson and Stabler have a sidebar conversation, in which Benson calls out Stabler for not telling her he was undercover. That was finally answered in last night's episode, "Return of the Prodigal Son," which you can watch on Hulu with a free trial. Whatever happened, were going to go, and were going to bring him home, Benson says. Later in the episode, Benson also chose to not shoot an armed suspect who was holding Stabler at gunpoint. After Benson tells him to freeze, Gitano quickly slashes her neck with a knife, and she falls to the ground. Cragen calmly responds, You know me better than that. Starting in 1999, Benson and Stabler were official partners at the Special Victims Unit for over 12 years, until Stabler's abrupt departure at the end of Season 12 in 2011. Fin tells Elliot that Benson has a kid now, and Stabler quickly responds, A son? Benson explains shes there because they lost contact with him, and she also gave him her phone so he could call Kathy. Stabler asks Benson if she recognizes the victim who had her card and says hell handle finding out why the victim had it, before tucking her in on the couch and asking if she has anyone taking care of her. The lawyer then drops the bombshell that Stabler's wife, Kathy Stabler (Isabel Gillies), filed for legal separation and if that wasn't enough, adds Kathy took the kids and moved out of their house. You said theres a woman youre in love with, Leonetti replies. At night, Kathy thinks her husbands finally home, but its actually Benson at the door, telling her that Stabler is undercover. Stabler then gave her a note he wrote to her, which he said she could Benson asks if theres anything she can do to help, and Stabler assures her he can handle it. Stabler, who was drugged while undercover, immediately goes to Bensons apartment late at night. You mustve had some mansplaining to do., Stabler responds, Well, Olivia knows a lot more about what went on between me and Angela than the jury does. So there was a depth and a little sexuality to it something that went beyond that. It's a little more general," Stabler responds. The audience never finds out the jury's verdict, as the screen cuts to black and the credits roll before the verdict is read. IE 11 is not supported. The two sip boxed wine in a motel room after busting a perp, and Benson tells Rollins "how nice it is" to see her "happy. Closet is an underrated Benson and Stabler episode in which Stablers loyalty to his partner shines, and it turns out Bensons been (un)intentionally keeping something from Stabler. Benson realizes Millfield, the New Jersey captain, is the one who tipped the feds off to her and angrily confronts her about it. At the hospital, Benson is surprised to hear from the doctor that Stabler is fine. Soon after comes a scene in which Stabler realizes his feelings for Benson could extend beyond work or so many fans believe. The top-tier scene, however, comes at the end of the episode when Stabler spins Benson around as theyre leaving the police station to thank her for being there for him. What the hell just happened? Stabler says to Benson as she walks out of the courtroom. Eventually, Benson is able to pull an iron rod from the bed and hits Lewis with it before getting her gun, which has Stablers mini shield on the bottom. This episode was a great opportunity for fans to see what Stabler and Benson would look like as a couple. Lindstrom brings up the subject of Stabler and also notes that Bensons co-workers are in stable relationships. He then asks Benson when she thinks her turn will come. Benson assumes Lindstrom thinks she has intimacy issues. Theres nothing to find. Then Cragen stands up and points out it was Stablers sixth shooting and that the whole squad is on notice., So what? Hows that for now? Note the "for now" part. Nice meeting you, Stabler tells Moss as he brushes past Olivia. (We will not speak about Benson asking to see Stabler in Episode Seven and being clocked by Beck with the words Maybe I can help you. A shocked Benson points out it sounds like Stabler and Donnelly are getting pretty close.. Youre just going to give him up?. He says Kathy (!) Stabler began talking about Rome as if he expected the relationship between himself and Benson to thaw suddenly, but Benson made it clear that she couldn't do that. With the help of his team, Stabler is able to prove Eli didnt murder the girl, but another man who entered the apartment did. She starts talking to Lewis about the things she could do to him after everything he did to her. Benson and Stabler share a personal conversation on her way out, and Stabler tells her the father of the current leader of The Brotherhood, Frank Donnelly (Denis Leary), was friends with his dad, who was a cop. A shot rings out, and both Rojas and Benson go down. Really? Thats the problem, she responds. Then, Stabler fires and hits Jenna, who ends up bleeding out and dying in front of him. Cragen pulls Benson out of interrogation. The case the two are working on is also focused on a woman who led a relatively single life, which parallels Benson's own at the time. Stabler appears shortly after to make sure shes OK and to arrest him. Read on for the best moments from TV'sslowest of burns. It is her death that inspires Stabler to take a new job with the NYPD that keeps him in the Big Apple. I didnt realize it came out so sexy, she said. In the end, Stabler helps Benson, like always, find Simon and backs her play while she confronts Simon, who has Millfield and is pointing a gun at her. About how many? Stabler says with a smile. The truth is, you know things about him I will never understand, Kathy says. Then Stabler appears behind Benson in the middle of his partners tough personal and professional decision and says, Well Liv, make a decision. The series premiere of Law & Order: Organized Crime introduced an item that fans became so fixated on, it became an entire social media movement: the letter. Ffans call the couple Rollisi. Benson, clearly caught off guard, emotionally says she needs to think it over and asks if she can get back to him. he shouts as he approaches her on the ground. The SVU team found that Stabler was the original target and it all may have been connected to the men Stabler was in New York to testify against. The person you love, Reggie translates from his mom. Stabler confides a few personal things to Benson, including that Donnelly named his kid, whom Stabler helped bring into the world in a parallel moment to Benson bringing Stablers son into the world in Season Nine of SVU, after Stabler. Although Stabler will be busy on his own show, Stabler is expected to appear on more SVU episodes. In that moment, Stabler snaps back to reality and realizes what hes said and who else is in the room and adds, I love all of you.. ), While driving with FBI agent Dean Porter (Vincent Spano), Porter asks if her partner in New York finds her as annoying as he does. They didnt see me as prime parent material. Stabler responds, Theyre wrong.. Im his partner, and watching Stabler interact with Beck through the window of Cragens office.). One morning, Stabler shows up at Benson's apartment, saying he was "in the neighborhood" and thought he'd give her a ride to work. You startled me. Newsom asks Stabler to share how that happened, to which Stabler responds, "Through neglect on my part fear, selfishness.". Juries see how close partners get, Hardwicke tells Stabler. Stabler says he also wants to talk about the letter but is too distracted by work at the moment, so viewers have to wait to find out! Law & Order: SVU, Part two of the so-called holy trinity kicks off appropriately with Stabler at church in confession. Kathy calls Bensons phone at one point since Stabler wont pick up and wants to know when hell be home. Benson Bensons home sick, and when she opens the door, Stabler says, You look terrible. She responds, Stop with the sweet talk. ", "Stabler," Rollins says. Hey, what do I know? Were going to find out whats going on here and take it one step at a time, she adds, before reaching over and grabbing Stablers hand. For the past decade, Stabler was abroad, first working on private security and then joining a terrorism task force. Bernie had previously noticed her pills were missing and picks up on her sons conversation with Benson. But old flames were reignited when the duo was reunited in the Season 22 premiere of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.Since the beginning, Benson and Stabler's chemistry has been undeniable, and viewers have Why did you give me that letter? Hows that for an admission?, Then take our hand, Benson says. They confirmed they didn't speak for 10 years after Stabler's exit, but Kathy said she initially didn't believe Elliot when he told her that. "It was my choice. Stabler also receives a call from Eli's mom saying her son was missing, which continues the crossover into OC.. She clocks Stabler for not answering her questions, and he responds, Thats none of your business. Stabler responds that hell take care of it.. When she goes into his room she says, Youre supposed to duck, to which Stabler responds, Youre supposed to leave.. The two most important men in Benson's life meet on Mother's Day. It doesnt take long for the door handle to start rattling as the animal smugglers try to get inside since they saw Stabler let a guest in. Similar to Fault, Burned is another iconic episode for Benson and Stabler that truly tests their partnership. We can never let that happen again, Stabler says. In interrogation, Benson attempts to arrest Porter for being an accessory to murder. Is that a flower in your cup? he says, before Benson responds with a smile and says its tea, hinting again at her changed drinking habits since she returned from being undercover. Thankfully, she wasnt hit, and Stabler cradles Benson in his arms on the ground. Stabler calls Benson to help him find Eli, who went missing with Bernies pills. she says. They both turn around to face the water, and Stablers already holding out his glass before Benson lifts hers to toast to partners.. Law & Order: Organized Crime MC Suhocki is a New York City-based senior multiplatform editor for TODAY Digital who joined the team in 2014. Should Benson and Stabler date? Debate between SVU experts She has quite the slip of the tongue during a discussion with her son. "She should try working with you," Benson responds in a moment of levity, which brings a smile to Stabler's face. She wants to limit their relationship to one night and one night only, but Cassidy wants more, making for some awkward moments. Stabler learns from Benson in this episode that her brother, Simon, is no longer alive and died a few years back after a suspected overdose. It felt good to hear that, Stabler tells her, clearly relieved to know that after disappearing for a decade, Benson still cares about him. "Half my genes are drunk, and the other half are violent and cruel," Benson says, referring to her mother, who had an alcohol dependency, and her father, who raped her mother. Still trying to seduce him? Benson, who grew up with an alcoholic mother, stands up for Valerie, who claims Miles has drug and alcohol dependencies. I like that shirt, she says and explains shes there since she heard about the squabble between Stabler and Blaine. Down bad since day one, according to many fans. At the end of the episode, Benson and Stabler each air out how their initial judgments about the case could've been wrong, effectively seeing the other's point of view. When Stabler tells Benson he found the swab, she calls him out for snooping and says she forgot to send in the swab and will send it in. Months later, former SVU showrunner Leight tweeted that the Season 24 premiere was supposed to pick up with Benson and Stabler sharing a dance alone at the event, but in real life, Hargitay had suffered a broken ankle and Meloni had grown out a beard to go with his undercover arc to kick of OC Season Two. Before 'Law & Order' reunites Stabler and Benson, here's where They hold hands and he thanks her for coming. Even on her deathbed, Valerie says Miles is the one who raped her. Webdid benson and stabler ever sleep together. Benson responds, You dont know anything about my feelings for Elliot, and you dont know him.. 1, Donnelly says while walking away. When my partner hangs out with scumbags, I like to stick around, see what happens, Benson says. ), Stabler later calls Benson before any of his kids to tell her Kathy passed away. But were willing to bet that a declaration of love wasnt one of em. I know that you are carving your way through a mountain of grief, and I have tried to be here for you. I trusted you. However, in the version of the scene that aired during the actual episode, the evaluator asks if Benson would choose to save Stabler or a member of the public if put in that position. Benson later pulls more info to help Stabler and the SVU team with their current case, and Stabler invites Benson to take a crack at their suspect in interrogation. After each of these lines, Stabler confirms Kathy actually wrote those words not him. Stabler approaches the hostess and says, This is my wife, Olivia.. Were familiar with Jelliot, but this episode gives us a little of Jelivia, and also shows Benson wants Stabler to come home from his undercover job as much as the rest of his family does. Maybe I should get him to use that metal bar on you and make you beg for your life," she says. Benson tells Stabler shes worried about him, given his behavior after the death of his wife and the grief associated with that loss. Is that too awkward? Stabler asks. At the end of the episode, Jenna shows up at the SVU office asking Benson if they found her mothers killer. After 25 years of "will they or wont they" chemistry, are Benson and Stabler finally poised to get together? Who knew one word, Wildlife, could hold so much power among Benson and Stabler fans? Is that how you say her name? Witnesses rush over to help Stabler, as does Benson, who calls for help. You still want him. Stabler retired suddenly after he shot and killed a 16-year-old girl who brought a gun to the squad room. I just think I needed to hear you say that.. And I guess neither do you, Wheatley adds before Benson walks away. After a decade away, Meloni reprised Stabler in the "Law & Order" universe in 2021 on Stabler's own spinoff, "Organized Crime.". She quickly hangs up before she can say anything to Stabler when people from the environmental group approach and ask whom shes talking to. She then tells him about the one man she thought she may have settled down with for good, and only offers up his first name, Ed. I have to work on changing his about that see if I cant make myself No. Stabler responds saying Bensons personal life is her business and that hes there to save her job. He tells Moss he wants him to tell the Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) Olivia wasnt the source of the leak as Benson walks into the room and asks Stabler why hes there. Stabler gets caught up in Bensons family life, and Benson gets tangled in his. Cut to Stabler in the car with Benson, who reassures him. I can't be looking over my shoulder making sure you're OK," he says after Benson points out she couldn't shoot Gitano since he was using the child as shield. You have no idea how bad things can get when a couple goes sour. Benson is quick to shoot back with: And eight years in this unit tells me that I dont need to be married to know when an abusive man is escalating.. Benson meets Stabler in the hospital, where he crumbles and falls into her for a hug (only their third one ever onscreen, but whos counting!). In fact Stabler doesnt appear onscreen again until Meloni returns to the franchise in the Season 22 episode Return of the Prodigal Son 10 years later in 2021. Ive been pushing as hard as I can. The line is especially meaningful because all Benson wanted for years was a family, especially a child of her own, and no one knew that more than Stabler. Caught off guard, Stabler at first seemed a bit conciliatory, then got twitchy, then hid behind the "talk to my superior officer" mode when Benson stepped up to let Benson tells Rollins she talked to Stabler before he went back undercover, and he promised her he didnt know the suspect was being put in witness protection. "It's like the ending of my family.". Benson and Stabler, also known colloquially as "Bensler," have become the new schematic for well-written police partnerships. After 12 seasons of SVU, Meloni took a step away from Law & Order, which saddened many Benson and Stabler fans. (Shes not wrong! Benson assumes, based on what shes seeing below, that Flutura has a hand in trafficking girls through the family business. Stabler mentions the risks of Kathy having their most recent child since she was over the age of 40. The partners' boss, Capt. She knew that she was going to die, and she still lied to my face, Benson says. During another heated exchange, Benson says Stablers current situation (a.k.a his divorce) is impairing his judgment and that he doesnt normally empathize with the suspect., Its not empathy, its outrage, Stabler responds. Richard Wheatley becomes the unofficial Benson and Stabler relationship hero among the fans at the end of this episode, when he (basically) makes it canon that Benson is the one true love of Stablers life. Kathleen informs her dad that this is an intervention, and Benson chimes in that the intervention is related to what the two of them recently discussed in the car. Benson forgets the phone call she was about to make and takes a seat for this conversation. When it's finally safe for Noah to return home, Benson calls Stabler and asks him to pick up her son. While Stabler isnt in this episode, he is mentioned during one of the most terrifying moments of Bensons life. Stuckey answers Stabler's phone when Benson calls, and explains that her partner went out for sushi (a crucial detail) and left his phone behind. Cue the Benson-Stabler love theme, which starts to play, while Stabler just stares.