Part of the dynamic she has with other characters is that they need to walk on eggshells around her, or else they risk getting her upset. Cat loves the dancing and singing kid's group The Waggafuffles, as seen in. At Mamaw's apartment the next night, Robbie brings Cat again. Then Jade leaves, speaking her stage directions. This disambiguation page lists articles about . Emily in Paris phone case: Where to buy Emily's Awsaccy camera phone case explained. Cat's hair has darkened since the first season. Shame really. Earlier in 2020, Victorious celebrated its 10th anniversary. In Terror on Cupcake Street, Sikowitz, Cat, and the gang about a big parade, and that he wants them to make a float for them, and perform in. All of our feline friends have unique personalities. (See: Candr), "I want you to meet my parents." Nickelodeon has often provided plenty of entertainment in this regard and many shows on the channel are held in high esteem by fans. [2] She is relatively friendly and liked by all the students. In Prom Wrecker, Robbie asks Cat out to Prome but she rejects him because Tug already asked her. One of her flirting techniques throughout the episode is to poke the boys in the stomach, around the belly button. They sing a song, but Cat skips a line because she thinks it's inappropriate. In April Fools' Blank, It's April Fool's Day and in a parody of The Wizard of Oz (called "The Wizard of Wazz"), Cat, as Dorothy, comes into the ladies' restroom with the video in sepia. Jade is also less hostile and more patient towards Cat than towards most people (even though she did once say "Is it a device that can beam you to another table? It is a common fan theory that she is bipolar, which makes sense, based on her changing personality. After they get out, the bird flies off of Cat's wig and Cat begs Robbie to fix her wig, but Tori tells him no and starts telling Cat that Evan will still like her for who she is. Cat acts very upset, but when Beck, Andr, and Tori leave, Cat takes a spare catalog out of her backpack. Other physiological disorders that can cause increased crying and meowing in cats include: Diabetes. With the video now in color, Cat, aka Dorothy, wakes up. In Survival of the Hottest, after Cat opens the RV, Beck gives her a small kiss on the head. In Cell Block Jade, Tori and Cat go against Andr, Beck, and Robbie to see who could go the longest without using their phones. In Prom Wrecker, Robbie asks her to the prom and Cat implied that she would've gone with Robbie if another boy hadn't have already asked her. Also, because she and Cat are best friends, Beck's girlfriend, Jade, has never once shown any signs of jealousy when Beck and Cat are shown together (possibly because Jade doesn't think Cat and Beck would ever be a couple and knows Cat wouldn't do anything to hurt her and Beck's relationship). Maybe the reason why she does that is because her mom (who does the same thing) told her to. (2013Present: Best friend; Roommate; Co-worker), Cat and Sam become roommates and best friends in the pilot episode and create a babysitting business to fund their adventures. "[Cat] was a really likable and relatable character that didn't survive solely based off her brother jokes," one reddit user previously remarked. After that, they become closer and more affectionate than ever. According to the UKs NHS website, type 1 bipolar disorder which best fits Cat according to Jayniac Jr can be caused by anything from a chemical imbalance, through genetics or having gone through stressful or traumatic events. In The Bad Roommate, she discovers a picture of Jade on Pear Maps that looks like she's picking her nose, and everyone starts making fun of her after she posts on TheSlap to not look at her on the map. Being especially chatty could be one of your cat's cute little quirks. Sam & Cats Super Rockin Fun-Time Babysitting Service, Dan's tweet about Sam and Cat's education, Image of Cat's plane ticket confirming her official name, Dan's tweet about the inspiration for Cat, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The inspiration for the character of Cat came partly from, Cat has an electric singing toothbrush, as shown in the credits and, Cat sometimes forgets to open the door as seen in. Her cute and fun-loving personality is evident in her frequent giggling and laughing. They sometimes fight with each other, but they eventually make up.[3]. Cat also has a tendency to mispronounce words. She can occasionally say something witty or intelligent but after that, it's a running gag that she says something that everyone already knows. When Tori asks Cat how Evan reacted to discovering what Cat really looked like, Cat becomes confused and realizes that after talking to him for five hours, she forgets to tell him she is a red-headed, brown-eyed girl. Tori's jealousy over Cat and Danny's relationship increases after the two make plans to go to the Kickback together, much to Jade's amusement. and tells her she's "screwed up"). She is also the only girl at Hollywood Arts that Rex doesn't hit on. This is the first episode that she has her hair in its natural curls. On TheSlap, Cat posted a picture of Tori named "MY BFF TORI" in her picture category Cat's Day at the Beach and captioned it saying "Tori was so excited to see me, she put her unusually long arm up in the air. Despite this, she has been shown to have some intelligence. Cat is not as easily offended by Jade (although in Rex Dies, Jade makes a death threat to Cat saying "If someone fell of this cat-walk and hit the floor really hard do you think they'd live?") Sinjin responds by excitedly saying he'll go buy a phone. When the two men of the Valentine family argue with one another, Cat hides under her bed. Cat Valentine is the bubbly, preppy, red head on the Nickelodeon show Victorious. Cat leans her head on Jesse's shoulder and asks him to feel her freshly-washed hair, then asks him what kind of dreams he has (asking if he dreams of sports, cars, girls, or one girl in particular, implying herself). Caterina "Cat" Valentine is a main character of Victorious. Initially reluctant, she agrees to goof off and hangs around with the guys, unknowingly leaving her friends trapped in the RV. Cat Valentine ( Sam & Cat), the same character on the subsequent Nickelodeon television series Sam & Cat. Cat the Way She Is is a question. Cat: Hey! Trina even asked for her phone number in Survival of the Hottest to call her when she left to go use the bathroom and hugs her when she gets them out, a hint that she cares for her. However, all three were too distracted with Moose that they were cut out of the show, Tinkle-Aid thanks to Robbie, Beck and Andre. When Cat once again starts playing around with the special effects (changing her face into a cherry pie), Tori finally snaps and yells at her, telling her that she's not helping and to grow up. He also comes with his problems for her and Sam to help him with them. Why Does Cat Valentine Talk Like That 2023 JK, Tori." Cat and Robbie are close friends. for example, in the episode i was just watching, cat loses her mind bc her favorite show is cancelled. [4] Cats like to be entertained and around other cats. This causes them to question their relationship. At last, Cat gets tired of Robbie trying to go out with Trina, so she explains to Robbie that you can't just assume that you are dating from a stage kiss. It's revealed that Hayley and Tara won because the karaoke club owner is Hayley's dad. Eventually, it works, in which Tori goes back onstage. During the movie, Andr's grandmother's pet bird (see subplot) lands on Cat's wig, and begins to pull her wig off. She is happy-go-lucky, very bubbly, and lost in her own mind at times. It's kinda cozy. The teacher demonstrates on Cat, as an example of how a fake punch is, which really involves sound effects. Cat: I thought first class passengers get to board the plane first. However, her storyline may explain why she is so incredibly dumb. According to Jayniac Jr, Cat is shown to exhibit traits such as inflated self-esteem, being more talkative than usual, having racing thoughts, distractibility, being incredibly driven or lethargic and having excessive involvement in activities that could cause painful consequences, all of which apply to having bipolar disorder. [3] There are still some traits that Cat has from Victorious, for example, her love for her purple giraffe, her craving for bibble, and her sweet, bubbly but dim-witted personality. Robbie seems to be there for Cat whenever she needs help as shown in Andr's Horrible Girl when Cat called him to come help her with fixing the house. First of all, you should understand that Cat Valentine is just. Some cats will also hiss if they are frightened. In Freak the Freak Out, they sang the song "Give It Up" together. He takes away their PearPhones and forces them to sit in the library all day. However, she snaps her fingers when she remembers the name of sweet & sour sauce in. In Pilot, Cat's hair was red and curly, though throughout the rest of the series it's still red, but straight. Ironically, the name Auriana would seem taken from the actress who plays Cat, Ariana Grande. She decides she wants to make a cupcake float, and the gang stays up almost all night building it. That was something that progressed over time. Cat asks why they didn't open the door, and Beck begins to explain when they all realize that the van that blocked them had left without them knowing it. Other products she has purchased include the Ball Freshener, The World's Most Powerful Portable Juicer, and The World's Thinnest Tennis Racket, among others. ", often said at the strangest times, was also said by Misty in Moody's Point, a sketch on the Schneider show. In Wanko's Warehouse, Cat goes with the gang to the big sale at the warehouse and accidentally sets off the alarm in the store. Truth About the Characters on 'Victorious' - DeviantArt "Animals that live with humans tend to use their baby behaviour towards humans because they find that it works. When she later books a second performance at the Green Meadow Mall, Cat is forced to replace her co-stars which results in them being attacked by the audience who thinks they're imposters despite Cat's protests of being an original. The next day, Danny appears during lunch at the Asphalt Caf. Also, her mom works for an, That said, several moments in episodes cast her as being more of a Bori shipper, being happy in. They've never shown any dislike towards each other. In The Hambone King, Cat is obsessed with practicing tap dancing as she prepares for a musical audition. Cat explains that her hair is red because her brother hit her in the head with a vase, which made her head bleed. One such series, that still has a following to this day, is Victorious which gave a breakthrough role to Ariana Grande as the character of Cat Valentine. She has made herself many outfits for her Costume Design class, including a Sikowitz costume, Little Bo Peep, a spy, and a superhero costume. This breaks Cat's heart and she sits in the Black Box Theater and wishes to not be comforted by Tori and wants to be alone. Her family's medical history points to one thing. In The Bird Scene, Sikowitz hits Cat in the face with a ball for an acting challenge. Sikowitz points out that Robbie has no plans. With no one wanting to wear one she asks Robbie if he would which he reluctantly agrees too due to their bet with Sikowitz. Though he truly seems to care about all of his students. In Victori-Yes, Cat buys a ton of Pajelehochos that she orders online. They arrive at Mona's home to discover that she did not die; she was joining a TV show called The Dead (so it would all sound like "Mona Patterson joins The Dead"). A new project is underway to decode kitty communicationand figure out if cats really like all that baby talk. In Tori Goes Platinum, Cat eats some of Mason's bibble (a fictional British food), and becomes very addicted to it. The series, set at the Hollywood Arts performing arts school, focuses on the character of Tori Vega as she looks to find her place at school and make a name for herself in the performing arts industry. She enjoys telling stories to old people, as mentioned in TheSlap. Many cats will hiss at another cat saying "Hey stop it" or "Get away". ", Things went from bad to worse once Sam & Cat took over, which Billboard blamed on the sitcoms "decidedly sour tone. Cat explains how she got the magazine while visiting her "uncle and uncle" in San Francisco. However, the reason behind Cats quirkiness seems to have been revealed in a video on, a website where fans got to see extra bits and pieces such as behind-the-scenes videos from the show. Even though it worked for Tanner, Beck and another kid, it didn't work for Trina, who smashes Robbie's guitar after he and Cat tell her that her date stood her up. Then, Jade, who is Tori's Secret Santa, gives Tori the idea to do her own take on Andr's song, which he got a D on, as her gift, along with Cat. We see very little of Cats home life but we know that her brother is quite possibly mentally ill and that her parents arent always as caring as they should be. At the end, a question about the states is asked, and it's about the aloha state. She didn't understand toast until she bought a book about it. The character has gone from being an air-headed girl to being mentally retarded. Cat Valentine is neurodivergent. : r/victorious - Reddit However, while there, Jade starts touching a lot of things, such as a human skull and Elvis Presley's signed guitar that the owner has hanging from the ceiling. she's hyperventilating, sobbing, panicking. Cat didn't really know what happened to Tori and Trina, but she talked about the "I Love Sushi" episode of Drake & Josh. If you want to be as cool as she is, this article will teach you how to get her look and act a lot like her! Cat's persona (created by Beck) works as an 80's comedian who's very annoying. After Cat finds out that Moose loves hamburgers she tries to impress him by making some. When Jade breaks the guitar by accident she feels bad and tries to fix it. At Nozu, Cat meets a cute boy named Evan Smith on her way to the bathroom and they sit down together and chat. She carries around a big sack of it and won't even let anyone touch it. To be clear, not everyone is on the Cat-bashing train. ", Cat often mentions her brother. Robbie seems to be more tolerant of Cat's behavior, and Cat seems to be the nicest girl to Robbie. Cat Valentine, played by Ariana Grande, is one of Victoriouss most recognisable characters, in-part thanks to her dyed red hair. Cat: That is not my fault. The gang and some other students at the school get the opportunity to direct a short film with Dale. Upset with Cat, Mamaw introduces Robbie to Brenda, a shy girl who is apparently more Robbie's "style". Her name is short for Catarina, though she says her grandmother is the only one who calls her that and everyone else calls her Cat. Cat cares about what happens to Sam and brings out the best in her, and together, the two are able to get through anything. This causes them to get a bad score, and they get voted "The Worst Couple". The singer played high school student Cat Valentine, who was often described as talented yet eccentric and sweet but frustratingly dumb. (Sorry if it's cringe or like doesn't make any sense it's my first theory!) When they arrived at the hotel in Yerba, Cat is seen talking and giggling with Beck. Also, considering the potential non-canon nature of The Breakfast Bunch, Cat may not be vegan. It is implied a few times on the show and TheSlap that she was abused by her brother. Cat is an extremely sweet and caring girl with her head in the clouds. An exchange between Cat and Jade in Andr's Horrible Girl. Most frequent among these is her being offended at Robbie flirting with, or dating, any other girl in spite of her frequently referring to him "gross" and rejecting his advances several times. Cat is most likely afflicted with a mental illness. Cat became manipulative and was able to convince Sam to get more money in the ATM in. Rex says that he will be "partying'" with a couple of Northridge girls. When Sinjin tries to ask Beck and Jade a question, they start arguing. She puts her fish, Tofu, down, before opening a window to which a fan is attached. Her passion and genuine excitement for the little things that most people dread like school projects and work," Ariana added. They then go to Freezy Queen to get ice cream, causing them to arrive late to Tori's show. At first, she makes him a miniature ceramic guitar, but she decides it's not good enough after seeing Robbie's gift for Cat. Cat is also very flirtatious, as seen in the episode Survival of the Hottest, when she almost abandons and completely forgets her friends to hang out with and flirt with four cute boys. She also asks him what his favorite musical note is, and when he does not know how to respond, demonstrates her singing ability while leaning in close to his face, then kisses him and asks flirtatiously which note was his favorite. "Although Cat goes through the same ridicule as anybody else does growing up, she never changed or lost her childlike wonder To me she is actually a lot smarter, stronger, and braver than all the rest of us.". The 68 best Valentine's Day . Hollywood Arts High School[1]Sam & Cats Super Rockin Fun-Time Babysitting Service, Grandmother (Nona)Brother (unnamed)Mrs. Valentine (unnamed)Mr. Valentine (unnamed), Sam Puckett (best friend, roommate)Jade West (best friend)Robbie Shapiro (love interest)Dice Corleone GoomerButler TorsoFreddie BensonAndr HarrisBeck OliverTori Vega (best friend)Trina VegaErwin Sikowitz Del DeVille Sikowitz's nephew Jason then enters from another room, and Tori (in character, a police officer obsessed with Raisin Bran that wears a lot of red lipstick) flirts with him. One of the doctors then says they should call in a specialist when Cat scratches her nose with her feet. Understanding Cat Talk: What is Your Kitty Saying? - PetPlace When Sam travels from Seattle to talk about the web show at Cat's . What Is Cat From Victorious Backstory? - ASHIWA Cat Valentine Laughing | Victorious | we all know that laugh | By Cat: Yeah. In Andr's Horrible Girl, Jade has no one to hang out with due to her and Beck's break-up, she invites herself to join Cat, who is dog-sitting for her mom's wealthy boss. puppies, People who wear big sunglassesPeople who sip or sigh when drinking. Cat has been arrested three times, in Locked Up!. Why Is Catarina "Cat" Valentine From Victorious So Strange? Tori has to be X-rayed, and she and Cat discover that everyone who got their feet "smoothed" are in the hospital, as they've contracted a virus that attacks the nervous system from the fish saliva, which is toxic and full of bacteria. She plays and beats everyone including Cat (extremely easily in Cat's case), but Jade still tells her that she can't join. Also in Tori Tortures Teacher, Jade and Cat are seen holding auditions for Sikowitz, and Jade starts to feed Cat with cereal so she would be quiet but in a polite way, and Cat didn't seem to mind. ", "As we grow up we become more and more jaded and fearful of how we come across," Ariana noted. However, it is unclear whether she returns those feelings or not. After they have a good time dancing in the library, Beck and Andr help Robbie change his appearance by straightening Robbie's hair; when Robbie shows Cat his hair they both crawl across tables to each other in a romantic fashion, then Robbie touches Cat's nose. Why Is Cat So Dumb on 'Victorious'? Ariana Grande - Distractify Cat Valentine may refer to a role that Ariana Grande portrays in two different TV shows: Cat Valentine ( Victorious), a fictional character on the Nickelodeon television series Victorious. Robbie scoffs but then admits that he doesn't. She gets mad, and ends up throwing the pizza against the wall. In #GettinWiggy, the fact that her grandmother agreed to get her out of jail implies that the reason why Cat seems to get away with crimes is because Nona bails her out, dismissing the severity of the crime. Andr begins to dance while taking off his shirts. Cat Valentine | Nickelodeon | Fandom Cat: Oh, we need to put a word in your dictionary. In Locked Up!, Cat and the gang go to visit Yerba, and a series of unfortunate events lands them all in prison, leaving Tori to again mastermind their escape and freedom. Cat Valentine | Victorious Wiki | Fandom The audience loved Tori more than Hayley and Tara, so they were forced to take care of Trina. 45 6 comments Best Add a Comment (2008present: Good Friend) Cat and Jade are best friends. Befitting her bipolar tendencies, Cat's bravery fluctuates wildly. In the end, though, she only responds by saying that maybe she should dye her hair blonde, possibly because Cat was clueless that the song was for her. This is later on supported when Cat says, "Robbie, I thought you and me had something really special," and calls him her "kind-of boyfriend." Stressed out with repeated calls from his grandmother, Robbie invites a friend to come to Mamaw Shapiro's house that night, in which Cat accepts. Sikowitz is Cat's teacher. Trina in Survival of the Hottest, Trina and Cat never really interacted with each other until "Tori the Zombie", when Cat accidentally applies grizzly glue to Tori's face causing the two of them to drive to the company to buy the solvent for removal. He calls her "little red" because of her red hair and short stature which Andr Harris seems to be amused by. Cat loves it when Dice advertises his newest products. Tori reluctantly agrees. Cat thought diabetes was a disease that affects the butt and calls it diabootes. Beck pauses the movie, and Tori and Robbie chase Cat out. However, in a more recent video, she explains that her brother thought she was an intruder when coming home late one night and smashed her head with a vase, resulting in her head bleeding. Which is really sad. Cat: I won't say it. In Helen Back Again, Cat auditions again for Hollywood Arts by doing a short acting scene, then juggling, then singing a very fast, short song whilst dancing. The gang discovers that Dale takes all the credit. Later, she is proud of Tori completing the bird scene and loves Tori's new locker a lot. I only partially agree with that. The two are also seen to be hanging out with Tori the most in the show. In Cat's costume design class she makes a costume to look like Sikowitz. (See: Cori), "Andr: Little Red. They are coupled off, the pairs being Andr and Cat, Robbie and Tori, and Beck and Jade. They feel bad and try to stop her, but Andr's cousin exposes him as a cheater. Look everyone! In addition, Jade seems to be very concerned about Cat when she learns that she lives in school in Star Spangled Tori and she is the one that helps Cat move out of there and go live with her Nona. Beck and Cat kissed in A Film by Dale Squires for the short film they were making. Cat in A Film by Dale Squires, showing off a bit of her personality. [5] One of the questions stated: "In future episodes, will fans get to see Cat and Robbies relationship heat up?" Cat Valentine | Cat Valentine Wiki | Fandom Even though Freddie learns he was used, they do still have a minor friendship between each other. Tori leaves the table with a brownie in her mouth, possibly in jealousy. What's her number?" psychology - Why does my cat chatter at me when he's being bad and I In Survival of the Hottest, when she finally gets them out of the RV, Andr picks her up excitedly. The boss comes in and asks if everyone is alright, thinking that all the damage is caused by the earthquake, and is glad that Coober (the puppy) is fine. Dice Corleone (only in SecretSafe)Peezy B, CatsChildrenBibbleCupcakesNoodlesPotatoesApplesCranberry juiceCrapplesSingingDancingJustin Bieber's hairDollsSpives It's also a reason why she is always clinging on her friends, she was never noticed as a child so she wants to try again. It is said by fans that Cat gets more ditzy, strange and cute every season. Tori decides to distract Mr. Dickers so the others can get back to the library. ", As writer Andrew Unterberger pointed out, "It was one thing to see Cat get occasionally beat up in B plots on Victorious, but to see her take it on the chin from the genuinely mean-spirited Sam in the main plot of nearly every episode got pretty rough.". The plot line between Robbie and Cat was never really resolved after that. "Yay! I think deep down whether they decide to go anywhere with it or not in the long run theyre in love. (2011: Acquaintance) In The Gorilla Club, She is seen in The Gorilla Club and playing poker with the gang. Why is My Cat Talking so Much? - Pet Health Network (See: Catrina), "Look! Cat Valentine | Ariana Grande Wiki | Fandom In Who Did It to Trina?, Tori directs a play and is forced to cast Trina as the major lead (because Trina took her doll and told her she would only give it back if she could be the lead). In a video on TheSlap she reveals that her full name is Catarina but only her grandmother calls her by her full name. In The Wood, Cat is absent. Like Tori, Trina seems to view Cat as a surrogate little sister. Cat is very naive and at times can be over-trusting to those who can appear sweet but have bad tendencies, such as Gwen and Ruby. Cat then accidentally tells Jade about Tori's plans, causing Jade to have Cat assist her in finding out where Beck and Tori are going. Cat's Brother | Victorious Wiki | Fandom At first, the gang thinks it's no big deal, since Cat was only going to the restroom, and they think she will come back very soon and let them out. They are also confronted by a crazed clown before driving off in the car. While Cat is cheery, bubbly, upbeat, energetic, and is smiling most of the time, she is also dimwitted, absent-minded, random, and naive. According to her second Tweet Time with Cat video, her brother hit her with a vase (thinking she was a burglar/intruder) and the blood in her hair inspired her to dye her hair. In the show, Cat is the same ditzy girl she was in Victorious, and is a roommate to iCarly character Sam Puckett. Likewise, she says Tori should take more risks in The Gorilla Club and mocked her attempts to be a "tough girl" in spite of Cat herself taking little to no risks with regards to performing and consistently failing to be threatening. At the end of an acting class, Sikowitz asks for the class to share their plans for the weekend. Cat doesnt really know how to handle it, she's like, 'I dont know!' Cat: Oh, please! When the movie premieres, it is a big hit. Victorious Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. At Tori's house that night, Cat makes a gray monster mask and glues it to Tori's face, using Grizzly Glue, which stated by Trina, "is an industrial cement". When Cat comes back, everyone is relieved and runs out of the R.V. They call a window repair company, and the guitar and window are fixed. Part 1 How To Get Her Look 1 Learn how to have a general fashion sense. They seem to love each other like sisters. Cat is the only main character to not have any of her family members appear on the show. Suddenly the 2012 California Earthquake occurs and more things break. Beck and Jade come by and learn of Tori and Daniel's past and that he is now dating Cat Valentine. Perhaps once her character had been dumbed down a lot, the director decided that he wanted Ariana to play Cat in a ditzier way, and she found she could do this through her voice? She is a continued character from Victorious. Hint: It's about a very large boat. In A Christmas Tori, Cat is Jade's Secret Santa and buys her a new pair of scissors from a scary movie. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat does have her darker moments, however, being subject to bouts of hypocrisy. In Beggin' on Your Knees, Cat begins getting calls from North Star, an emergency help line for people that have been in car accidents.