so you know we're home and my dad's like YO, I like talking to us completely normal and then as soon as we're in the grocery store he's like Cheryl. It toast? Until three four five in the morning, you finally fall asleep. Nirvana shows honestly, but that was cool. I've never heard that yeah. Well, it's still a really cool name. Luckily, butcher box believes everyone deserves high quality, humanely sourced meat, but your bucks couldn't be easier. Oh, you think you're better than me because he feels like a piece of shit. toys yeah. We call things with my kids in it's so much fun. As you get a perfect line, muskrat of a blue methane flame, its remit to haul something. They provide access to online consultations with licensed medical providers who, if appropriate, can prescribe customizable skincare treatment made to target specific adult acne concerns. I might put those out like for me personally, I. that me, a writer. Much because I know everyone stallion same story, but you get off stage at eleven p m you're full of addressing, everyone else goes to bed because they've been awake all day, you're up in a different time zone. I stayed there, it started getting. Oh, it can be a beating when you're young. That was, as his big genius was getting supplies to where they needed to be listened to. Now, I've looked just like it. I cannot wait at an end. Let me know I'll pass them along, but Monaco have first wag at him, but you'll definitely be on that. I can't be baseline if I don't know what my baseline is because of drugs because of trauma because of gas lighting because of PTSD, because, as you know, in this kind of world one. May 1, 2023. Did you ever work with MAC Miller? I'm obsessed with MAC Miller yeah. Let's just say, in the nineties of South South sold six billion singles. The beautiful spark covered. The kids in the neighborhood said that the old one. Yes, you obsessed with the zip was fuck like I am. You go to babysitter could yeah. That's right, an amazing short story and all will heavy justified, a hundred per cent wow and that's how I ended up writing a book which is crazy. You want to go further and high diarrhoea. Look at this ridiculous. How about a blue Christmas is that on the one not so far on the list, we can add the word flat how, whence is so embarrassing? It's almost like, to call the cops and someone use bough drugs from like they kind of got you over a barrel holy shit. It can be really really tough, but by the same token, if I didn't do it, I would have probably fucking killed myself by now. I got into a relationship with somebody who was addicted to drugs and, as a result, my currency of expressing love. First, to tell me I'm at I'm not getting being really serious. yeah, and then we get back in a car and he like starts a car and bone, the child you're. This was touching- loved it. It's like I've had girls with boyfriends, whose boyfriends would tell me that my boyfriend cheated on me with their girlfriend and I'd be like thank you, but take that home with you. Laura Labo and Anna Kendrick are now tied for my most favorite episodes of Armchair Expert. This is what. I think it was like. sure and powers of organization, laterally lovers or something no, it was way cooler than oh. That's what it's called. That's what I again this time. I want you to be a great business woman and I turned into a lawyer instead or something because I'm constantly arguing arguing my way out of everything with him. Todays episode: JFK Assassination. George discusses how underestimated the role of encouragement is, that self-remonstration is the enemy of art, and how writers block is having artificially elevated expectations of yourself. to have because on one hand, I do believe that people should be compensated for their intellectual property and for their work and for sharing pieces of their life in such a way as I was, and most people when they make something they make like a tangible product and then they sell. I'm fine and I don't get my studio and I'll write something and listened back to envy like oh, I was harbouring, A tremendous amount of resentment about that thing right, good and then you have a choice to make them. Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard 1,464 views 4 Feb 2021 Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome, welcome to armchair expert experts on expert. navigated artfully. [00:00:13] We had a ding, ding, ding about sailing. Stay tuned for more armchair expert. I think I'm sure you do too. U brethren, etc. I was this like internet, thing that happened and there was a lot of them at the time, but none of them- and you went to number two right, I'm going to say it for you, I like to brag for you, so I went to number two yeah. Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard 1,227 views 29 Mar 2021 Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome, welcome to armchair expert I'm Dan Shepherd. Off your first month at K, I w I c o dot com and use promo code DEC. We are supported by Mugsy Jeans. Ashley. Forget the detail. I really started to understand those relationships and also you know what I think had a lot to do with. You know they be, would be a there's, definitely a lot of work to be done in music and it's a hard conversation. Can you know no? It could be a whole exhibition. . I think so, just because again, like you know, growing up not having a lot of real life. I had all these stepdad's that went wrong, and so yet we were a match made in hell at times, but we were, I have to admit it's so similar, it's crazy and yes, most of the things that, please help me over the years have been the things about him. Can I ask you a question? This ad, I agree that he'd we like, I don't care what you end up doing in this life. If I had something far. My people get a decent, are running and share in that kind of feeling, and then there is also this, amazing sense of your walking on stage in front of upwards of twenty five, thousand people, and you know that every single person in the room already likes you because they thought a ticket. like. If someone fast forward through a song of you, that's fucking. Oh Christ, you're just getting us on the legal battle after legal, She said it's not like you can address as a real axe to grind, She saying it's not like you, can not brush your teeth or not do other things disposed to do not exploit your guns and then just, useless drain and expanding around the companion, the category and oral healthcare yeah. Thank you. I want you to pick the last year or two. In a new interview with Dax Shephard and Monica Padman on the Armchair Expert podcast, he has opened up about how he wants to "break the cycle" of the "pain and suffering" of his upbringing. Michael recounts the day when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and his last great speech, the level of mastery of Jay-Z, and how race is shaped by the environment and context of the culture. What do you think- and I said a plus double thumbs up? John joins the Armchair Expert to discuss his DM to Dax about loving the podcast, his fear of putting himself out there and giving 100%, and the time someone tried to set him up with Kristen. It's kind of similar to that title! Thank you for that. So I started becoming more perceptive about the stuff that was on the radio and realized that, through my storytelling I I had a responsibility. Anna and Dax talk about apologizing after having fights with . Dr. Susan Liautaud (The Power of Ethics) is an author, teacher of ethics at Stanford University, and founder of Susan Liautaud & Associates Limited. Halsey joins the Armchair Expert and the two bond over vaping, ranch-style homes, and both having car salesman fathers. You know what I mean like my first consensual experiences with it was through reading a book, a book that was about female. It is the perfect addition to your day. Did you like him when he was a baby yeah? And before we move on to how hideous and discussing you are as a child, which I'm sure you are just please ask, Monica, her dating profile. I've tried to have that risk eleven sitting on it for a while that see. rational. No one will hurt me because I'm hot wrong fucking wrong yeah, because at least before. I was lucky enough to be in a position where I was like: okay cool, I'm not ruining my life, but I never would have expected some of the people that I know and loved and lost to see them go to. wake up and need or want anything right, never wake up and I'm a damn it. You got your new facets. Michael Eric Dyson is a professor, ordained minister, political commentator, and the author of seven New York Times bestsellers. Please continue! We come. I've texted, like thirty people, hoping someone is awake and I'm just sitting there in someone's, hey, so why don't you start medication and unlike but then I'm gonna, lose my spark? That's where you're going to make your living, oh yeah, yeah for sure, which is interesting thing, consider right now. Oh. Every single one of them is crying for regional or a bad one. the way that I am as a performer today, because every time I move to a new place, I invented a new persona yeah. I was sexy. Yeah, I'm lax approach took me to a place in my life, where I feel comfortable around the jaws of a dinosaur. I thought you were going to ask me if I would invest on there if we get it up and running yeah. I can go live in a crack den in Brooklyn. now when you go to apple music, now pay you with me so far yep you ever do the essentials like do the playlists option, You search for an artist and then you do it I'll say like essentials. yeah pit stops no you'll, stop at the bar egoism, stuff for gas. I don't I'm just sober right now. May 1, 2023. Can I just gonna, come, on him like an acid peel. I think you write when you're in pain, cuz. I was going to try to be Bukowski, so this other side. The guy talk about being molested. we're getting into this. when there are by no editorial sleep over his boys, laid there. You know: does this helps them better build the profile of the person there listening to sing yeah is like a companion, peace, yeah, legged directors, cut halls, z, p avi, I'm doing super super limited press in promotion about it. eating, also known as pyro Flageolets flat, They are very well by ruthless. I love Halsey too, and I really like her as a person. You know so I kind of recognize the spiral early and I was like all right. No, this is probably a published work. Oh my gosh, your pizza slice. Okay, like can you think of anything that this might write? You guys enjoy that. You know what I mean: it's nice to have people as a point of reference. Oh that's, weird. This is a theater of sports. My thing, If you end a sentence with- and I would fuck him so you could go like oh deck, yeah he's a dumb ass and he's so selfish, but I'd fuck him. That's awesome, so I can just opportunities are really endless? That's for sure war, yeah what action is the biggest logistical nightmare, member of the war in game of throne. I was constantly confronted by new people that I didn't really understand, but there are, something really great about it in the sense that well one, it taught me not to care what anybody thought of me for a really sad reason, because I show up to a new school and be like. Maybe you knew it. Good good guide handed the bathroom mirror experience multiple times, multiple, also like I've been in the bathroom mirror. Okay. That hall, these book of poems title reminded you of, but then you couldn't remember and you didn't quota applicant ass. So I was like okay cool I'm going to remove myself from that figure out what my baseline is and then kind of fix it from there. I actually have been dealing with that retroactively because, when I signed my record deal, second we're gonna go we're gonna get into my manager, the shrugged in the corner, and it was like now do whatever you know. What qualifies me for such an endeavor? We used to, with also was about two we'd say show. John sits down with the Armchair Expert to discuss his research on thin slicing and predicting marital success. Octavia Spencer (Truth Be Told, The Help, Hidden Figures) is an award-winning actress and producer. A podcast with Dax Shepard. When I was in junior high enough, do you suffer from chronic how a toast us in a few bad for the. Now it's this and just you know all these life rafts, you hope, will break you out of that thing and then they generally don't. This is in. Chad joins the Armchair Expert to discuss his experience at Morehouse College, how isolating code switching can be, and his journey to embracing who he really was while working at Google. Not everyone has convenient access to high quality meat. I think, People think it's bullshit that our own music, even all yeah. So sorry, I'm using my assistance lab top and she had a notification on. Now you came over the other day. Transcripts? Chad explains that race is the operating system of everything, how black people are expected to be bold enough to make a mark but not too bold to get kicked out of the club, and the theoretical liberalism of Silicon Valley. [00:00:14] He's a tall drink. Let's go shortly, everyone's doing that, but just, what a revolution harry thing now that in music people are really telling the reality of two or at least voicing their concern, or they now in pops beset, it's such a difference. Sam talks about his new film MLK/FBI: the red scare, non-monogamous activity, and racism. I found myself in a lot of situations like that is well ultimately wish that drug becoming less. That was a sore subject came out like that I'll tell people to a blue in the face it yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine! are you so excited to install them? They're gonna be ok and the next kid consented, and I give my, eighteen, th birthday. If you have an emotional attachment to a car, you're, no longer making a responsible decision, it's great advice. This is the fact I can hear it in every song being an addict. Robin discusses what he learned from the commercial flop of his first album and how his partnership with Pharrell started. Why? My debut album is double platinum, but my royal. Later, we'll also have some questions from the audience! I can control everything in and then so often I've written about things that I didn't understand. So you must be met. If that doesn't work, I was like, very cool, try again next school, you know you got a lot of resets yeah for sure, so it teaches you how to condense your personality into this salesmanship, which is really. Sampler with six grass FED grass finnish state, now here's how it works. I know many people who can do it. Mutton case in point is, for me Leon Essentials, ok, what a playlist, Hence the less any day made yeah and they label it essentials. Dot com expert get your first online consultation, free plus two months of acts, cream for just twenty nine dollars when you gotta for hers, dotcom, slash, expert, F, O r, h e r S, dotcom, slash expert offer only available if prescribed two month. Learned my friend, I'm his friend, I have a tremendous amount of fear about doing this. This year your child can get supercool hands on science, art geography, projects delivered to their door every month. Were teachers growing up all ways? Rushing hygiene reviews. They call that the Pacific theater do they call it the theater the theater. I think her situation is different than yours. I don't care if anyone here likes me because I'm going to move in a year anyway, which is sad for a litte kid, but it was also great because I think it made me. I know some of it, though, is like fuck. I could draw every animal by memory and I liked him because he gave me chewing gum and he talked to me in his low voice, calm and soft, not the shrill high pitched voice that they would use them, baby brother one day the didn't show up for work. Apr 28, 2023. eff won: Full Length with Daniel Ricciardo. people have known since you are young, you watch them grow up. I will attempt to discover human truths without any laboratory work, clinical trials or data collection. So what an appropriate time to update my native collection with their candy cane holiday, sent you get candy cane. I want to add one part, though, for people who can kind of relate to it. First of all, before we start one of my favorite numbers very stable, it's even it's two four. The pair big coming this pen saw me this pen, and I know this is a car salesman thing that has car salesman, energy policy, which is very very parallel to beady. I have been caused a tremendous amount of pain and had witnessed other people. Hence the act being known, a blue flame. what can't she do? No entrusted me, I was doing quite a bit of babysitting at seven yeah yeah, six and a half Carly was born. They literally exact same with likes approval is brought about my supper. Your favorite word is saw me. figure that out from your side right, you know, and I mean yes all this as a public. I'm worried about that. Charlie digs into Eggo waffles with peanut butter and syrup, 315-pound back squats, and catches glances of himself in the mirror in the middle of the night. My whole life does your dad and carbon, Yes, I always tell stories about how, when I was growing up, out with him with such a headache, because we never got home from anywhere quickly, because he would always run into someone he sold a car to defend, we'd be in the grocery store and, unlike thirteen, you know just a complete brat and don't want to be there and then I'm going to get there, I Toyota, the joy or and I'll be like I'll who the hell is this woman and this be enabling a solar, Chevy, suburban. So we're not doing it, you know yeah yeah, no one's complaining, it's just being honest about the experience, so I, yeah pressure, for I mean I always think that because I think the weirdest thing a bow and I am sure that you, can a bad Gillian per cent relate to this. Armchair Expert Umbrella with Dax Shepard on Apple Podcasts 85 episodes Armchair Expert Umbrella is a media/podcast network comprised of all shows produced by Armchair Expert. Amy discusses the expectation for women to come at success with a sense of humility, how much her moms encouragement and dads attention affected her confidence, and the time she tried to be a third to Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet. quarantine than I did. Looking out for you. this year for a child to do all my friends. Well, I guess, if we're gonna count, that I was babysitting at eight eight yeah. First, I'm gonna close this Youtube. Do you ever? I like sharing that yeah. Never mind said: eighteen, not twenty. I hated that of learned harness a hundred percent. Anna joins the Armchair Expert to discuss her experience being in a toxic relationship, how she feels about the term "gaslighting," and her strategies in dealing with a traumatic event. Yeah. I did not have, this idea, but it just crossed my mind and zero pressure. I thank my whole life, thus far, been an ongoing identity. Okay. 0:00:00 Welcome! It's not that deep. You should be sad, which was the second lead single off my last album and the hook of it is. Instead of walking into a room and being like, I bet I could fuck anyone here, you're young. It would be so nice or as if you had real chronic halitosis halitosis, and then you are also the phased of hell, but toes everywhere you at the airport, people public stay away from that person and then they be right to buy. You say that because I was actually trying to figure out where ever write, something indoor member where you're borrowing, All I saw the opening of this movie. I was already mourning the loss of the the person that I was with it taught, You're really valuable thing just gave me that real fucking reality check that I needed, and I think it probably did the same for a lot of other people too. David Farrier exposes Monica and Dax to a new conspiracy theory each month. Does he read everyone's knows in it were just forced? That may be is not healthy. This has been an absolute pleasure and a delight in a blast, and I thank you so much and I hope I cross pass with you in this glorious city of, I hope so too. One thing you forgot to ask is this: is the notes session why her name is hot? saying that I get a very warped world view from. Armchair Expert Umbrella with Dax Shepard Armchair Umbrella Comedy 4.6 63.5K Ratings MAY 1, 2023 Danny Ric + Daxy Shep "eff won" Teaser Oh, my god, my age range cannot not include Brad Pitt, so I had to raise it to that and then we had built, Okay, and I have to sometimes a big tipping point. Did you have that kind of relationship where you were like out selling your father is most common. became billionaires. Never getting up on my nose like as a microphone and in Kristen to she's got great bread never up in my business, but you know occasionally, there's a co worker who you know their breath smells like, is went down on a horse there. Can I give you a compliment sure you never have hello? Accuracy is not guaranteed. Now we trust these batteries. p m, you know, maybe you he'd some food. I feel great, you know, and I'm not gonna bore you too much. I am organic material. Do you thank you. I feel like an ugly friend. I signed my deal for a hundred thousand dollars, and that, sounds like a lot of money to people listening probably, but in the context of making a record it's not because I have to pay for songs and production, and I also have to live, and travel. I need to wear, a couple pairs of thermal leggings under my skinny genes just to make them fit. You ever see Kristin fucking, someone, that's fine! That's true could be at whole. Always evolving and augury worry us with some tips. It teaches you how to condense your personality into like a really digestible and concise thing at a young age. Jamil joins the Armchair Expert to discuss all things empathy: why he was drawn to the topic, the roadblocks of it, the erosion of empathy and how to get it back. I just, breaking that down and therapy. Other things, to live with it, so I've been like ok cool, like what is it going to be for me when the world has this, I'm making a sound so dramatic, like I'm about to put its it's a fucking, it's a poetry, book of stuff like it's, I'm not putting up. Yes, so now and then I thought man if Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still alive. Does it say that does not. [00:00:10] Hello, hello. You could spend all this time in real. Do you have that look back and I every single year my perspective goes. Like you know, everyone's are starting to become like sexual, confident they come in. You also like smoke inside the house and listen to Eminem or what's going on, probably more like Bob Seger but yeah. season to celebrate moments of wonder and discovery and with key we co seriously fond and innovative crates. He not died because he died until it clearly made a little kind of homage to him on his instagram, which then made me curious about him, and then he s how I found I found a meal and then I just went on the biggest MAC Miller. That was a good look. What's on the horizon forecast wise? I can't all ok, some people can. It was in her new book is called. [00:00:08] I like it. What that's true, not a media, it was always delayed by a while, but the filters automatic, with air, so that they can have tons of arts that night. There was once a time where I would have fought, you to death, not anymore more. It was like. I just wanted to see. Accuracy is not guaranteed. I absolutely would, the great and over its very good, maybe I'll, look what's a broken adds at all your ex backing. Dax describes the many reasons he loves her and Laura talks about the recent death of her husband. If you can you do it will now. Rachel Bilson (The O.C., Hart of Dixie, Jumper) is an actress and podcast host. Better they're made better native, has ingredients you've heard heard of like oil oil shade Shea butter, also vegan and never tested on animals and native, never uses ingredients that shouldn't be in deodorant, like aluminum, paraben sulfates or tell their candy cane gifts. If I. good guys, snarling. You don't see the sun, the turbo strives underground. My great obsessions is as a kid scene. Was it absolutely terrible to, oh yeah once a bare arm, Barrack Storm, I'm a control free. Jane explains how similar the gender roles are between chimps and humans, her trajectory of going deep into the jungle and coming out a world icon, and how the Jane Goodall Institute has grown to 24 institutes in 24 separate countries. I feel like if you walk into that room and you go damn all these people fucking like me enough to spend money on a fucking ticket. Knowing I'm not the only one makes me feel validated that yes, that was more than just a bad relationship and I don't have to doubt myself. and and also drop in some perspective solution solution, because I guess then otherwise, it's just really like making a list, like songs that are sat are just like you know, is everything: okay yeah, I think Monica, yup, it's a we did it. over the mug z, dot com, Slash Dax, to get a pair of the most comfortable men's genes on the planet, order by tomorrow using Kodaks twenty two get early access to their by one get fifty percent off exclusive decks Friday deal you dont want. Can I control and why am I even alive? Scott joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how he defines masculinity, the current state of the college admission process, and how humor is the fastest way to communicate intelligence. Why? You probably live in a fifty. people got cast in those commercial because you have really what's. Like oh yeah? You know the smell I'm going to get quite often that's part of it. That's my most hated part reminds more stable. He was so cute. Music was kind of an act, my parents. No. Another white dress waking ere. Susan joins the Armchair Expert to discuss ethics: the six forces present in all ethical dilemmas, why we cant look at things in a binary manner, and how were only as ethical as our last decision. You look back and you're like what the hell did, that twenty four year old man have anything in common with a seventeen year old girl only look back, and you like, Ok, you know so I say this often so I was more, sit and I'll say that that the lasting impact be unless it is that you have to confront the fact that there are some people on this planet. It's really really cool. you got me were all wrong. I don't think so. Walter Isaacson is an American author, journalist, and professor. So I take Lexapro, and I was on medicated for a really long time, but I just heard taking it like, maybe like six months ago. Are you know, teaching me new techniques for brushing cause they're. Okay, wow, you guys are the first people. It lived on a street that had a cool name that I like that still like it. It's my opinion that if you use listerine you're going to be free of elatos, but I don't want to actually my dentist said: that's not true! I guess if I do end up you're very bad idea, I thought you were going down the road of a lecture my father gave me, which is he said, like don't pull yourself every mother fucker as a salesman, I'll tear white or your, doctor no, no, no, no, that doctors selling, his opinion to those patient like yeah down how every single job as sales job, so you better get good at sales, no matter what line of work you end up in yeah, he said, airs and asked for every see, don't fall in love with metal. I don't know that. You think you're a little study or peer, reviewed and published China make me feel small. I think one could have it's incredibly personal and I six stuff I could probably never get away with singing, because it's like either two depressing or, who boring you know. Are, are megalomaniacs with inferiority complex is so that sounds perfectly, That sounds like a statement he make. We don't want to know his name. I learned about sex through books like I consider myself largely fortunate to be at least remote, sexually empowered and having like a healthy sexual perception of myself, because my first experiences with sex like a book of female right, neurotic that my mom had in the house where most of my other friends, their first experience with sex, was like their creepy cousin telling them, story or like porn or trauma. So there's literally nothing to lose by giving mug is a try. Our Shows Armchair Expert Armchaired & Dangerous eff won with DRS Experts on Expert Flightless Bird Monica & Jess Love Boys Nurture vs Nurture Race to 270 We Are Supported By Armchair Anonymous Episodes Events Dax Lists Books Documentaries Podcasts Store. Okay. I don't know if you remember, on Beber cut his hair for the first time. It's so funny, to say that about Bukowski, because whenever I felt terrible about my. I do it and then, and it's out of preset temperature I like, and then I just wash those hands, no problem, it's glorious, I'm so excited Halsey, Halsey Ashley Number, my name. 20 MrBillyLotion 2 yr. ago Honestly one of my least favorites, she was about as interesting as plain yogurt 17 That_Guy_D 2 yr. ago I am endlessly fascinated by the messiness of being human, and I find people who are vulnerable and honest about their struggles and shortcomings to be incredibly sexy.
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