Case A, Lubotsky D & Paxson C 2002. Release of the final report of the National Ice Taskforce. Burden of disease refers to the quantified impact of living with and dying prematurely from a disease or injury. ABS 2015. Estimation of ill health and death associated with alcohol use is complex. This page focuses on 3 biomedical risk factors: high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia and impaired fasting glucose - which have been directly linked to specific health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease and stroke, chronic kidney disease and diabetes. Since social determinants are often pinpointed as a key cause of health inequalities, measuring the size of the health gap between different social groups is important. Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA), 2011. The proportion of overweight or obese adults increased from 56% to 63% between 1995 and 201415. Social infrastructurein the form of networks, mediating groups and organisationsis also a prerequisite for 'healthy' communities (Baum & Ziersch 2003). NRHA (National Rural Health Alliance) 2015. Scott N, Caulkins JP, Dietze P & Ritter A 2015. For the first time since the National Prisoner Health Data Collection began in 2009, in 2015 methamphetamine was the most commonly reported illicit drug used among prison entrants in the previous 12 months (AIHW 2015c). Less well recognised is the influence of broader social factors on health (see 'Chapter 1.1 What is health?'). National Drug Strategy 20102015: a framework for action on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. This strong link occurs not just with higher levels of income but with a wide range of characteristics that denote a person's socioeconomic position, including educational attainment, employment and occupation. Social determinants of health. Canberra: ABS. ABS cat. ABS 2014c. Canberra: PM&C. 1. These factors can be positive in their effects (for example, being vaccinated against disease), or negative (for example, consuming alcohol at risky levels). no. Information on the different forms of methamphetamine is not captured in the AODTS NMDS, but the client's usual method of administration is captured. UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) 2015. Annual Review of Public Health 26:135. Perinatal statistics series no. The IRSD scores each area by summarising attributes of their populations, such as low income, low educational attainment, high unemployment, and jobs in relatively unskilled occupations. Eighty-nine per cent of people with measured dyslipidaemia (7.6 million people) were not using lipid-modifying medication. Seattle: IHME. More than half (55%) of Indigenous adults in remote areas spent more than 30 minutes in the previous day undertaking physical activity or walking 20% spent less than 30 minutes, 21% did no physical activity, while data were missing for 4% (ABS 2014b). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 60(1):712 and 60(2):95101. The four most commonly used illicit drugs are cannabis, ecstasy, methamphetamine and cocaine. Use of battery-operated electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) is more common among younger smokers and was highest for smokers aged 1824 (27%) in the last 12 months and declined with age (to 5.3% of smokers aged 70 and over). This was consistent with results reported in 201415 (AIHW analysis of ABS 2016). Diagnosing and naming conditions can help to reassure people that what they experience is 'real' and shared by others. National opioid pharmacotherapy statistics annual data (NOPSAD) collection. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In 2013, around 1 in 6 (16%) people aged 12 or older had consumed 11 or more standard drinks on a single drinking occasion in the past 12 months (compared with 17% in 2010). See 'Chapter 6.16 Specialised alcohol and other drug treatment services' for more information. 28. The Government will provide almost $300 million over 4 years from 1 July 2016 to improve treatment, education, prevention, support and community engagement, and to capture better data to identify emerging trends on illicit drug use (PM&C 2015). In Australia, the number of ATS (excluding MDMA) detections at the Australian border has increased dramatically since 200910 (ACC 2015) and was the highest number on record in 201314 (from 672 in 200910 to 2,367 in 201314). Ecstasy use had been gradually increasing since 2001, before peaking in 2007 at 3.5%. Illicit drug use in rural Australia. A counter-example of a risk factor that has a higher prevalence among employed Indigenous adults is being overweight or obese. Retrieved from, Australia's health 2016. While illicit drug use is a significant issue in the context of Australia's health, tobacco continues to cause more ill health and premature death than any other drug, and alcohol-related hospital separations are higher than those related to illicit drugs (including heroin, cannabis, methamphetamine and cocaine) (Roxburgh and Burns 2013). The Australian illicit drug guide: every person's guide to illicit drugstheir use, effects and history, treatment options and legal penalties. no. Child social exclusion and health outcomes: a study of small areas across Australia. a range of factors influence a person's healthfrom biomedical factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels and body weight, to . The main factors influencing overweight and obesity are poor diet and inadequate physical activity. ), the number of treatment episodes for amphetamines increased from around 10,000 in 200910 to 28,900 in 201314 (AIHW 2014b). 2. The health consequences of smoking50 years of progress: a report of the Surgeon General, 2014. Blood tests are used to determine levels of the commonly measured lipids. For example, in 2014-15, 23% of Australian adults had high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure and chronic kidney disease. The aim of the NDS is to prevent the uptake and misuse of drugs and to reduce the production and supply of illicit drugs and the negative social, economic and health consequences of drug use. 2002). Once employed, work is a key arena where many of the influences on health are played out. Indigenous Australians who are in the lowest income group, have a lower level of educational attainment or who are unemployed, are less likely to be in 'excellent' or 'very good' health (based on self-reported survey data) than those in the higher income groups, those with high educational attainment, or those who are employed (Figure 4.2.1). One in 5 (20%) Indigenous adults had measured high blood pressure, with more men (23%) affected than women (18%). In 201112, 11% of adults, or 1.5 million people, managed their high blood pressure through medications. There also are data gaps on the relationship between the observed behavioural risk factors and an individual's participation in and outcomes from treatment programs and other preventative health interventions. The initial stages of type 2 diabetes, also known as pre-diabetes, are characterised by impaired glucose regulation. Many of the key drivers of health reside in our everyday living and working conditionsthe circumstances in which we grow, live, work and age. The ABS 201112 AHS collected measured data on IFG. Over the last 5 years, the total number of arrests for ATS increasedaccounting for 16% of illicit drug arrests in 200910 (12% were for consumers; 4.6% for providers) and 23% (18% for consumers; 5.6% for providers) in 201314 (Figure 4.5.4). Report prepared for: Tobacco Control Taskforce, Australian Government Department of Health. ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (2013) Australian Health Survey: users guide, 201113, ABS website, accessed 23 February 2022. As with previous iterations of the NDSHS, the AIHW has established a Technical Advisory Group to provide advice on the survey design and content for the 2016 survey. Under-reporting of alcohol consumption in household surveys: a comparison of quantity-frequency, graduated-frequency and recent recall. Between 2010 and 2015, the reported median number of days crystal was used in the last 6 months surpassed the median number of days for powder use7 days for crystal and 10 days for powder in 2010, compared with 20 days for crystal and 11 days for powder and in 2015 (Stafford & Burns 2014). support families, communities and frontline workers. Previous studies have shown the importance of social determinants in understanding and addressing the health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and non-Indigenous Australians (Booth & Carroll 2008; DSI Consulting 2009; Marmot 2011; Zhao et al. Some health inequalities are attributable to external factors and to conditions that are outside the control of the individuals concerned. Collins DJ & Lapsley HM 2008. PHE 207. Injecting and smoking methamphetamine are both associated with more frequent use patterns, treatment demand, higher levels of risky behaviour and other health and psychiatric consequences (McKetin et al. ABS cat. AIHW 2015d. Australia's mothers and babies 2013in brief. 31. Overweight and obesity was more common among Indigenous adults, especially rates of obesity (43% compared with 27% for non-Indigenous adults in 201113). Additionally, disease and ill health can be both products of, and contribute to, social exclusion. 25. While wholesale data provides a more accurate estimate of average consumption, it cannot identify individual drinking levels and the number of drinkers exceeding the recommended alcohol guidelines. It has been estimated that, during a given year, smoking kills around 15,000 Australians and has significant social (including health) and economic costsestimated at $31.5 billion in 200405 (Collins & Lapsley 2008). Box 4.5.3then highlights the increasing misuse of pharmaceuticals, which is an important and emerging issue in relation to illicit drug use in Australia. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022) Biomedical risk factors, AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 01 May 2023. AIHW (2021b) Heart, stroke and vascular diseaseAustralian facts,AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 28 February 2022. Geneva: WHO. AIC (Australian Institute of Criminology) 2015. Data about high blood pressure and being overweight or obese (based on body mass index, or BMI) among Indigenous Australians are sourced from the 201213 AATSIHS. Methamphetamine use had been declining since it peaked at 3.7% in 1998 but remained stable at 2.1% between 2010 and 2013. Mothers in the lowest socioeconomic areas were 30% more likely to have a low birthweight baby than mothers in the highest socioeconomic areas in 2013 (AIHW 2015a). Galobardes B, Shaw M, Lawlor DA, Lynch JW & Smith GD 2006. Overweight and obesity was greater among men (71%) than women (56%), and increased with age from 39% of people aged 1824 to 74% for those aged 6574. If five categories are used, then the IRSD commonly describes the population living in the 20% of areas with the greatest overall level of disadvantage as 'living in the lowest socioeconomic areas' or the 'lowest socioeconomic group. 2033.0.55.001. PM&C (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet) 2015. Children at higher risk of social exclusionmeasured using an index of socioeconomic circumstances, education, connectedness, housing and health service accesshad higher rates of avoidable deaths (that is, deaths which were potentially preventable or treatable within the present health system) (AIHW 2014c). AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2014a. Additional data about the use of blood pressure lowering medications by country of birth and English proficiency are presented in Chapter 7Reporting on the health of culturally and linguistically diverse populations in Australia in. The NDS recognises illicit drug use as a health and social issue, while acknowledging the role of law enforcement in detecting and deterring drug-related crime. the reported availability of crystal also increased, with people who inject drugs, psychostimulant users and police detainees all claiming that crystal was easier to obtain in 2013 (Coghlan & Goldsmid 2015; Sindicich & Burns 2014; Stafford & Burns 2014). Currently, it is not possible to calculate the number of people who used crystal methamphetamine in the previous 12 months, from the NDSHS. These social determinants include factors such as income, education, employment and social support. improve governance and build better data (PM&C 2015). Cardiovascular, diabetes and chronic kidney disease series no. The data presented on alcohol-related hospitalisations is therefore likely to represent only a fraction of the total harm caused by alcohol. Absolute measures are important for decision makers, especially where goals in absolute terms have been set, since they allow a better appraisal of the size of a public health problem. The development of one risk factor can lead to the occurrence of another, or they may have shared causes. 2006). Canberra: ABS. Based on measured data, an estimated 420,000 (or 3.1%) Australian adults had IFG. no. This build-up increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Social determinants of health act through complex and multidirectional pathways. From 2002 to 2011, the rate of accidental overdose deaths due to opioids increased from 32.3 to 49.5 per million people aged 1554. Dyslipidaemiaabnormal levels of blood lipids such as cholesterol and triglyceridescan contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, a build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels that may lead to the development of cardiovascular disease. no. Safe, affordable and secure housing is associated with better health, which in turn impacts on people's participation in work, education and the community. Between 2010 and 2013, daily drinking fell from 7.2% to 6.5% in people aged 14 and over. Indigenous adults were less likely than non-Indigenous adults to have high total cholesterol levels (26% compared with 33%, a rate ratio of 0.8). The extension of reporting to include variables such as ethnicity, culture and language, social support and the residential environment would provide a more robust picture of socioeconomic position. While people aged 40 and over generally have the lowest rate of illicit drug use, this was the only age group in which a statistically significant increase was found in recent illicit drug use, increasing from 7.5% to 9.9% between 2001 and 2013. The biomedical model of health (pre-1970s): focuses on risk behaviours and healthy lifestyles
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