Everyone has very different tastes when it comes to what they like to drink. Prepare the steamed pumpkin. The Ultimate Guide to Candle Magic: Harnessing the Power of Flames for Rituals, Spells, and Manifestation. Inspired by the flavors of Indian tamarind chutney, I use brown sugar and raisins to add sweetness to the fruit sauce while all the spices and chile deepen the umami of the low-and-slow braised . Wishes were made while flipping a pancake in the air and trinkets were also placed into pancake batter as a way to divine ones future prospects for the forthcoming year. Everyone loves chocolate, and having a nice rich truffle after dinner is a great way to wrap up your Sabbat meal. If you just want to mix everything together you can do this too. This dessert will actually taste better the next day as this gives the caramel time to completely dissolve into a sauce. Each has its own magical purpose, rosemary, and sage, for example, brought their powers of purification and cleansing, so ritually important at this time of new beginnings. You can add flavor (and help prevent early spoilage) by adding a bit of salt to your butter. Bacon is one of those foods that's so good people like to wrap other foods in it. Stir into the broth. Or even if youre home alone and need some comfort food. It arrived in the 16th century with the potato. This hearty wild onion soup (pictured below) is inspired by Brotchan Foltchep considered the most traditional of all Irish soups and the key element was usually oatmeal. If she's not cooking up a storm, you'll find her snuggled up on the couch with her self-satisfied cat and a magical book learning everything she can about Witchcraft. These 5 recipes are what I might serve as a festive dinner in the evening on Imbolc. The trick with this recipe is to not let your carrots get too softjust heat them long enough that they're hot, but still have some of the crunch in them. When ready to serve, invert the pan onto a plate with a slight edge and watch the magic happen as the caramel pools out! Here, you'll find tons of ways that make it easy to add lamb to your weeknight family meals, including ground lamb recipes, slow cooker recipes, and recipes for making lamb on the grill. I appreciate that your video has text, it makes it easy for me to understand it since I am Deaf. Mix flour, sugar, poppyseeds, baking soda, and salt with a fork in an ungreased 9"x9"x2" baking pan. This ones easy and doesnt require a recipe, now does it? Once it's melted, add the carrots, sauting until they begin to get a bit light in color. This imparts a slight bitterness to the sugar which offsets the sweetness and pairs extremely well with the creamy pumpkin. Check the jar periodicallyif the contents are getting too thick for you to shake easily, open the jar and use a fork to stir things up a little. MAGICAL COOKERY. The Wheel combines two different Pagan concepts regarding yearly festivals: a solar cycle which celebrated the solstices and equinoxes, and a natural fertility cycle which celebrated the four seasonal festivals which were identified with Gaelic names; namely Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Reduce the heat of the oil to about 350. Imbolc Recipe #1 Baked Feta Ingredients 1x block Sheep (goat is fine too) milk Feta, drained. invasive plants This moving feast shifts each year according to to celestial alignments and this year it falls on February 4th. While you knead, roll, and braid the dough, give thanks to the Celtic ancestors, our beloved house elves, and to Brigid for peace, health, and abundance in the coming Spring. Shred some of the excess fat and cook it down in a large pot or Dutch-oven. Thats what I love about these old-world rituals. This dish combines dairy and blackberries, two traditional offerings for Brigid. Make your dressing by adding the yoghurt, honey and mustard to a small bowl. I acknowledge the influence of such well-known Pagan figures as Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Janet and Stuart Farrar (along with Gavin Bone), Patricia Monaghan, John and Caitlin Matthews and others whose focus was/is on this region. You could also use cooking spray here provided it is flavourless. ), as this is what we are approaching, in the Southern Hemisphere! We love the magical celebration of Imbolc and the promise of the season to come. Pour the caramel into the prepared cake tin and spread it evenly by tilting the pan. For many, its the magical first stirrings of Spring. Check it out below. Take 2 sheets of aluminium foil. Imbolc is the first sabbat on the Wheel of the Year to be celebrated annually on February 1st. Mix the marinade ingredients in a small bowl and rub the mixture . If you're using a stand mixer, a whole quart of cream will yield a pound of butter and about two cups of buttermilk. Knead 12 times on floured board, roll to 1/2 inch. Take the strips, and braid them together, trying not to stretch them out too much. The lunisolar calendar found throughout northern European seems to indicate the shift from one to the next originally took place during the first new moon or full moon following the relevant equinoxes, solstices and cross-quarter days. Thank-you. 3. Consider making your own or creating a compound butter by mixing in other foods of the holiday, like blackberries or garlic. I am definitely going to stay tuned. Add the flour, whisk to a paste and add half the milk, continuing to whisk. Much of Brigids mythology (and her pancakes) was absorbed into St. Brigid. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. White Candle Meanings: When Should You Burn One? This recipe is for one serving. Cool for half an hour and remove the bay leaves. This dish will have you looking like a gourmet chef without sending you running and screaming out of the kitchen. In sympathetic magic like begets like. Add the pumpkin to a blender with the milk, cinnamon, rum and sugar. Celebrate your Sabbat with seasonal recipes such as baked custard, bacon and leeks, braided bread, curried lamb, and Irish cream truffles. Dandelions are great for strength, courage, and healing. Milk and foods made with milk are one of the most important foods for Imbolc. The fairies of home and hearth are particularly active on this sabbat, including the Irish bean-tighe. Yes, there is a lot of confusion regarding the ancient calendars and reconciling them with the Wheel of the Year, which in reality is a modern-day invention that originated less than one hundred years ago. Wigington, Patti. Rest for 10 minutes before serving. In more recent times, the sacred fire of Kildare has been maintained for Saint Brigid. Slice the . So while the rest of Canada may be buried under snow here, as in Ireland, the first shimmering of new life and spring appears just in time for Imbolc. Put the cake pan in another baking dish and add water to way up the sides of the cake (make a. Ive never thought about magic in the food, but you are sure right. In sympathetic magic like begets like so fires create warmth, light increases light, golden round pancakes bring on the sun and feasting begets more feasting! that I used this midwinter term (midpoint between winter and spring) as it is easily grasped by people.While Im not sure which tradition you are referring to particularly when you say Pagan Wheel of the Year (Gardnerian?) "Recipes for the Imbolc Sabbat." When you've reached the end of the braid, tuck the ends underneath themselves. And when used in magic or in meals, lend their protective properties to the individual or family partaking. Top the feta with the crushed garlic, onion, and cherry tomatoes. There is also much evidence that pre-Christian festivals followed lunar calendars. Wild garlic has been used as a herb since the days of the Celts. Carefully add the milk and then the cream to the tumbler. Goddess Bchamel: Melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. traditions you can take a part in and different ways to decorate your altar, Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Garlic Butter, Honey Chamomile Tea Cake with Lemon Icing, This seed cake is a perfect modern version, 63 Easy Beltane Recipes Everyone Will Love, The 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece, The Truth About St. Patrick, Snakes, and Pagans, How to Celebrate Imbolc: The Festival of Brigid. I dont like my hot chocolate very sweet, so I tend to add very little sugar. Cool for half an hour and remove the bay leaves. Season to your taste. Raw or cooked, carrots are awesome. Dont forget to leave a portion for the bean-tighe and faery folk. Today whether its in honor of the old Goddess or the Saint ( or some co. mbination of both!) chives, chopped. This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon and other sites that we collect a share of sales from. Grease muffin pan with a little butter or use cupcake cups. I love the ancient feast days that once celebrated the turn of the wheel of the year. Saint Brigid is said to have founded the famed monastery in Ireland called Kildare. Therefore, you may choose to make any kind of bread youd like for Imbolc. I went to a cocktail bar with a couple of friends and we all ordered different things on the menu so we could try each other cocktails. A bunch of root veggies (potato, parsnips, carrots, turnips, beets, etc.) I can understand and appreciate how one would see Imbolc as being the midpoint of Winter, which is correct if you are looking at the standard Gregorian calendar that we use today. plant magic Chocolate cake As an ordained High Priestess myself, it has always been my understanding that December 21st is actually Midwinter, the same way that June 21st is Midsummer. yule, A post shared by Gather Victoria (@gathervictoria). : The Food Miracles of St. Brigid of Kildare. AtImbolc, the lamb is a true symbol of the season. So heres to the coming of the light. But it bothers me that so many of us (myself included) continue to celebrate these old holy days according to the Gregorian/solar calendar. It's still delicious! Legend tells that in ancient times Brigids eternal flame was once tended by 19 priestesses and dedicated to womens mysteries, forbidden to men. pesticide industry Heres a recipe a close friend of mine gave me: I first had the thought that perhaps eating lamb on Imbolc would be sacrilegious somehow, but then I realized, Im pagan. One friend stuck to only drinking a yellow watermelon concoction which while delicious, I found much too sweet. And since Imbolc evokes the bleating of lambs in my mind whenever I hear the word, I figured why not make the occasion special and roast a rack? Stir in carrots, raisins, apple, and almonds. Pat the mixture in the bottom of a 9x13-inch pan and slightly up the sides for crust. Place them in the oven to stay warm while you cook the fish. Brigid Same applies to the vanilla as the cinnamon, infuse overnight if you want to! Once you have the ingredients for a given recipe, it will automatically be unlocked at the Cooking Pot. If you dont live in an area where you can get fresh sheeps milk, store bought is fine. Squeeze out any excess water and cool. Unlocking the Power of Candle Magic: Definition and Basics Explained Seeded cakes, bread and buns were also on the Imbolc menu as seeds symbolized the growth of new life. Cut the meat into8 pieces, and trim away the rest of the excess fat. Crush the garlic clove and finely slice the onion. Thank you for this! An easy Imbolc food to make and one that compliments the braided Brigid bread above is our recipe for Spring herb butter. Were working on adapting and creating new traditions for ourselves and plan to share as we go. Swedish scholar Andreas Nordberg believes these were held at the time of a new or full moon, and he wrote particularly of the Norse winter nights, Yule, Sigurblot (Eostre) and Midsummer as celebrated the first full moon after solstices and equinoxes. Serves: 4 - 6 Prep Time: 45 minutes Total Time: 3 hours Ingredients 2 Tbsp olive oil 4 Tbsp plain flour salt and pepper 1 pound venison diced (or substitute 1 pound braising steak diced) 1 tsp ground cinnamon 2 large onions finely sliced 2 cloves garlic finely chopped 10 fluid ounces ruby port 18 fluid ounces beef stock 2 bay leaves They love fruit and cream. Add to the chicken mixture and stir to coat in the sauce. Whisk in yolks, one at a time-mixture will thicken. So as hard as it is to believe during this frigid time, we are actually welcoming Spring at the first of February. Thats my opinion anyway! According to Kevin Danaher, in The Year in Ireland, butter served on Brigids Feast Day had to be churned on the same day. In particular, his book The Stations of the Sun provide some rich reading regarding the Wheel of the Year and the various festivals from which it is derived, and how they were celebrated in the British Isles. Carrots areone of those root vegetables that our ancestors would have stored away for the cold winter months. They believed this design was life-enhancing and used it as a base for settlements and villages hence the idea of the city centre usually marked by a sacred spring. Wild garlic has been used as a herb since the days of the Celts. Seeds represent new beginnings and the possibility of what is to come for the year. It will last about a week before it begins to spoil. Imbolc Feast Lamb Stew. They set a place at the table for Brigid and place an oatcake on the doorstep in thanksgiving for the plenteous crop and good luck during the following year. Although back in the old days, people used to spend hours at a churn, you can put together your own batch of fresh butter with just a little bit of effort. If you are leaving the skin on, then this may take a little while. Consumed fresh, cultured into buttermilk cream, curds, cheese, and . chickweed During Imbolc, ancient grains such as oats and barley (grown in Ireland since the Neolithic) were made into round bread, cakes, and desserts, which often featured sacred foods such as butter, milk, and eggs baked inside, such as the recipes below. Its still chilly at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, so if youre of legal drinking age, consider sipping on some mulled wine during the festival. lilac sugar If youd like to celebrate Imbolc by brewing your own wine, try your hand at this dandelion wine recipe. Its a time when the first ewes are lambing and is a celebration of the coming bounty of the warmer seasons. Beat the egg in a small bowl, and add 2 Tbsp. vodka HERBAL WISDOM. *I am not a medical, financial, or legal professional and cannot guarantee results. Onion is a dividing flavour. 1x block Sheep (goat is fine too) milk Feta, drained. Melt 2 tbsp butter in pan and cook veggies until onion is clear about 10 min over medium heat. What a wonderful post! There are no scrolls to find with new recipes like Blueprints or Follower Forms. In some areas, an effigy of Brigit was actually made out of a butter churn handle and taken from house to house. Its sweet, packed with grains, and is often filled or eaten with seasonal fruits or jams. "Recipes for the Imbolc Sabbat." Whisk continuously to integrate everything and to stop the milk forming a skin. So here is my round-up of some of the most magical foods of Imbolc with links to some of my favorite recipes. From spring, summer, autumn to winter, I revive the ancient culinary arts of bringing blessings to ourselves, our families, communities, and to our Great Mother, the Earth - one delicious bite at a time! Thank you for your kind comments and for taking the time to do so I appreciate and learn so much. Give Gift; Back to Top . Recipe by Sarah Tuck via Dish Magazine. Traditionally, Imbolc is a festival of milk and fire. Maybe not a bad thing to be honest This recipe is by Jamie Oliver. Wigington, Patti. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, oil, and vanilla until well blended. Cook and stir until thickened. Recipe in "Bridgets Feast of Light: The Magical Foods of Imbolc" an Ecookery book at Gather Victoria Patreon. women and food Heres the Potatoes Leeks Au Gratin recipe we made for Imbolc and blew the local Baron right out of his pantaloons! Try with less first and try a little before you add more! St. Brigid was believed to be a healer and teacher of herbcraft so many plants and flowers sacred to her and the sun (such as sage, heather, chamomile, bay and rosemary) have become part of the Imbolc Feast. Here are a variety of items you can consider for your Imbolc celebration. You can also use fresh pasta sheets if you prefer. Honey was golden and filled with the power of the sun, and was always included with fresh bread and butter on the Imbolc table. Chop roughly and place in a bowl. But if you are going by the Pagan Wheel of the Year, then the solstices and the equinoxes are the midpoints between the seasons, while the cross-quarter festivals of Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasadh and Samhain signify the beginning of the season. The blackberries bring protection, and the cheese/dairy brings abundance in the Spring season. I use this date loosely, obviously, Feb. 1st or Imbolc must have calculated astrologicallyI find it hard to believe ancient peoples calculated anything by a calendar on a wall as we do today but used the heavens as their clock! Lughnasadh is the Gaelic holiday and Wiccan sabbat that honors the warrior god Lugh and the first harvest. Beer cheese soup is a hearty meal for any Imbolc gathering. Here are five traditional Imbolc foods you can try this year: Grains are associated with Saint Brigid, as well as the goddess Brigid. Thats what I love about these old-world rituals. so fires create warmth, light increases light, golden round pancakes bring on the sun and feasting begets more feasting! 2 bottles Chianti or other Italian red wine. Cut your iceberg lettuce into 8 wedges and lay out onto a large plate. Baked breads, especially those that incorporate butter, milk, oats, barley, and seeds are perfect for the holiday. , I did not see your response to my comment of last year until now, when I returned to your site for ideas & recipes for celebrating Imbolc this year. Add to a bowl with the onion. It was also common to save the last piece in a cupboard to ensure there would be enough flour to last out the year. In addition, blackberries, bread and corn are traditional offerings for Saint Brigid and Brigid the Goddess. P.s. Imbolc is a Sabbatthat often focuses on dairy -- after all, the very wordImbolcis derived fromOimelc, or "ewe's milk." Early in the . She also watched over the animals of the home. Return to pan, and add garlic, leeks and onions. This may take a couple of minutes as the honey hardens when added to the cold yoghurt. The lemon gives it a great zing and the herbs give it a fragrant punch. Many blessings to you at this time of the returning light. Some scholars think, however, that the word was borrowed from the language of the northern and butterophagous Scythians, who herded cattle; Greeks lived mostly from sheep and goats whose milk, which they consumed mainly as cheese, was relatively low in butter (or butyric) fat.". Both appropriate things for this festival! As well as making traditional Imbolc foods over an open fire such as Brigids braided bread, soups, creamy stews, and desserts. For this sabbat, celebrate with foods that honor the hearth and home breads, grains, and vegetables stored from fall, such as onions and potatoesas well as dairy items. Pour the mixture on top of the caramel in the cake pan. Spoon the lamb cubes and pan juices over the top, and serve with steamed rice. When the milk is just below boiling, take it off the heat and add the whiskey (if youre using it that is). If you are vegan, you could substitute dairy with its appropriate vegan counterpart. Connect to your inner light and warmth with this hot toddy drink recipe for Imbolc. Add 1 lb. Before it begins to rise, cut your dough into thirds with a large pizza cutter or a knife. Strain margarita into the glass and serve. If you notice the caramel start to crystallize, add a tiny bit of lemon juice as this stabilizes the process and prevents crystals forming. Nettle Seed & Dandelion Blossom Bars: Superfood! It may seem like an odd dessert, but trust me, its so delicious! In a shaker filled with ice, combine chilli-infused tequila, lime juice, triple sec and agave. Stir in the cream until all the flour is absorbed. The flavorful meat is simple to make. Roll each piece out until it's about 18" long, and about an inch thick. Heather brought good luck and healing. Place the braid either on a baking stone, or on a pan that has been sprinkled with cornmeal. Preheat the oven to 400F. (And Other Signs to Know), Your Guide to The Different Candle Color Meanings in Candle Magic, The 24 Elder Futhark Runes and Their Meanings. Allow the whipping cream to sit at room temperature overnight to let it ripen. Cover the whole thing with a towel - trust me, this is important, because it gets really splashy. Cut in shortening until mix resembles coarse meal. Chop the pumpkin into pieces and steam until very tender. Lets begin with dairy, called bnbhia, white food or white meats, which were the mainstay of the Irish diet before the potato arrived in the sixteenth century. But milk is not the only food enjoyed during Imbolc. I always make red and white foods for Imbolc. Symbolizing purity, rebirth, and renewal, this first milk was offered to Brigid by pouring it upon the earth, nourishing, purifying, and preparing for the new life to come. To help batter adhere to the fish, try chilling the batter in the fridge for about half an hour. directions. A traditional Imbolc beverage is ale. Spaghetti and tomato sauce, fresh white bread, maybe a white wine or sparkling grape juice. I did this once while skiing at it gave an extra special feeling to the wine. jinxxxoxo. 1/4 cup Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur 1 Tbs. Brush melted butter on the sides of a flan dish or a shallow 23cm cake pan. We like to play with magical ingredients, twisting and topsy-turveying old recipes to make them that much more powerful. Don't let the butcher trim the fat off of the lamb chops. Halve the vanilla pod lengthways and add to the pan, then stir in just enough red wine to cover the sugar. In addition to being a sacred day for Brigid, some Celtic pagans honor the little people or good folk, as some call them. Wonderful to know how you got inspired by folklore I love doing that here in Germany. Fresh red clover blossoms minced (1/2 tbsp): note, if you cant get fresh red clover blossoms substitute with thyme leaves. Some traditional foods of Imbolc include: Milk Cheese Butter Honey Oats Barley Seeds Blackberries Dandelion Chamomile Onion Garlic Scones Muffins Seeded Cakes Pancakes Bannock Colcannon Mulled Wine Imbolc Recipes Some of these recipes are more traditional, while others are inspired by the foods enjoyed at Imbolc. Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. What Im trying to say here is that most people really, really, dont like the same things to drink. More Magical Cookery at Gather Victoria on Patreon! You may learn more here. Top with herbs. Mix until smooth and the cheese has melted. Consider using blackberry jam if you cant find locally grown berries. Pastis de Nata/Pastis de Belm are definitely perfect for Imbolc as well as Ostara. Imbolc is a great time of fire and feasting. Serve as a side dish with your favorite main course, or as part of an Imbolc potluck. For a quick microwave method for making bechamel sauce, melt the butter in a large microwave-proof jug. Some of these recipes are more traditional, while others are inspired by the foods enjoyed at Imbolc. Thank you for sharing this information. Serve with bread and butter (see braided bread and herb butter recipes above). Maybe only a teaspoon. Combine the sugar and water in a small pan. Large pinch of ground cinnamon. We hear fairy music in the distance. If you havent already, I would encourage you to check out the writings of Ronald Hutton, a British historian who has written extensively about the pre-Christian religion of the British Isles, as well as contemporary Paganism. Make these in advance and chill them, and break them out onceyour Imbolc feastis over. Finely slice your red onion. The cream will separate so that you end up with not just butter, but buttermilk as well, which you can use in recipes. I left the skin on mine but depending on what kind of blender you have you might not want to do this. The Bible is interspersed with references to butter, the product of milk from the cow. In a large non-metal bowl, mix flour, soda, cinnamon, and salt. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. Shake vigorously. There is some evidence that the Neolithic people who inhabited Ireland in ancient times may have indeed celebrated these solar occurrences of the year, as witnessed by the alignment of several tombs with the sun Newgrange being a prime example of such, as well as the Hill of Tara and other sites. Gather the rough dough together and place on a surface lightly . Fantastic! With sage, rosemary, lemon, and maple (and an optional addition of gin for your choice of a cocktail or mocktail), this magically delicious beverage is packed with intention for purifying away old energy, while inspiring some introspection, wisdom, and healing. Welcome to the Pagan Grimoire, your book of shadows and accompaniment to all things pagan. Serve with vanilla bean ice cream. I dont think Brigid or the bean-tighe will mind. Butter was another important ritual food. If you're using frozen dough, allow it to defrost at room temperature. Add the salt, pepper and ginger to taste. Homemade butter is great because it's got a fuller flavor - mostly because you make with pure cream instead of diluting it with oils and water like commercially produced butter. Whether it's lamb chops, lamb stew, or stuffed peppers filled with . But nonetheless, I loved your posts, and your ideas for celebrating this Sabbat, and I have shared them with my Facebook friends. For our ancestors, this time of year was hard - the winter stores were running low and there were no fresh crops. This is a great option because it pays tribute to the Goddess Brigid. Ingredients 1 whole roasting chicken 2 tablespoons kosher salt 2 tablespoons mixed ground herbs or the equivalent amount of fresh herbs (I like rosemary, sage, and thyme.) Simmer for a few more minutes, and remove from heat. There are also many traditional Imbolc foods and inspired recipes you can enjoy for the holiday, from eating blackberries to making pancakes. Im definitely going to check out The Stations of The Sun, it sounds marvellous. And according to this amazing. link to The Ultimate Guide to Candle Magic: Harnessing the Power of Flames for Rituals, Spells, and Manifestation, link to The Deeper Meaning of the Dragonfly. If you dont have a steamer, you could boil the pumpkin too although you may lose a little flavour. Apple would also be a good option because generally, they are a fruit that can be stored well over longer periods of time, Before you check out our favourite Imbolc recipes, did you know that weve created a gorgeous grimoire filled with all our favourite spells, rituals, tips and tricks? Brigid Feast In addition to lighting fires for Brigid and making food offerings, Brigids crosses are made and hung above the front door to protect against fire, lightning, illness and more in the coming year. I like to use a bar spoon so that you can see the coffee mix on the bottom layer and the cream and milk on top. Legend tells that in ancient times Brigids eternal flame was once tended by 19 priestesses and dedicated to womens mysteries, forbidden to men. Its also the time of the year when the sunrise illuminates the chamber within the neolithic Mound of Hostages at the mythical Hill of Tara, which is believed to be an entrance to the Otherworld. Serve this tasty braided bread withwarm butterfor dipping. If you dont have either of these, make sure you remove the skin and then mash extremely well with a fork instead. Potatoes Leeks Au Gratin We are aware that Au Gratin dishes are NOT traditionally Irish. According to Kevin Danaher, in, The Bonnach Bride (in Ireland) or Bannock of Bride (in Scotland) was a kind of unleavened oatcake l. eft out Imbolc Eve as an offering to Brigid and to gain her blessings of fertility, prosperity, and good health. In this post we'll be discussing candle magic, by the end of the post you'll know about the history of of this beautiful Introduction allium vineale And still can! Ive yet to write about this as it is so darn complicated and Im still sorting out whats what. Serve warm and with crusty bread as a delicious entree. Boil for one minute. Serve as part ofyour Imbolc dinner if you don't eat meat, never fear! Heat over a very low flame. Place in the hot oil, and allow to cook until the batter sets.
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imbolc lamb recipes 2023