Assess the results of the Rural Electrification Agency. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Identify the true statements about the economic depression that engulfed the American agricultural system in the 1920s., Identify a true statement about the Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933), part of Roosevelt's New Deal., True or false: Unemployed, poverty-stricken African Americans waited passively for the New Deal to provide . organizing workers regardless of race or gender. Which of the following is not true of the Works Progress Administration? The result of this appeal was the first meeting of the _____, held in February 1937 in Richmond, Virginia. c. for recasting the idea of freedom to include a public guarantee of economic security. b. paved the way for broadcast media to disseminate religious messages. D. The FRA is very important for railroads. Molly nodded and gave a relieved sigh. c. Liberty meant freedom from powerful government. It consisted of what groups? included pensions and unemployment relief. In what ways is Sigurd in a kind of underworld as he awaits the dragon? Which phrase best describes Eleanor Roosevelt's tenure as First Lady? Phillip^s sister^s book will be reviewed in Tuesday^s newspaper. The Federal Housing Administration refused to ensure mortgages in integrated neighborhoods, was a political and cultural movement associated with the communist party. What led African American farmers to form groups such as the Southern Tenant Farmers Union? The shift of black voters to the Democratic Party entailed a(n) _____. Which of the following is true about the program of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) launched in 1937? following sentences as either simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. d. It created a system of unemployment insurance. Harold Ickes directed which of the following? The change was especially apparent in the world of _____the jazz form most popular from roughly 1935 to the end of World War II. The New Deal will be remembered in American history: As a set of public policy initiatives that did not result in sustained prosperity AND For recasting the idea of American freedom to include a public guarantee of economic security for ordinary people (BOTH A &C), Intro to Law & Justice: Constitution - Midter, Ch. which statement about the Security Act is false? Which statement about the Indian New Deal is false? In 1935 _____, acclaimed by the celebrated European conductor Arturo Toscanini as one of the greatest singers in the world, returned to the United States in a veritable blaze of glory and was regarded by many as the greatest living contralto. In Roosevelt's 1934 fireside chat, what did he fear wasting? The Jim Crow system that divided white and black workers, Identify the factors that spurred the growth of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU), The collapse of the agricultural economy Which of the following best describes the significance of the Columbia River project? Which of the following is true about the Herndon case? She supported the civil rights movement of the 1960s. According to Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, how could corporations have prevented the Great Depression? Identify a true statement about Lena Horne. Which statement about the Social Security Act is correct? Identify an impact of the election of Oscar DePriest to the United States House of Representatives in 1928. Identify a true statement about the National Industrial Recovery Act passed in the 1933. Which statement about the New Deal is true? How did the federal government institutionalize racism during the New Deal? B) The New Deal agency that had the most direct and dramatic impact was the Civilian Conservation Corps. The Communist-affiliated International Labor Defense took over the appeals process in the case. Mexican-Americans were urged by local authorities to leave the country. His style and subject matter invoked the black folk art style of untrained painters. The Share Our Wealth movement a. wanted to confiscate the wealth of the richest Americans. Under the crop reduction program of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, _____. In contrast to the American Federation of Labor, the Congress of Industrial Organizations fought for. What was ironic about the actions of some fundamentalist preachers? Fox News announced in an abrupt statement it will "part ways" with longtime host Tucker Carlson, seen by many as the face of the network's brand. Why did FDR try to change the balance of power on the Supreme Court? Which of the following statements does not explain why the phrase "Labor's great upheaval" accurately describes some of the events of 1934? Which of the following us not true of the Columbia River project? If African American victories in state and local elections in the 1930s proved that times were changing, nothing did so more dramatically than the _____. a. wanted to confiscate the wealth of the richest Americans. The federal government became the protector of freedom of expression as private groups intended to infringe those rights. d. The workers stayed inside the plants and kept the machines in working order. A) Because he grew up in poverty, President Roosevelt had a special sympathy for the suffering of poor people during the 1930s. Finally, the Fair Labor Standards Acts of 1938 established minimum wages and maximum working hours. _____ began her career as a singer and dancer at Harlem's Cotton Club and was featured in the Hollywood-produced all-black musicals Cabin in the Sky (1943) and Stormy Weather (1944). During the electoral campaign of 1932, which was the divisive issue between Republicans and Democrats? b. Which of the following statements best describes Roosevelt's group of advisers known as the "Brains Trust"? The FRA mainly enforces rail safety but performs other functions as well. One of the most significant musical developments of the African American influence in music during the New Deal Era was the emergence of _____. c. provided pensions to the aged and unemployment benefits. Which of the following is the most accurate characterization of FDR's New Deal policy? Agricultural Adjustment Administration and National Recovery Administration. Which of the following statements best describes the CIO's philosophy about the role of government in relation to labor? Young African Americans, all the way from grade school to graduate school, found it possible to continue their education during the New Deal era by means of the benefits obtained from the _____. establish stores and purchase merchandise cooperatively. Which of the following best describes the Works Progress Administration? d. Some complained this was going to create a permanent class of government dependents. b. established temporary relief camps for displaced migrant workers. Identify a true statement about the new Civil Service regulations established during the New Deal era. single federation to unite all black organizations. How did Roosevelt's opponents characterize liberty? Additionally, the new plan makes it easier for those with a poorer credit score (639 or below) to buy homes, even with a down payment of 5% . c. the so-called New Deal Coalition reelected FDR in a landslide. Workers' militancy and tactical skills of a new generation of leaders. a. c. Legislation banned both members of a married couple from holding federal jobs. Why did a stigma emerge around public assistance during the New Deal years? b. What was the focus of the Second New Deal? a. FDR preferred to create jobs that improved the nation's infrastructure, combined economic regional planning with relief. Identify a true statement about the Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933), part of Roosevelt's New Deal. After Dylan Mulvaney promoted the beer on Instagram, well-known conservatives called for a boycott. The _____ was founded as a result of a meeting of the Joint Committee of National Recovery at Howard University in 1935, where the leaders denounced the racism of the American Federation of Labor and the limitations of the New Deal in addressing the Depression. They were hoping that the economic crisis could be the beginning of a socialist revolution. than two hours later.------. Paul Robeson's most widely viewed role on the American screen was as Joe in the _____. One of the most outrageous abuses of African Americans in the New Deal era was a study conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service in Macon County, Alabama, which begun in 1932 during the closing months of the Hoover Administration, known as the _____. why or why not? They were highly intelligent and highly trained people. d. brought democracy into the American workplace. How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt describe the notion of a "liberty of contract"? In the context of the Wagner Act of 1935, identify a reason why African Americans lacked the protection that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) granted to skilled workers. e. Social Security was a Second New Deal program. _____ was awarded the Oscar for Best Supporting Actressthe first black actor to win an Oscar. a. The sequence _____ composed by musician Duke Ellington in the musical short, Symphony in Black, featured black singer Billie Holiday in her first film appearance, singing of love and betrayal. What was the focus of Hollywood films such as Mr. e. Social Security was a Second New Deal program. In fireside chats and public addresses, FDR connected freedom with: the so-called New Deal coalition reelected FDR in a landslide. Which of the following statements is correct? Governer of the Virgin Islands Helped pave the way for the use of broadcast media to disseminate religious messages in the 20th century. How did FDR describe the notion of a "liberty of contract"? Why did president Franklin D. Roosevelt dissolve the Civil Works Administration? Which of the following statements best describes the CIO's philosophy about the role of government in relation to labor? Which of the following is true about the treatment of whites and blacks during the New Deal era? What factor contributed to the growth of union membership in the 1930s? Sculptor _____ made a profound contribution to the arts movement by serving as a dedicated mentor for young African American artists and by serving as the director for the Harlem Community Art Center, established under the Works Progress Administration. The first thing that Roosevelt attended to as the president was the ____________ crisis. b. sustaining mass purchasing power among the population. It organized get-out-the-vote campaigns in every state, targeting both whites and blacks. Blacks lost the right to vote across the south. Why did President Franklin D. Roosevelt dissolve the Civil Works Administration? Led by socialist organizers Harry Leland Mitchell and Clay East, eighteen tenant farmers formed the _____perhaps the most dramatic example of interracial labor activism on a grassroots level. Deeds Goes to Town and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington? Which of the following statements is true of the Indian New Deal? construct low-cost housing projects with subsidies from the United States Housing Authority. It refused employment to professionals such as dentist, Allowed the National Labor Relations Board to supervise union elections. H. explored the Mississippi River for France. Which of the following statements best assesses the fate of feminism during the New Deal? Social Security was a Second New Deal program. Government could shield Americans from economic insecurity through health care and housing. It was original in its concept and design. I. led the battle against the Spanish Armada. b. Rural blacks also allied with the Communist Party by forming the _____, which had two thousand members by 1933. Group of answer choices: Gilberto left suddenly in the middle of the school committee meeting and did not reappear until more _____, founder-president of Bethune-Cookman College, was active for several years as the director of the division of Negro affairs of the National Youth Administration. raise the general level of underprivileged groups in the South. The black advisors in the federal government during President Roosevelt's years pressed for _____. Landlords keeping checks intended for illiterate sharecroppers and tenants. How was the era of the mid-1930s, a period characterized by unprecedented labor militancy, referred to by its contemporaries? The bulk of African American employees fell into the unskilled and semiskilled categories, where there was little or no union organization. Which of the following offers the best description of the First New Deal? All of the statements about Roosevelt's group of advisers known as the "Brain Trust" are true EXCEPT: The "Brains Trust" believed that large corporations needed to be dismissed. The characterization of blacks in the film Tales of Manhattan, Duke Ellington's musical _____, which ran for three months in Los Angeles, was described by him as representing "an attempt to correct the race situation in the United States, through a form of musical propaganda . Identify a true statement about the Scottsboro case. What did the Filipino Repatriation Act offer Filipinos? c. was a political and cultural movement associated with the Communist Party. b. black voters voted in favor of the black Democratic candidate, Arthur W. Mitchell. A) Because he grew up in poverty, President Roosevelt had a special sympathy for the suffering of poor people during the 1930s. The _____ was set up to enforce those provisions of Section 7a of the National Industrial Recovery Act. the Republican high command began to seat white southern delegates at the national convention instead of black delegates. By 1935, Huey Long and Francis Townsend had made which of the following approaches to economic recovery less politically attractive for New Dealers? Trade unions were a big part of the so-called New Deal coalition, a broad front of forces that supported New Deal and associated policies from the 1930s until the 1960s. The Fair Labor Standards Act instituted all of the following changes except it: Which of the following had been a traditional belief prior to the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes? in at least 8 sentences describe how you would advise a parent who is seeking custody of a child. It provided incentives for landowners to plant fewer acres and reduce farm production. Which of the following had been a traditional belief prior to the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes? African Americans received benefits and were substantially aided by the program of the _____, which in 1937 took over the work of the Resettlement Administration (RA). Martin Luther King The "Citizens Alliance" of Minneapolis accused city officials of being in bed with labor, and attempted to remove them from office by force. ", esk literatura 2.pol. True or false: President Roosevelt's black cabinet was a formal body. _____ was the most prominent black composer of classical music, and his symphoniesAfrica, Afro-American Symphony, and Symphony in G Minor: Song of a New Racewere performed by many of the major orchestras in the United States. Which of the following statements is true about the members of President Roosevelt's black cabinet? The Goodman quartet won tremendous applause on records and in live performanceso much so that the group was featured in the _____, along with the Goodman orchestra. Which of the following offers the best description of the "First New Deal"? Heroes often must descend into a dark underworld to fulfill their quest. Which of the following Second New Deal measures came closest to meeting the demands of the Congress of Industrial Organizations for workplace domocracy? G. founded the settlement of New Amsterdam. a. a. workers' militancy and the tactical skills of a new generation of leaders. The failure of the New Deal agricultural policies. e. Upton Sinclair won the Democratic nomination for governor in 1934. According to John Steinbeck's "Harvest Gypsies," how were the migrant farm workers of the Great Depression different from those in earlier time periods? e. Larger companies were able to dominate the code-writing process at the expense of smaller ones. In the mid-1930s, the international Communist movement was pursuing _____ strategy in many countries, including the United States. True or false: Most blacks did not vote for President Roosevelt due to criticisms by the black leaders. d. It was a political program that integrated the notion of economic security into the definition of American freedom. Identifying the Structure of Sentences. Adolph HIlter _____, executive secretary of the National Urban League, went to Washington in the early days of the New Deal and for a period was advisor on "Negro affairs" in the Department of Commerce. How did labor militancy change the ways in which civil liberties were conceived? Hope for an end to the miniature dictatorships of factory managers and owners. Three prime examples of how trade unions benefitted were the National Recovery Administration, the National Labor Relations Act, and the Fair Labor Standards Acts. . Robert C. Weaver, Special assistant to attorney general What promoted as many as 200,000 American citizens to leave the country during the Great Depression? Why did southern Democrats start to pull support from the New Deal in the late 1930s? Identify a true statement about Billie Holiday. Identify the reasons for President Roosevelt drawing some opposition among blacks. c. Blacks lost the right to vote across the South. The "brains trust" believed that large corporations needed to be directed by the government. e. Agricultural Adjustment Act and National Recovery Administration. It abolished child labor for children under the age of sixteen. d. The new political climate in the U.S. Supreme Court meant that a federal child labor ban could stand constitutional muster. should partisan redistricting be permitted? e. It challenged the status quo in society. None, they are all Dev The dramatic victory of _____ in 1928 demonstrated both the Republican Party's ability to win the votes of white southerners and the extent to which it was willing to alienate blacks in an effort to build up a following capable of breaking the Southern Democratic stronghold. a. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe a result of "the southern veto"? According to the Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis, how could corporations have prevented the Great Depression? Which of the following statements explains why the phrase "labor's great upheaval" accurately describes some of the events of 1934? The Civil Service Commission's "rule of three" was used to avoid hiring African Americans. The FSA insisted that there be no discrimination between white and black farmers. The boll weevil continued to ravage crops forcing many white and black farm owners to join the ranks of tenant farmers or migrants. The _____ movement began in St. Louis, where the Urban League led a boycott against a white-owned chain store whose trade was almost exclusively black but carried no black employees on its payroll. Reflected the racism that was prevalent in the South during the 1930s. In contrast to the American Federation of Labor, the Congress of Industrial Organizations fought for: which statement is true about the UAW sit-down strikes in Flint, Michigan? Which statement about the New Deal is true? Accusations that the administration allowed discrimination in some relief agencies Under the old plan, that fee would be $1,600 (0.500%). New Deal programs such as Social Security established quotas for the distribution of benefits to working women AND Legislation banned both members of a married couple from holding federal jobs. Franklin D. Roosevelt's win in the presidential elections, Robert L. Vann Compared to most black male actors, _____, who starred in The Little Colonel (1935) and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938), was granted a rare dignity of presentation. The passing of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935 secured the right of employees of private enterprises to engage in collective action, such as joining trade unions, collective bargaining, and striking. In 1928, prominent African American Republican leaders, such as Benjamin Davis of Georgia, Perry Howard of Mississippi, and William McDonald of Texas, lost influence in their states as _____. What type of image grew in popularity among painters and writers during the 1930s? Which statement is true about the UAW sit-down strikes in Flint, Michigan? What statement is true of the Federal Housing Administration? Limited industrial development Which of the following statements regarding the New Deal and women is NOT true? _____ led black voters to question and ultimately reject old political allegiances in 1934. After the court packing attempt, how did the change in the jurisprudence of the United States Supreme Court affect American life? The publicity around the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU) and its brutal repression drew national attention to the cause of tenant farmers and was a catalyst for the founding of the _____. It ended the policy of forced assimilation. _____ presented black American life set to music in the musical short produced by Paramount Pictures in 1934, Symphony in Black. b. How did the government under the New Deal approach the precarious and poor conditions in which migrant laborers lived? _____ joined the great exodus of rural black southerners headed for the urban centers of the North, settled in New York, where he arrived in 1918, and was accepted at the prestigious National Academy of Design. In the 1930s and 1940s, a new breed of black and white musicians was sweeping the United States. The most influential advocate for African Americans in the Roosevelt administration was, gave the government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions. d. gave work to unemployed young men in jobs having to do with the environment. What did the election of Roosevelt mean to any American industrial worker? What was one result of the National Recovery Administration's actions? Identify the structure of each of the , lifespan development theory that states the difference between the immature and mature being is simply one of amount or complexity. They invalidated key initiatives, as conservative judges continued to understand freedom as liberty of contract. What other groups of immigrants were also encouraged to leave the U.S.? e. free transportation to those who wanted to get back to the Philippines. Describe Sigurd's plan to kill Fafnir. Fearing a sit-down strike in 1937, how did U.S. Steel react? Identify the true statements about the economic depression that engulfed the American agricultural system in the 1920s. Identify the ways in which Franklin Roosevelt's group of black advisors differed from those of earlier presidents. C. In addition to enforcing rail safety, the FRA is involved in research, financial, and technical assistance. Which two New Deal programs did the Supreme Court rule unconstitutional? Example 1. Why must the "you" in the poem run away from the voices of others crying for help in order to find her own voice? F. condemned the treatment of Native Americans. organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. How did the government try to prevent the rise of the women in the workforce during the Depression?
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which statement about the new deal is true quizlet 2023