Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) concluded that these reasons reflected the low and limited participation of women in political issues, political parties, and civil organizations. Today, students demonstrate to draw attention to causes. Viewing the entire tape, one would have seen a belligerent and violent Rodney King who was difficult for police to constrain. - University of Minnesota 54-67., Copyright 2019, Mohammad Soud Alelaimat, Published in Review of Economics and Political Science. Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) have also concluded that the difference of regions within the same country and the ethnic or racial diversity affect voting in elections. (6) of 2016 does not discriminate in voting between males and females (gender), young and old people (age), rich and poor (income), Jordanians and Palestinians who were granted the Jordanian nationality (regional affiliation). Full article: Factors influencing women political Demonstrators burned buildings and assaulted bystanders. (2001), Political participation of the urban poor, Journal of Social Problems, Vol. Voter registration and turnout is influenced by legal and structural factors, voter qualifications, the type of election, and voters enthusiasm about a particular campaign. Rock the Vote (RTV), a nonpartisan youth mobilization organization, established the first online voter registration initiative in 1992 with official backing from the Congressional Internet Caucus. Generally, about 15 percent of Americans participate in these types of campaign activities in an election year (Verba, Schlozman, & Brady, 1995). Political participation is the knowledge and behavior involved in political activities (Bernstein, 2005, p. 299). In addition to voting, people engage in a range of activities during campaigns. Moreover, some studies linked between democracy and active political participation, voting, participating in campaigning, and citizen protests. Significant steps have been taken to make registration easier. The contested vote in the Florida presidential race resulted in a recount in several counties. Twitter, a social messaging platform that allows people to provide short updates in real time, has been used to convey eyewitness reports of protests worldwide. E-mail has made contacting public officials cheaper and easier than the traditional method of mailing a letter. In brief, political participation refers to all those activities which influence the decision-making process. It depends upon a variety of factors that influence it. Methodology The results showed the following: First: The more the gender varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of male students as there was a gender gap between the voting of male and female students in the national and local elections. Political Participation in the United States: Influences & Voter If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Fifty-four people were killed and two thousand were wounded. The study population contained three Jordanian universities representing the various segments of the Jordanian society: Al-Al Bayt University (Northern Region), Jordanian University (Central Region) and Mu'tah University (Southern Region). Plagiarism Prevention 4. Factors Affecting Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. WebThere are many social factors that affect the political attitude and behavior of the individual in this frame. Gender and Political Participation, Neighborhood poverty and African American politics, Jordanian womens political participation: legislative status and structural challenges, Do women and men know different things? The Watts riots in 1965 were the first of a number of civil disturbances in American cities. Some of the factors considered in the examination of data from the 2010 AmericasBarometer survey by LAPOP include wealth, age, sex and educational level. The process by which a person develops political values and beliefs, including through interactions with family, friends, school, religious and civic groups, and the media. The political landscape for many African nations does not provide the platforms where citizens can loudly and freely engage with the governments to harness democracy. This tactic was used effectively during the 1960s civil rights movement when African Americans sat in whites-only sections of public busses. Only a small number of people, generally under one-quarter of those eligible, participate in local, county, and state elections. In addition, Ineffectiveness of the performance of elected local councils with (44.7 per cent) for the age group (18 less than 23). This, in turn, increases their political participation (Leigh, 2018, p. 9). The more the age varies, the more the students voting in the elections differs. Linda McMahonterm-1. FACTORS AFFECTING Political participation is normally associated with the modern form of democracy. (6) of 2016, articles 3 and 8). Roth, S. and Saunders, C. (2019), Gender differences in political participation: comparing street demonstrators in Sweden and the United Kingdom, Journal of Sociology, Vol. (1997), Womens engagement in politics in the year of the woman, American Politics Quarterly, Vol. Thus, there was a gender gap between Jordanian university male and female universities students' voting in national and local elections. States argue that their legal authority to deny convicted felons voting rights derives from the Fourteenth Amendment, which stipulates that voting rights of individuals guilty of participation in rebellion, or other crime can be denied. Moreover, the voting ratio of the family income group (less than 500 dinars) was low; it was problematic because this group covered the majority of university students. Gender and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections, Age and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections, Family income and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections, Regional affiliation and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections. Factors Members may engage in lobbying efforts and take part in demonstrations to publicize their concerns. Taking part in the political processes which lead to the selection of political leaders or determine or influence public policy is generally known as political participation. Political environment 4. 107-123. Do you think people who have committed serious crimes should be allowed to vote? Americans followed the riots surrounding the contested presidential election in Iran in 2009 on Twitter, as observers posted unfiltered, graphic details as the violent event unfolded. Want to create or adapt books like this? What motivated you to get involved? In March 1991, KTLA News at Ten in Los Angeles interrupted programming to broadcast an eighty-one-second amateur videotape of several police officers savagely beating black motorist Rodney King as he stood next to his vehicle. By 2008, 44 percent of the public had contacted their member of Congress about an issue or concern (Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). The Jordanian leadership responded and announced constitutional amendments in 2011. In such activities they join hands with other people of the society to influence the actions of the government. The main reason for voting in the elections according to gender was practicing the constitutional right. with (49.5 per cent) for males and (20.4 per cent) for females. In addition, Trust in the ability of candidates to provide services to people. for the family income category (more than 700 dinars) at (19.5 per cent). People can engage in nonviolent acts of civil disobedience where they deliberately break a law that they consider to be unjust (Lipsky, 1968). Such factors are political exposure, political efficacy, education, income, gender, political interest, political culture, political parties, and religious beliefs. 65 No. 2 No. The tape enraged blacks in Los Angeles who saw the police actions as being widespread within the Los Angeles Police Department and not an isolated incident. Leaders frequently are spammed with mass e-mails that are not from their constituents. 617-634. Familys Impact on Individuals Political - ed This role is partly expressive and partly instrumental. Where youth participatory mechanisms fail to have a substantive impact, they may still have important symbolic or signaling features. In addition, they felt marginalized inside the Jordanian society. While one of the studies atrributed it to the negative perception of women regarding their role in leadership positions, their low self-confidence and lack of their equal rights with men (Dababneh, 2012, p. 215). Four white officers were tried in criminal court for the use of excessive force, and they were acquitted of all but one charge. Moreover, the reason for not voting was the ineffectiveness of the performance of elected local councils with (20.3 per cent) for the Jordanians and Inefficiency of candidates for such councils with (38.4 per cent) for the (Palestinians). Homana (2018), Pyeatt and Yanus (2018), Solt (2008), Atkeson (2003), Lawless and Fox (2001), Koch (1997), Brady et al. The Jordanian Constitution included a number of articles that emphasize the equal rights and duties of women (Article 6) and the freedom of women to express their opinions, to engage in civil society, and their freedom to join parties (Article 15, 16, 17). So, the Palestinians had the right to vote in Jordanian national and local elections. Education, gender, occupation, family, etc. Dalam artikel ini, akan dibahas faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik. Once a candidate gets on the ballot, she must organize a campaign, solicit volunteers, raise funds, and garner press coverage. Moreover, women believe that they do not have the ability to make political change, and their participating would make no change in the society. Eberly, D. E., Americas Promise: Civil Society and the Renewal of American Culture (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998). Fitzgerald (2013), Taft (2014) pointed out that women in American society are less engaged in politics than men. elections, according to the decision in Citizens United v. Factors That Affect Youth Political Participation in Ethiopia The politically aware are usually better able to relate their social values to their political opinions, to achieve stable, internally consistent belief systems. Although the political participation base expanded in Jordan, youth remained reluctant to participate in elections. 16, pp. Voting is the most prominent form of political participation. Social psychologists have emphasized on psychological traits which stem from 2. Pyeatt, N. and Yanus, B. In Australia, the participation rate of young people (aged 18-19years old) was (53 per cent) and their participating in community participation also declined (Homana, 2018, p.41). To solve this problem, females have to overcome their psychological beliefs that their equality with men is impossible. Which of the following best explains how the organization can operate to influence. This declining continued until the national elections in 2012, where the ratio of youth participation (ages 19-24years old) in voting was (41 per cent), and they were reluctant to engage in election campaigns and contacting elected officials. Congressional Management Foundation, Communicating with Congress: How the Internet Has Changed Citizen Engagement (Washington, DC: Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). The United States holds a large number of elections, and each is governed by specific rules and schedules. Other forms of protest behavior include marking public spaces with graffiti, demonstrating, and boycotting. One is an individuals substantive political identification on a left-right spectrum and the other is on an individuals engagement with the process of politics that is revealed by their acquisition of information on candidates in an election and their willingness to vote in an election. This, in turn, affected women's political aspirations and supported their sense of marginalization and lack of their equality with men. Womens full and effective political participation is a matter of human The scope and the outcome of voting is very broad affecting all the members of a society. Ross, M. (2008), Oil, Islam, and women, American Political Science Review, Vol. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. WebVCU Scholars Compass | Virginia Commonwealth University Research The number of people who give money to a candidate, party, or political organization has increased substantially since the 1960s. As one of the basic principles of participatory democracy, each citizen gets one vote and each vote c (1995), Beyond SES: a resource model of political participation, American Political Science Review, Vol. Quantitative research method was used in this study. In addition, unemployment high rate of female makes them reluctant to vote in elections (Roth and Saunders, 2019, p. 574). Another study asserted that there is a reluctance from young people to participate in voting, joining political parties and contributing to political campaigns (Homana, 2018, p. 40). Piven, F. F. and Richard A. Cloward, Why Americans Still Dont Vote (Boston: Beacon Press, 2000). There are many different ways that Americans can participate in politics, including voting, joining political parties, volunteering, contacting public officials, contributing money, working in campaigns, holding public office, protesting, and rioting. The most important political activities may be those carried out by parties or citizens between elections to influence government decisions about specific problems that concern them. This problem gained attention during the 2000 election. This study aimed at identifying the factors affecting the political participation of Jordanian university students, especially their voting in the national and local elections. The protesters demanded many political and economic reforms. 46 No. Political participation is action that influences the distribution of social goods and values (Rosenstone & Hansen, 1993). To what extent an individual receives political stimuli to participate in political activities, depends on the political environment or the political setting in which he/she finds himself/herself. The report focuses on explaining participation in campaigns in the Latin American and Caribbean regions of the Americas. 81-99. It can be concluded that marginalization of women in the past, and the denial of their right to vote for political and social reasons, made women feel alienation within the society and they were unequal to men. However, there have not been great fluctuations in turnout since the institution of universal suffrage in 1920. There are varieties of ways in which people can participate in the political processes of a society. These characteristics influence how It not only stimulates political learning but also makes citizens responsible. For many people, voting is the primary means of taking part in politics. 3, pp. These groups are as diverse as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which supports animal rights, the Concord Coalition, which seeks to protect Social Security benefits, and the Aryan Nation, which promotes white supremacy. They pointed out that the political participation of females has always been less than males. Dababneh, A.B. Tingkat Pengetahuan. Atkeson, L.R. (PDF) Factors influencing women political participation: The case In addition, the main reason for not voting by females students was inefficiency of candidates for such councils with (42.2 per cent) was the Ineffectiveness of the performance of elected local councils against (11.9 per cent) for male students. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Moreover, in 2016 further amendments were conducted. Review of Economics and Political Science. This, in turn, affected their voting in the elections. 59 No. Political participation is a complex phenomenon. A large majority of people who have registered to vote participate in presidential elections. Over two hundred websites were established to rally support for protests in Seattle, Washington; Washington, DC; Quebec City, Canada; and other locations. In addition, they pointed out that there were some political factors affected voting in elections, such as the constitutional right to vote, performance of the elected councils and candidates, political trust, party activities, etc. The video of the beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles in 1991 sparked riots. 84-94. The more the age varies, the more the voting shifts in favor of older students. This result was consistent with the studies of Atiyat (2017), Fitzgerald (2013), Taft (2014), Roth and Saunders (2019), which confirmed the low voting of females. The more the regional affiliation varies, the more the voting shifts in favor of Jordanians students. As one would expect, those with higher levels of education and income are the most likely to contribute. Verba, S., Kay Lehman Schlozman, and Henry E. Brady, Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995). Why are certain demographic groups more likely to align with the Democratic or Republican Party? New media offer additional opportunities for people to engage in campaigns. The ratio of voting for the category (18 less than 23) was low; this was problematic because the majority of university students were allocated in this category. The more the gender varies, the more students voting in the elections differs. (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1999). Finally, the voting gap in the elections was due to political, social, economic reasons such as ineffectiveness of the national and local councils' performance, inefficiency of candidates of these councils, political alienation, the difficulty to access public services, inequality in distribution of income, absence of political socialization, the feeling of inequality with men in education and employment. Factors Soon after the verdict was announced, riots broke out. 4, pp. Over 25 percent of the public gave money to a cause and 17 percent contributed to a presidential candidate in 2008 (Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 2008). Extensive e-mail listservs keep protestors and sympathizers in contact between demonstrations. Social, cultural, and economic factors can keep people from voting. Fitzgerald, J. Thus, regional affiliation affected the political participation of university students. Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Re-Interview Poll, Nov, 2008, Poll Database, Social psychologists have emphasized on psychological traits which stem from individual personality and cognitive structures. Factors It says that blue collared workers are more likely to be affiliated with the Democratic party, and it says that the Southern region is more Republican. Copyright 10. (1993), Neighborhood poverty and African American politics, American Political Science Review, Vol. (2009), Studying oil, islam, and women as if political institutions mattered, Politics and Gender, Vol. Such political activities can support government officials, institutions, and policies, or aim to change them. The survey was conducted in the academic year 2018-2019. 8.2 Why People Participate American Government and Politics In addition, ethnic diversity, different habits, incomes of people led to the difference in political participation. The research analysis reveals that, lack of political knowledge and adequate education, youth political interest and apathy, economy, socio-centrism attitude and familys pressure, fear, partisan attachment and the incumbent government performances, age and the existing institutional structures of Democracy are the major factors affecting the Scholars have argued that socio-economic factors, such as the numbers of graduate women (Hillygus, 2005) and women's participation in the labor force outside Levels of political interest and apathy have often been taken as criteria of participation and non-participation, including party membership, expressed interest in politics and awareness of issues. 109-122. Many people take part in neighborhood, school, and religious associations. Seventeen percent of Americans contacted a public official in 1976. It can be concluded that: the more the regional affiliation varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of the Jordanian students. Cohen, C.J. The election commission has the right to allow symbols to the political parties. In addition, political participation is voluntary activities, in which the individual participates in the selection of rulers, and formulates public policies, directly or indirectly. For example, running for mayor of New York City requires 7,500 signatures and addresses on a petition.
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