This discussion can include: Acceptable behavior at home or in their culture, Fair or appropriate behavior in the classroom that allows everyone to be successful. So if youre able to ask or youre able to read a book or able to sit through PD and receive some wonderful information, I think that truly helps us to achieve that closing of the culture gaps. C. Local and State channels I was asking questions. They invite me to their sporting events, their parties, things like that. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Co-cultures do not include gender, age, or sexual orientation. Oftentimes, this discipline is the result of subjective understandings of student behavior such as interpreting an action as rude or disrespectful rather than understanding that the behavior may stem from cultural differences. Families who participate in school events are considered to be interested and involved in their childs education. User: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Beliefs and reactions to situations. Next, KaMalcris Cottrell discusses how she addresses cultural gaps. A) monochronic Which of the following statements about disability etiquette is FALSE: A. Its ok to pet a service dog if he doesnt look busy. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. If maintaining harmonious relationships takes precedence over a strict adherence to a time schedule, you are demonstrating a monochronic time orientation. So to examine that gives us a better understanding first of what it is. Verbally conveying information in a direct and assertive manner is valued. Listen as Lori Delale-OConnor discusses culturally sustaining practices. Standing very close to someone when speaking is seen as violating personal space. Providing directions in the form of a question (e.g., Can you join us for group time?) implies an expectation to comply. a. is experiencing generalized feelings of stress with no identifiable cause b. has been Can't you see I'm busy? b) Are the necessary assumptions to perform inference satisfied? Think about a group of students you are currently working with or may work with in the future. If a female manager from the United States is conducting business in a country where men are treated as superior,she can gain immediate respect by explaining that she is a U.S.citizen so she should be treated as an equal. They accounted for approximately: The first chart is labeled Students and is divided as follows: 47% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 27% Hispanic (gray), 15% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 6% other (green), and 5% Asian/non-Hispanic (gold). And so in some ways it can be responsive, but it also can serve as the precursor really to setting up your classroom dynamic that can help to have a smooth flow in your classroom but also can help when you return to it to say, oh, hey, we established this together. To more effectively do so, teachers should have an understanding of their own culture and their students cultures. Beliefs and reactions to situations. Culture is a word we use to describe any of the practices, beliefs and norms characteristic of a particular society, group, or place. He or she is manifesting what time orientation? Whats the expectation while were in the circle. Keeping all resources for private-sector use only So its very relaxed and nonjudgmental. D) individual job advancement. And I think that has helped within our staff, and I think it helps with our interaction with our students, because you dont know what you dont know. In some cultures it is considered impolite to directly say "no" to a request,because it could embarrass the person who made the request. D. Notions of time Weegy: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Notions of time Score 1 User: True or False: Section 508 only effects employees who work with technology and procurement, not . D. Reliability, Scalability, and Portability, Common resources fall into five general groupings. Modules, case studies, activities, & more, Sample syllabi, curriculum matrices, & more, Sample PD activities, planning forms, & more, Resources & tools for independent learners, Feedback and testimonials from IRIS users, University of Pittsburgh School of Education, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture. O settler colonialism Jordan, on the other hand, has been taught that making eye contact is disrespectful to adults, and so he looks at the ground when Ms. Amry speaks to him. And similarly for young people there is an expectation of how you might advocate for yourself. In 15 minutes every child has a chance to share, and you can always choose to pass and then at the end well come back around if now youre comfortable with sharing, you may do that at the end. These conflicts can have a range of effects: students feeling misunderstood or marginalized, higher rates of discipline referrals, and students leaving school altogether. D. Values that influence decision-making. And I think our school does an excellent job of providing this safe space. Click here to view examples that illustrate certain specific perspectives and approaches that might result in cultural gaps. In support of the third goal of FEMAs action plan, FEMA leaders at all levels must recognize that diversity, management is a significant part of their role as FEMAs leaders, and that they are held accountable for, Which of the following electronic and information technology products is not required to meet Section 508, True or False: During deployment of the disaster workforce, the Federal Coordinating Officer has the sole. The statement: "Time is money,so it should be rationed carefully" reflects a ______________ orientation toward time. Build relationships with students When teachers and students learn more about and develop a mutual respect for each other: Teachers gain a better understanding of what students need to engage in class and to succeed, Students gain a better understanding of why particular rules and procedures are necessary to help the class run smoothly and to help the class succeed. We do have nonverbal signals that the students can show that they agree or that theyve done the same thing or theyve had the same experience. And one example was I was actually sadly included in the funeral of one of my students mothers, and I went to the childs church, and during the service the children were never expected to be sitting or quiet. Culture is a word we use to describe any of the practices, beliefs and norms characteristic of a particular society, group, or place. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Engage in a conversation around these differences and work to build a classroom community that acknowledges them and bridges this cultural gap. Perhaps reconsider my childs grade. The pieces I didnt understand was its very intricate. University of Pittsburgh School of Education, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_elem_p02a_oconner.mp3. In addition, she offers examples of how teachers can implement culturally sustaining practices to create inclusive classrooms where all students feel supported. D. Magnitude of the emergency response effort, When a disaster strikes and a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) determines outside assistance is necessary, the PSAP will identify the specific needs and make a formal request through which of the following channels? And I would hope people feel the same way about my culture. What do cultural gaps actually look like in practice? To notice if the goal is being met, they check the gasoline usage for 50 company trips chosen at random, finding a mean of 25.02mpg25.02 \mathrm{mpg}25.02mpg and a standard deviation of 4.83mpg4.83 \mathrm{mpg}4.83mpg. People who have a polychronic time orientation. And your response as a young person may not be to say Im going to act in this way, but instead to say, hey, we talked about this, and I feel like Im not being respected, or what we talked about isnt being respected. And it was interesting to see the interplay between the other three students and this young lady. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Notions of time B. Members of a low-context culture feel the need to make information clear, direct, and explicit, as they view themselves as individuals, World-mindedness is the opposite of ethnocentrism, Culture is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT. Acknowledging and promoting the strengths of diverse students rather than focusing on perceived shortcomings or weaknesses. The idea of misbehavior has multiple different definitions, and the way it can look in one certain classroom or within one certain school can differ, and without specifically aligning that or coming to an understanding of what that can look like theres going to be discrepancies. C. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors. In low-power-distance cultures, differences in power are minimized, whereas in high-power-distance cultures, differences in power are accentuated. Most of us can fit comfortably in any organizational culture,as long as we are earning a good salary. Perceiving a difference in one's ideal and actual situations is the initial stage of the purchase . Some students (or groups of students) may thrive within a particular school setting because their norms and practices align with these rules and procedures. To gain a better understanding of your own knowledge, attitudes, and practices, as well as to identify areas of strength and growth, complete the Double-Check Self-Assessment. layered. C. Type of disaster. A) Asian Although culturally sustaining practices may look different depending on the context, teachers can: Many districts have personnel who can offer teachers information, training, and supports on topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Teachers are automatically regarded as an authority figure (based on role/position or age). How can a seller organization influence perceptions of a buyer organization? Julie is concerned about the thoughts and feelings of others; however, she often does not get her own needs met and is perceived as being too nice. A few lessons that Ive learned instructing or interacting with students from different cultures is to be as open-minded as possible to create a safe space for them to feel like its OK to share their different views and culture or their background or activities that their families may participate in that are foreign to me. the influencing of people during conversation, in either positive or negative ways, is called. One or two specific ways of how to behave and how to act within a classroom or a school environment, those sort of ways of acting and behaving does not necessarily always align with how other cultures think about or process appropriate behavior. Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). This disparity in cultural and racial backgrounds and experiences can lead to unique challenges and potential misunderstandings. This can include cultural liaisons and community outreach specialists with personal knowledge and understanding of the cultures represented in the community. A) Strive to get to know coworkers and quickly get on a first-name basis. B) arrive promptly at meetings. B) Communicators often rely on subtle, nonverbal cues to convey meaning. We have the one person speaking. D. Beliefs and reactions to situations. D. Values that influence decision-making. B) standard D) using the most up-to-date methods. So a few of the kids asked do you get this when youre 20, which was a great question because why not increments of five? Recognizing and understanding why students behave in certain ways can prevent misunderstandings based on cultural differences. There is a clear distinction between the role of the teacher and that of the family: Academics is the sole responsibility of the teachers while families provide instruction on skills and knowledge needed at home and in the community. chapter13- trauma and stressor related disord, KEP-Dienste - wichtige Begriffe kurz erklrt. D) It is considered impolite to say "yes" or "no" directly. And how can I best support that? At the core, we need to remember the role of schools is really to support and serve young people. In the Middle East, negative emotional expression is usually suppressed,because it is so important to show harmony. Members of generation Y are good at multitasking,but tend to ignore tasks they aren't interested in (which can be detrimental to their jobs and to themselves). And that might be an intervention in terms of my child needs something else. Lori Delale-OConnor, PhD Assistant Professor And so if there needs to be any intervention or if there needs to be conversation about it, its the role of the young person. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. religion. education. Lets talk about this. Andrew Kwok, PhD C) Social contexts reveal much information about relationships. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Values that In education, a cultural gap refers to any significant disparity in world views, values, and expectations that exist between a teacher (or the school culture as a whole) and racially and ethnically diverse students. As we think about culture as part of larger behavior classroom management, I think part of it is recognizing that we all need to be examining our practices from the onset, not just when things arent working or the classroom is erupting into a scene that nobody wants, that is not serving the teacher, that is not serving the students in their learning. The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. When teachers understand how cultural gaps negatively impact some students, they can more effectively develop a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan (e.g., rules, procedures, and consequences). You are going to get opportunities because your teachers are going to say, oh, wow, what a great behaved student, what a high-achieving student. Within any culture,we can find a wide variety of communication styles displayed; for this reason,we should avoid stereotyping members of that culture. By understanding their own cultural perspectives, those of their students, and those promoted by the school, teachers can better identify cultural gaps. These subjective interpretations lead to negative outcomes for students that further exclude them from learning opportunities, including higher rates of suspensions, expulsions, and even students leaving school. He always shows up for meetings 15 minutes early. In Scandinavian countries,whose culture is classified as "feminine," work teams tend to emphasize: And I think if we can see other cultures through their view or from different points of view, it makes us that much stronger of a community. The fourth chart is labeled Expulsions and is divided as follows: 38% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 35% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 21% Hispanic (gray), 5% other (green), and 1% Asian/non-Hispanic (gold). Teachers are automatically regarded as an authority figure (based on role/position or age). To learn more about cultural influences on behavior and how demographic differences can lead to cultural gaps that negatively impact students, we encourage you to listen to Lori Delale-OConnor in this extended IRIS Interview. consumer socialization. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Values that And so that, I think, is the difference between really thinking about culturally responsive, which is responding to who students are and where theyre coming from and their experiences and their different ways of being. A group that exists within a larger culture,yet has a clear identity of its own,is called a sub-culture. D. Financing governmental response measures, Which of the following factors does NOT impact the working conditions in a disaster area? And so the more that teachers can invest towards getting to know their students and their cultures, the more that theyll be able to bring that information into the classroom and be able to apply it in meaningful ways so that their students can engage and participate and feel like a part of that classroom community and feel like they are being integrated and part of the learning process, as opposed to being individuals who are being spoken at and having to do learning one specific way. Operations Management. Adapted from Double-Check: A Framework of Cultural Responsiveness Applied to Classroom Behavior, by P. A. Hershfeldt, R. Sechrest, K. L. Pell, M. S. Rosenberg, C. P. Bradshaw, and P. J. It is also important for teachers to recognize that their students cultural practices and beliefs might well be different from their own. C) polychronic I think a lot of times we take for granted the particular practices and policies of schools without questioning why theyre there or who put them in or how long theyve been there or, most importantly, how and whether they are serving both teachers and young people in their work. I must confess the influence of culture is so huge, culture can influence customs, beliefs, Values, and laws. Someone who is diagnosed with adjustment disorder (AD) _____. A few ways that I have addressed culture gaps is personallystarting with meself-reflection, learning what my views are, learning and admitting that I didnt know all that I should have known, but being willing to learn it. which one Weegy: Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out with each heartbeat. This can result in a cultural gap. Once we are aware of the possibility of these culture gapsand the problems that might arise because of themwe can take thoughtful steps toward a better, more thorough understanding of them. What may appear as noncompliance to a verbal/written instruction or rule may in fact be a language misunderstanding. we tend to . And it would be an insult to you if I came in advocating for my student. B) making the working conditions more pleasant This information can be gathered formally or informally through: Meetings (Meet the Teacher night, parent-teacher conferences), Frequent two-way communication (emails, phone calls). And youll see cultural differences in that. They can do this by implementing culturally sustaining practicespractices that not only accept but foster students cultural norms and values. Learning about students cultures can help teachers: Following are some examples of how teachers can learn more about their students and their cultural backgrounds, experiences, and practices. So understanding ones own culture allows us to see that culture itself isnt neutral, that everybody has their own culture and their own ways of understanding, not just people we deem as different than us. Read these books together as a class. And if it is not serving them well, its not supporting their learning, then why is that and what might need to change? Students feeling misunderstood or marginalized, 31 percent of in-school suspensions (one or more instances), 38 percent of one or more out-of-school suspensions (one or more instances), 38 percent of all expulsions (with and without educational services). School of Education, Andrew Kwok, PhD Modules, case studies, activities, & more, Sample syllabi, curriculum matrices, & more, Sample PD activities, planning forms, & more, Resources & tools for independent learners, Feedback and testimonials from IRIS users, University of Pittsburgh School of Education. One suggestion for improving intercultural competence is to remember that difference doesn't mean distance. a. B. And a lot of that stems from not necessarily a students ability to do something but their understanding of how school works essentially, and their families understanding of how school works. And so they learn to argue in a polite and respectful way for what they want, and they learn to advocate for themselves from a very, very young age. The best time to weigh yourself is in the. According to Bevan and Sole (2014), culture influences all except the If you choose buttons wider than the pattern suggests, what must happen? Chapter 5: Understanding Consumer Behavior Flashcards | Quizlet A company with a large fleet of cars hopes to keep gasoline costs down and sets a goal of attaining a fleet average of at least 26 miles per gallon. Every aspect of culture influences every other aspect of . Cultural differences are particularly important to understand as the U.S. student population becomes more and more racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse. This opportunity to get to learn about their students opens up a variety of options for expanding their education. Culture is defined as a set of shared interpretations that each person of a particular race is born with. When you are working in a disaster area, it is common to work with different types of first responders. Blank refers to the loudness of your voice. They include Personnel, Teams, Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies. Solved consumer response to marketing stimuli is influenced - Chegg These practices are designed to recognize and bridge cultural gaps and represent a shift from the traditional focus of schools, where students are expected to adopt white, middle class norms and to change or shed behaviors that dont align with the schools or teachers expectations. When I think about families, some great examples are do you know how to contact a teacher in the way that the teacher expects and is deemed appropriate? What component of intercultural competence is she lacking? In short, what I am trying to say is that culture influence ALL of the OPTIONS in the question above,that is option 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'. Why are self-casings easier to make than applied casings? Next, listen as she explains how culture plays a role in classroom behavior management practices and why it is important to examine these practices with a cultural lens. Any significant disparity in world views, values, and expectations that exist between a teacher (or the school culture as a whole) and racially and ethnically diverse students. Culturally determined characteristics include: the language spoken at home; religious observances; customs (including marriage customs that often accompany religious and other beliefs); acceptable . A. Ideal culture can be defined as ? That means seeing the value of everything that theyre bringing in, and not seeking to change them but seeking to support them in developing who they are in concert with all the things that theyre learning in the classroom. And then after talking with the student and clarifying the situation and then also asking them what they would like to see in that classroom going forward, would they prefer me to speak to the class when theyre not there, when they are there, and what would make them the most comfortable going forward to make sure that the students in the classroom understand as well as I do? includes observing the outcomes of others' behaviors and adjusting your own accordingly, product attributes that are used to compare different offerings when making a purchase decision, the influencing of people during conversation, in either positive or negative ways, is called, the process by which people acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to function as consumers, Perceiving a difference in one's ideal and actual situations is the initial stage of the purchase decision process, one that is known as. University of Pittsburgh School of Education, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_oconner_a.mp3, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_oconner_b.mp3. And these sort of things are unstated. Major values that distinguish the United States include individualism, competition, and a commitment to the work ethic. C) parallel-context Teachers may not realize how much of their daily routines and practices are influenced by their cultural practices and upbringing. The United States is a high-context culture. C) team cooperation Its responsive and then an additional step of really supporting and enhancing, so students are constantly growing in their cultural understanding of themselves, of each other, and of their communities. Students and teachers may have similar cultural backgrounds and experiences, share only certain cultural experiences, or be altogether different from one another. Although the plan should be developed before the school year begins, it is important to be flexible and allow for changes throughout the school year as teachers learn more about their students. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Culture is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT sexual orientation. learned. She was very nice and patient and did a wonderful job of explaining it. Cultural capital is this idea that students and their families are familiar or are unfamiliar with what is deemed the legitimate culture within a society and in particular within a school. Or we didnt recognize that this might be an area where were clashing, but we have already developed this sort of respect and acknowledgment for each other as cultural beings. Values that influence decision-making. Providing directions in the form of a question implies an expectation of choice or an option to decline. Have students interview each other about their familys culture and practices then provide them with an opportunity to share what they learned about their peers with the class. Or, similarly, that actually the education is meant to happen between young people and the teacher. The United States is an example of a highly feminine culture. Finally, he talks about developing a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan. And those vary across time and space. Although teachers should have an understanding of the differing cultural perspectives of their students, they should also keep in mind that not everyone with the same ethnic or racial background has the same values. Some ways to make the plan more culturally sustaining are to: Practices that not only accept but foster students cultural norms and values. -value, beliefs, and attitudes Project Officer, Sarah Allen. Is this strong proof that they have failed to attain their fuel economy goal? Often times, these disparities negatively impact the success of diverse student populations. The third chart is labeled Out-of-School Suspensions and is divided as follows: 39% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 31% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 23% Hispanic (gray), 6% other (green), and 1% Asian/non-Hispanic (gold). The process whereby an individual learns his culture from infancy, through experience, observation, and instruction is called ? User: Mateo did poorly on a test. Any of the shared rules, expectations, and practices that guide, inform, or influence the behavior of people in a certain culture or social group. C) personal performance.
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culture is influenced by all of the following except 2023