It lacks style and substance; it is likely priced at ten times more than what it cost to make; and is generally indicative of a society of consumners that is hard-up financially. In the 80s we "woven ties", around 1990 everything was silk with geometric patterns, in the mid 90s, the trend was floral ties!I walked into that same dept store a week ago and saw virtually nothing. One goes to the grocery store and can use the self-checkout lane, yet human labor is still needed to oversee that we can, ironically, do it ourselves and not cheat or steal while doing so. There was a young couple with a young child that i encountered in the elevator. Just my 2^2/3 cents worth. I have been noticing this problem for years. You know,like they actually give a damn about themselves. It doesn't seem to matter how expensive the place is, either. If I've used a photo, video, etc in one of my posts it means I really dig it! It appears to me, in my humble opinion, at least, that our society has given up apsiring and has accepted these debasements, and doesn't care about "keeping up appearances" at least for the sake of one's self respect. to look even worse? And what happened to nice big collars?I blame the education system where they let their teachers come to work in casual sloppy clothing and I also blame the retail business and wholesale manufacturers. What a moronic joke. no just NO. I get "dressed up" to go out. I think it's so sad how sloppy Americans have become, even when they dress casually. I usually put on a day dress and heels to go to school and get looks from people in their pajamas, it's very strange. At the end of our meal, the waitress brought back the little computer monitor to my table. Or how about Kim "Kar trashian" and her implanted, hippopotamus-sized ass? It's really gotten ugly out there, I am sorry to say, when I feel compelled to report these public obscenities now. Frayed denim hems swept the filthy floor. Maybe they feel emasculated by a gender-blurred society and have retreated to cave man esthetics. Where is the decency?I'll probably be "overdressed" in their eyes, but I intend on showing up to class in a nice dress and heels everyday with my hair neat in a braid. The kids were better dressed than the two "adults". And we're smart enough to know that clothes aren't that important and we can weed out women from our lives who judge us on our clothes. Regardless, my clothing fits me as it should and is clean. Its the norm to display how overweight you are and the tattoos youre covered in. Casual fashion was just starting to become socially acceptable but not allowed obscenities in public. I don't get it. Have you seen what celebs wear in public (when not posing for those magazines, of course) vs. how they used to dress when not filming a movie? This explained all the jamming issues and stoppages they continually experienced during the contact we were engaged in. Variety is the spice of life. Take a look sometime at how male movie stars are dressed for a magazine shoot, and especially European celebs. A kewpie doll? (Information Technology) professional, I wore clothing appropriate for what I was doing, which was mostly a nice pair of Dockers pants, either a button down shirt or Lands End polo shirt, and for outside I wore an Australian outback hat (like a fedora, only with a slightly wider brim) if I wasn't required to wear a hardhat. I also believe the idea of having a foreign substance such as ink -- which is often made in China -- could have side effects years from now. In the 90s you had the start of the grunge rockers and the leftover crazy look of 80s punks, then you got into the whole gangster look from rap and hip hop. What looks best on me are a-line skirts and dresses, and flowy tunics. I wish more of us could understand that. ).When I'm "casually" dressed in a basic skirt and sweater, I'm considered "dressed up" because everyone else is running errands in their pajamas.Wellyou knowI could rant on this forever! So did Kurt Vonnegut and Gore Vidal, all whom I miss, with their varied works that satirized the foibles of We the People and the hideous and incompetent "leaders" we "elect.". I've talked about this before but it's just getting worse as the year goes on. Take off the f#$%^&*g ballcaps, for chrissakes! I apologize, but let me tell you about the latest I observed which was beyond the pale. Their were still social taboos on what people couldn't wear in public. I can't understand why people look so debased now, but I suspect it arises from a lack of not just money, but also from a shared sense of sloppiness that society says is okay. There isn't much if any emphasis on style these days. Whatever the reason, I refuse to believe that lack of money is the main cause for dressing like slobs. The Canadians apparently take more pride in their appearance than we do. Years ago I wrote a post called "Why Are So Many Of Us So Fat?" One of Spokane's long-embraced myths holds that our attitudes about casual attire are sharply divided along generational lines. I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing! It was a little unimpressive. Sores like HM and Zara have the nicest clothing for the same price you would pay for what you usually buy. They would judge you because you are not a mindless sheep buying the latest leggings at Victoria's secret or not dressing like a hipster. Also, I realize that appearance isn't everything and that personality has to be accounted for when recognizing nice people. When I decided to try a casino's vaunted buffet, I had to make my way through a milling throng. These teachers dress like slobs. I came out to the parking lot after buying groceries, and a big white new SUV slowly backs into a space. Everyone has one, they arent cool anymore. I have a problem with womens cloths as they don't fit very well. But I can't understand why, given that modern technology has provided new fabrics, better environmental controls (A/C . That thought chills me and make me sad, and more lonely for days gone by. However, I've read the book "The Peter Principle," and although it was published about fifty years ago, the same practices it satirized are still being committed by the ignorant to this very day. I am a male in my early thirties who has, or at least once had, a penchant for "dressing up", before the economy crashed. I please myself. Theres the utter selfishness of it. Take a look at television shows from the 1950s or at "Mad Men," and note how stylish people dressed when in public. Casual pants with bleach spots and rips as fashion. I'm just at a loss as to why someone thinks that looks good. Unfortunately it wasn't the first time I noticed it. Im 50 now, many say i look 35. I did say in the post that both men and women are dressing terribly these days. )From my first office job in the mid-1980s up to 2000, I always had one suit in the cleaners, 2-3 "work suits" in my closet & 1-2 "good suits". Can we judge an entire country by its clothing choices? Not to mention, all the unsightly tattoos that these idiots are defacing their bodies with. I am an apple shape and look for clothes that will look nice on me. What the hell happened? A longtime user of the citys public courts and their anything-goes dress code, I complained at West Side daring to demand all white from its patrons but I eventually caved because I badly wanted to try out the clubs famed grass courts. REAL reason #3: No game plan Some men actually start to take action and seek out advice and guidance from better-dressed peers and. The slobs should look in the mirror to see what they look like. Just look at how trim the general American public was in the 20th century. Thank you so much for this article. I am sure there is some blame to be put on the top fashion designers who dictate what should be in fashion but come on, bring back real clothing.All this from Canada, I might add. Here in Europe, if a man is wearing jeans and trainers (sneakers for my US friends) and a t shirt, they won't be baggy, sloppy looking items. It's also due to the usage of technology and exposure to the information sewer which is the internet. All they want is the convenience of distracting digital pacifiers, so they can be controlled by Big Brother while their empire falls apart. Dumb asses. America definitely needs a renaissance not just in fashion but in general. It is disgusting that people just dont care about anything and make sure they dress the part. Extreme? You're only displaying that you're a dumb ass who thinks he is invulnerable to getting pneumonia. ), baggy shorts or PJ bottoms, their clothes are dirty/stained/ripped/tattered or otherwise inappropriate, look (or smell) like they hadn't bathed in a week, or have poured on a bottle of heavy, oily perfume that will gag anyone two blocks away downwind. Going to the grocery store especially when I'm inundated with foul dress. I really long for a return to the days when men looked somewhat respectable even when wearing what was once considered to be casual clothing. This has, like evey other stupid thing, become endemic to so-called American culture, and it's really annoying to me. One wouldn't expect, say, a crisply ironed shirt or razor-sharp creases in a slob's clothing. Who designed such crap is beyond me. Slobs. They're like spying on your next-door neighbor. There's one teacher who wears big (gaucho big) pants and flip flops every . Despite warnings from his boss, Casado refused to upgrade his on-air wardrobe and was subsequently fired. Ironically, I think that this is where most of today's confusion originates in the problems that are upon us now. I really want a time machine,so I can go back to something betterbecause yes,things ARE getting worse. Second, very funny observation about your casino experience. But you've got to realize that we live now in an age of post-1984 surrealism and computerized fascism. She wanted to buy a white pair of women's underwear, but we couldn't find any. The screens are getting thinner and the people are getting bigger. Respect has to be earned,it's not an entitlement. I can't believe that this is where being a diner in a service restaurant has come to. When I do see someone dressed nicely, theyve usually added some touch thats supposed to be quirky and cool but is actually unflattering or just looks stupid. I remember as a kid we dressed up to go out, even if it was to an A&W. They assume you are an old fart stuck in the past and tell you to get hip with the times. I mentioned that "in order to be respected, one must first be respectable", and the younger person disagreed and eventually said that she thinks people should wear whatever they feel comfortable in. Like someone commented above, its sad that you would be looked at funny for wearing a suit with a fedora because you like to look nice. No one has any problem showing their underwear or lack thereof. I know, Pam. Aaron Hernandez, the ex-Patriot that was on trial for murdering two people (and who killed himself after being found guilty) was covered with them, including sporting random ones on his neck. It's kind of sad that wearing a suit and tie would make one overdressed in certain environments I remember when some restaurants required jackets and would lend them to men who walked in without wearing up. The smell was horrendous- parmesan cheese- him and her clad in ragged, ugly clothes, playing on their iphones. New York Post writer Elisabeth Vincentelli's rant on the growing slob population strikes a chord. "My supervisor told me, 'Always dress up for Linda's class,. Well, if everyone is tattoooed then they all look the same, which is to say they all look like shit together. I understand that we're active when working with the younger ones but I mean COME ON! If anyone ever invents a time machine, take me with you back to the past to where what once counted as good taste was not some rarity as it is now! Very neat and put together. s-a-h-d. Another excellent post! You can blame the bloated, greedy corporations like Wal-Mart and Amazon for contributing to a culture of mass exploitation, and mass production all for the obese masses to consume without thought. The PC Police will probably be after me for saying as much. Even attending church now seems more like a circus than actually being in church. Sad isn't it? She walks with her "family" into the store. I will not wear the rags. It would be nice if the rest of us could comment on their attire but they still wouldn't care or sue for slander. Thank God I always had a job that required me to dress at the minimum nice business casual, no jeans, and I had to learn how to dress. Basic common sense, and yes, it seems like most people dress without it now. Using profanity on live tv or radio in the "old days" was once unthinkable, but now there are those who think that free speech enables them to be a foul mouthed pig - or look like one. Canadian here and I can tell you the majority of people dress terribly. RARELY do i see a person dressed perfect. My occupation means suits much of the time, or if I'm lucky very samrt casual. I'm not saying that I think all men should be wearing gray flannel suits or that all women should be wearing Paris dresses like they did in the conformist 1950s. Also, I've never understood the appeal of bulky hooded sweatshirts, particularly on women. Esquire went so far as to proclaim this the Summer of Sleaze, pointing to celebs dressing like high-school drug dealers. Harsh but fair. Then there are the so-called mens suits, again, made from cheap, chinese polyester fiber with no wool. Oscar Wilde once said, "You can never be overdressed or overeducated.". As I live in a German speaking country I have also noticed that formal greeting is being more and more reduced. Could you imagine someone like Elizabeth Taylor or Cary Grant covered in tattoos? ( I had to lead a patrol of mixed Legionnaires, British Royal Marine Commandos and US Marines, and after a heavy contact which took place on ops, I had the men in extended line cleaning their weapons - an essential task to keep your weapon operating efficiently. I could go on and on about this topic all day, but I guess I will end on a positive note: if I'm ever having an "ugly" day, all I have to do to cure it is make a visit to my local store. Suits, ties, and dresses: Ah yes, the way people used to dress for summer BBQs. Can we assume that the USA is a decadent nation that has given up trying to maintain what was once considered a decent standard in clothing and fashion representation? Yet, I am finding it increasingly difficult to find what I want these days at an un-exorbitant price, as many retailers seem to have opted for cheap ass materials and poor styling, etc. Well just look how horrible their parents are today that don't even know how to raise their children right anymore these days when years ago most parents back then knew how to raise their children right. Distribution and use of this material are governed by And have you seen those hideous khaki-jogger pants that the younger millennials are wearing now? That suggestion always seemed like the epitome of bad advice to me - to save your money and then travel to the source of western culture, only to dress like you're getting ready to paint your house back home. Hi Pam, I just came across your page and the "class" part is spot on. Whatever happened to the saying "the clothes make the man"? I said on here a few months back in another post that every day we're another day closer to the depressing world depicted in "WALL-E" where humans are so obese they are immobile and they suck their nutrition from cups all day while glued to computer screens. adiClub Members: Extra 33% Off + Free Shipping, Last-Minute Hotel Deals for April 2023 - Up to 60% off, Get an Extra 5% off - exclusive Priceline promo code 2023, 10% off In-App bookings - Hotwire Coupon Code. Some conservative commentators and celebrities began calling for a boycott of Bud Light after the beer was featured in a social media promotion by a transgender influencer, Dylan . I see it everywhere. Zero class. Yet, there's a librarian still waiting at the checkout counter to assist you to "do it yourself" and unlock dvd cases. I notice those physical traits, too, but also the way he is dressed. My pet peeve is spandex/clothing out side the gym. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). I think people need to realize that looking nice and decent does wonders for their self-esteem and their own civility. Whatever the reason, I refuse to believe that lack of money is the main cause for dressing like slobs. As Maher pointed out in his on-air editorial, if you can afford $17.99 pajama bottoms with the Budweiser logo on them, then you can afford the $11.99 jeans at Target. I can say with the strongest of confidence that Americans, both men and women, dress like absolute dog shit. I wonder if the slobbiness could be a cause of a societal lack of confidence, or, the other way around, if a societal lack of confidence could be the cause of slobby appearance? The "idiot trend" of looking like slobs is, sadly, not likely to turn back the other way any time soon. His pants didn't come within two inches of his shoe tops, so that his striped socks were exposed. You are growing up with your decision to look good. Large breasts swinging to and fro makes for an ugly site from gals who are not attractive in any way. The guys were better but not by much, dress shirts, clean dress pants/kakis. This was in the beginning of the 2000s. So if someone looks like a slob, it's completely their fault. All will look ridiculous at 70 when everything is sagging and wrinkled. How the 'Slob-ebrity'from Pete Davidson to Jonah Hill to Justin Bieberis taking over Hollywood. on this blog. I wear mens jeans and button up shirts. Feeling good about. 2 Feedbacks on "Why Americans Today Dress Like Slobs" Surellin. Sadly, it's probably because things haven't gotten any better, but have instead become worse. There are comfortable dress shoes! It's laziness and stupidity not money issue. It's wrong to call it "style" because obviously no thought or effort seem to go into women's hair today. That training reflected in my life. Today's pop culture doesn't help, either. Yoga pants in public outside the gym are out. I guess that this is supposed to be cute, to live in a so-called "culture" wherein manners and educated speech are for the dogs, and having an intellectual disposition is considered strange. Apparel is being displaced by travel, eating out and activitieswhat's routinely lumped together as "experiences"which have grown to 18 percent of purchases. Dumbed down&looking like dumpster divers or whores. Contrast this to what we are used to seeing in the US now - baggy jeans with the croth around their knees, t shirts that look about 2 or 3 sizes too large and ugly trainers that look like they were made for walking in space. I do; a little mans suit with shiny black shoes, a little fake kerchief, and a perfect coiffure. I feel nostalgia now for the days when I worked in a chain retail store--only twelve years ago! It's absolutely ridiculous. This look ruins some nice designer made pants and you can't even sit properly in them without feeling tightness around your knees. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. I almost forgot abojt this blog! Hi Pam: Your blog has really got me going about how indecently people are appearing in public these days. My grandfather used to say that the "pendulum swings." Look at TV shows, like Hawaii Five-O, past vs new series. Including torn stained levys. Even though Im retired, I still love to dress up and follow fashion. Bra less too. I'll usually wear jeans/shorts/chinos with a plain well fitting T-shirt or polo and a nice pair of shoes for casual wear. The worst I've seen was at a grocery store in Moberly, Missouri a few years ago -- a young woman and her 8-10 year-old son were both wearing matching white terrycloth bathrobes and flip-flops. And to make my point, all one has to do is watch the Oscars and see how the celebrities turn up at the awards, with their goofy outfits, or with some men wearing SNEAKERS with their tuxedos.
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why do celebrities dress like slobs 2023