Just be sure you dont allow it to become a pagan birthday party or birthday celebration of the sort which has wrong connotations and creates the wrong atmosphere and imparts the wrong kind of influence. Muslims don't even celebrate the birthday of prophet Muhammad(pbuh). About Do Muslims celebrate birthdays? We are not to follow those misleading customs which direct attention to oneself in a frivolous display of VANITY and self-centered egotism and pride! Always be discreet, modest, and friendly, in dealing with people. But JAnnah is the goal of a good muslim, This is what most anti-Islam people dont realise. Little do you remember! [al-Araaf 7:3]. All can have this. The false science of astrology, of course, makes a great deal out of the positions of the sun, moon and stars at the moment or day of ones birth. Just as she received gifts, I encouraged her to remember those children who arent as fortunate and she was to pick a toy out that she could donate to them. These ancient pagan astrologers meticulously examined horoscopes and birthday omens because they believed that the fate of the rich and powerful might affect an entire society. Avoid Pagan Birthdays, The World Book Childcraft International says regarding Holidays and Birthdays, For thousands of years people all over the world have thought of a birthday as a very special day. God inspired the prophet Jeremiah to write,I in plain terms, Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, LEARN NOT THE WAY OF THE HEATHEN, and be not dismayed at the signs of the heaven (astrology! Other Muslims may not celebrate birthdays for cultural reasons because it does not say in the Quran or in valid hadith that we can not celebrate birthdays. On the other hand it is the worst thing that has ever happened. The evidence for that is the fact that the Lawgiver prescribed aqeeqah for the newborn, and did not prescribe anything after that. Muslims are forbidden from adopting non-Muslim cultures, so let us examine the origins of birthday celebrations and why they are celebrated, as mentioned above. Cakes made from sweetened bread dough and coated with sugar, were the first birthday cakes and they originated in Germany. Celebration of what? A small family affair, just for the family, I believe, would be all right in Gods sight, with no emphasis on the birthday itself or any pagan trappings. But life can be hard and at times we slip and have to ask forgiveness for our sins. I am still learning. Whereas others argue that since the Prophet himself never forbade the practice, so it is permissible. In early civilizations, where the development of a calendar made an organized reckoning of birth dates possible, the horoscopes of ruling monarchs, their successors and rivals had to be cast with care and birthday omens meticulously examined, for the prospects of the mighty would affect the prospects of the entire society. Its roots may have been pagan but it doesnt involve devil worshipping today. A Muslim is weaned on morality and avoiding blind imitation. Is it haram to celebrate birthdays? But the end result the eternal reward ahead of us makes it all worthwhile! They cast horoscopes, or birth charts, to understand the supposed significance of a persons birthday. Family members might think yourre becoming an extremist. Read More:What is Prayer? (1)The summary of it is that birthday celebrations whether it be cutting cakes, lighting candles etc. They think its all innocent fun. @Kafayat .If I were u I will not do anything at all on my birthday except to live as a normal day. Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. When he saw other people having different kinds of celebrations, he said himself that we have two celebrations. Egyptians, in their pre-Islamic conversion though, were a very innovative race of people. This is the height of conceit and fosters a spirit of get, selfishness, and self-worship. Birthday innocent celebration. We read in the Encyclopedia Judaica, The celebration of birthdays is unknown in traditional Jewish ritual (vol.4, p.1054). It is haram to raise any persons birthday to the status of holiday because holidays in Islam are reserved for Allah(SWT) alone. 3) If one thanks Allah and shows gratitude for being blessed with one more year of his life, thus expresses happiness and joy, then there is nothing wrong with that. Do Muslims celebrate birthdays? And according to Islamic teachings, we should do those things which are allowed by Quran and Sunnah and avoid those things which are not clearly mentioned in Quran and Sunnah. I think I am a strict Christian. Wow this is an old post. So these were 5 reasons why a Muslim shouldn't be involved in birthday celebrations. I feel like an idiot, but still with no reason or understanding of why. So follow that, and follow not the desires of those who know not. But that should only be limited to our worldly affairs like paying rent, calculating salaries etc. Required fields are marked *. But the religion doesn't forbid cultural practices as long as they don't conflict with Islamic principles. Alhamdulillah , Your email address will not be published. Your husband loves and cares for you and your children and only wants you to have the best in this life and in the akhira. And decline the invitation. Muslims shouldn't celebrate birthdays because they violate Islamic beliefs as well as the Quran. In this world today where so many children are being aborted, dropped of at safe haven locations, and murdered by parents why shouldnt we celebrate their lives. Avoid excess! We shouldactually ponder and reflect on our birthdays rather than jump around with birthday snow spray. The child who pins the tail the closest to where it should be on the donkey wins the prize. Jesus (as) was not the son of God or God incarnate. Actually innovation in habits is not prohibited. If a person wants to commemorate his/her date of birth, then he/she may do so, especially if he/she takes the opportunity to reflect on the past and pledge to be better during the following year. Is It Haram To Celebrate New Years Eve Or Day? And Allah knows best. As individuals we need to be careful with our words. Still, if you ask us, we recommend avoiding celebrating prophets birthday and instead making dua and reading the Quran. Heres an article from even a Christian that I found informative, May Allah guide from the belief that Isa is Allahs sonhttp://www.triumphpro.com/birthdays-origin.htm. Herod was notorious for his wickedness. Here again, at a pagan birthday party, somebody was killed this time it was one of Gods greatest servants, John the Baptizer! Similarly, just because the companions didn't celebrate birthdays doesn't mean they wanted to ban Muslims to celebrate birthdays at all. (1) Click here to read about the history of birthdays. http://www.daruliftaa.org, If someone can find it but there is an Hadith about when the prophet Mohammed saw went to a village and the people were celebrating something accustomed to their tribe and he told them we celebrate 2 holidays Eid al Fitr and Eid al hada. One must know that everyact of worship has two conditions: If condition (1) is absent, that act of worship will become Shirk (Associating partners with Allah). It should be remembered here that not everything what the non-Muslims wear and do, is Haram and unlawful. As for your ignorant comment in regards to pedophiles, for your information, we Muslims do not imitate anyone who engage in pedophilia. At the end of the day our destiny is already ordained. I do not approve of the excess, lawlessness, nakedness, and greed in the world. Remember, we have the power to decide how to celebrate our birthdays, so lets decide well.God bless you, All I know is its about your soul. 1. It is a cultural thing. The pagans do but not true Christians or followers of the Messiah, who seek His blessing on their activities! Did holy men of God in the Bible celebrate birthdays? Your heart was proud because of your beauty, God said, you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor (Ezek.28:17). Everything is follow the Prphet Mohamed. The apostle Paul also wrote, We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For many Muslims, the, Read More Is It Haram To Celebrate Graduation? Should a true Christian indulge himself or his or her children in pagan birthday parties, just because they seem so attractive, fun, and innocuous? If you have concerns about inviting people to have food and drinks and to play games and have fun within the context of godliness of course then instead, you can choose to share love in other ways, organize a prayer at church, visit the homeless with gifts. Anything that is positive and beautiful can not be forbidden by any religion. And rarely are they the focus of that undivided special attention. The manner in which Muslims celebrate birthdays varies widely, based on their beliefs, tradition and cultural influence. The kids love it. Same thing for Christmas. Thus in conclusion, if you want to follow Allah and His Messenger (pbuh), do not celebrate what he (saws) did not celebrate!!! Ye shall therefore keep MY statutes and MY judgments which did NOT include birthday celebrations! have pagan origins and it is linked with false divinely beliefs that people held. This isnt targeted at only Muslims, but stupid Christians and selfish Jews. (Clear Answer)Continue, Graduation marks the end of a long and challenging academic journey. Shedding more light on the issue, the prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Tajuddin Hamid Al-Hilali, Mufti of Australia and New Zealand, states: A Muslim has a distinguished personality. We wake up in the morning and give thanks to Allah for raising us from slumber, we read prayers 5 times a day and ask for whatever we want that is permissible, we give charity, we want for our brothers what we want for ourselves. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. . We are all the same. There has always been killing in the name of some god, and there always will be. Any people in transition to either or other religions will face these conflicts like Christmas and birthdays. some might think that you dont know how to spell the word cheap but I am sure you will get over it. I have no religious views, and have been an Atheist since I was 4-5. besides Him. All I know is glory to God. Everything which is taken as an eid (something which is celebrated regularly) and is repeated each week or each year and is not prescribed in shareeah, is a kind of bidah (reprehensible innovation). Is It Haram To Celebrate Birthdays In Islam? And if you want to follow the ignorant people who do not care about Allah and Last Day, follow their jaahiliya traditions and celebrate whatever they celebrate!! They concentrate the attention on the birthday person, glorifying him not God and exalting him not God and having people bring him presents. But I wont say that its Haram because if I did that, that might be too far. Im mind blown over his behaviour I feel its a serious over reaction I dont think my husband should treat me like this in front of our kids over a cake! Im definitely going to continue celebrating mine! I am so thankful. Is Allah pleased with me? should be the questions haunting his mind. Birthdays, Christmas, etc is all of Pagan origins and is forbidden before God. The reason I say this is because I celebrate everything. Blasphemy. Modern birthday parties and celebrations by children take their form mainly from Germany, where the birthday child received gifts, chose a menu, and received a candle-ringed butter or jam cake. Truth is as far as christianity is concerned, youre not a true christian until youve become one with christ. Also even if the tradition had come from Paganism the actually tradition itself has nothing to do with God. It has been said that if the cake collapses while baking, it is a sign of bad luck in the coming year. If the very day of Jesus birth is deliberately left out of the Bible, doesnt that fact tell us something? Coins, buttons, and rings were baked into cakes. Ref; The two Babylon pg. However, this must not lead us to believe that . Let me verify birthdays actually come from Ancient Rome where people did not worship any gods they just celebrated the persons birth with presents etc etc. And why does it matters for every Muslim. Born again into the gospel true light is from Jesus. The idea of putting candles on birthday cakes goes back to ancient Greece. to one another, but Allaah is the Wali (Protector, Helper) of the muttaqoon (pious). [al-Jaathiyah 45:18-19], Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord, and follow not any awliyaa (protectors, helpers, etc.) . The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) warned us about the things which are in doubt. I believe we will all face God. As long as you and your family pray to no other but Allah SWT and live your lives as good people, do what feels right in your heart. By the time of Ptolemy V this practice was well established: Ptolemy, the ever living, the beloved of Ptah, the son of the two Brother-Gods, was born on the fifth day of the month DIOS, and this day was, in consequence, the beginning of great prosperity and happiness of all living men and women (p. 12). Those who say that something isnt haram because its not written in the text of the Quran are ignorant of their own religion. It is not permitted to accept invitations to birthday celebrations , because this involves supporting and encouraging bidah. We muslims are losing our faith to imams, peers and fakirs. It's Hitler's birthday. Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays because we believe that such celebrations displease God. There are some who argue that Halloween, at least, is a cultural holiday, with no religious significance. 0:04. As Muslims, we don't celebrate Christmas but as a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, we help people attend church services, take part in food drives and try to help people who are celebrating alone. I would definitely not celebrate birthdays because I fear Allah and would definitely not take the risk. It is merely the beginning of our lifes journey. Is Fasting Six Days of Shawwal Mandatory? We live in a country that allows us this freedom. Verily, He is Generous and Noble. But I do SOMETIMES treat family and select friends to a special supper due to a birthday, even if the birthday was not mine. Grade: Saheeh (Al-Albani) I mean doing birthdays for kids aged 1-2-3 are you people really doing birthdays for the kids or for yourselves. Dont we have a calendar of our own? Our hope is for the coming of Christ, and the resurrection! The answer isthat its from the acts of worship. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen (the physical around us), but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal (II Cor. In ancient Greece, wealthy males joined birthday clubs composed exclusively of men who shared their birth date. Thus, calling birthdays `eids is not accepted, for this has no basis If even after reading those two things, your doubt still doesnt get cleared, please email it to us here: Jazakumullahu khairan,rabbana zidna ilman nafian innaka antal alim. We should always be gracious, and kind, and loving of others, and patient with them, avoiding unnecessary controversy and arguments. i like your opinion and I also do not know why many muslims prohibited it. The birthdays of the immortals were ritually acknowledged once a month, however, the third day of each month being sacred to Athena, Ares, and Saturn, for instance (ibid.). 4) Parents under pressure to make it special only becoz one of the relative or neighbour had a grand celebration and you dont want your child to feel any less special. 2) If the above-mentioned evils are avoided, then there are two possibilities: a) If one celebrates birthdays with the intention of imitating the Kuffar meaning one does so because one wants to be like the Kuffar and feels their way is better than the teachings of Islam, then, as stated previously, it will be considered imitating the Kuffar, thus unlawful. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: Whoever imitates a people is one of them.(/font>. As David wrote, Many are the afflictions of the righteous (Psalms 34:19). . I didnt throw a party or give gifts or even sing to her and thats how hes reacted Im currently under a lot of stress over this as he refuses to listen to me at all. So, when Muslims started celebrating birthdays, it was seen as a continuation of pagan practices. So who ever gonna celebrate will do so and only Allah can guide them people onto the the straight path. The truth is about why us Muslims cannot celebrate birthdays is because every person who celebrates birthdays is really celebrating that they have survived and lived for another year, they are fighting with nature and every year is a win for them hence celebrating but we Muslims dont celebrate because we know that one day we will die and we will then stand in front of our Allah (saw) we dont celebrate our survival instead we pray and make dua because the more you age you know your time will be up so its important we pray to almighty Allah (saw) to make sure that when our time is up we will head for jannah instead of hell. Although we dont want to compromise the word of God, or ever do anything He tells us to avoid, that does not mean we need to offend other people, or set a wrong example toward them. This author goes on, Among prosperous Greek families a birth feast, a coming-of-age feast, and feasts after death held on the anniversary of the day of birth were observed, but otherwise there were no annual birthday ceremonials. In Medieval times, in extension of Roman, Egyptian and Persian traditions, only the birthdays of nobility were celebrated. Why dont you scurry on to the past, mister? I told her to ask another muslim lady as to why we do not want to have a party. We celebrate a lot of things throughout our lives, even people when theyre successful. It descends directly from the Egyptians, who originated the 12 month year, 365 day system. And attributed to Sulaymn ibn Dwd in Ecclesiastes 7:1, "A good name is better than a good ointment, and the day of one's death better than the day of one's birth.". Why many antisemites don't celebrate Hitler's birthday asked me how i remove my hair down. Wherefore COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, and BE YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord, and touch not the UNCLEAN THING; and I will receive you, and I will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty (II Corinthians 6:14-18). We should see time to be passing like a countdown timer. 3:13-14). Lewis writes in Birthdays, When the Christian church sought to substitute the authority of a religious hierarchy for the hegemony of the individual ego, BIRTHDAYS BECOME UNWELCOME REMINDERS OF PAGAN EXCESS and the degradation assumed in Adams heritage. He said Halal is clear and Haram is clear and then there is these doubts, leave the doubtful. . Fatawa - Can I celebrate my birthday? - Dar al-Ifta al Misriyyah By analogy, there is nothing wrong in celebrating birthdays, as long as the celebration does not include any forbidden practices.. Therefore, surely Muslims should be thanking the gods (Allah) for the life of their child, be thankful for his kindness in willing you to have a child? But, as we have seen, the custom is totally PAGAN! Hence when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to Madeenah and found that the Ansaar had two festivals which they used to celebrate, he said, Allaah has given you something better than these: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. (Narrated by al-Nasaai, 1556; Abu Dawood, 1134; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth al-Saheehah, no. Thank him. In a version recorded by Muslim and by al-Bukhari Whoever performs a deed which is not in accord with our affairs, that deed is rejected. It is well-known that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not celebrate his birthday at all during his lifetime nor did he ever order it to be celebrated. He said: Who else (than those two religious groups)? Some scholars say that it is permissible to celebrate birthdays, while others say that it is not allowed in Islam. (Clear Now). Our [Roman] calendar is not Christian in origin. "If you don't celebrate. Do Muslims celebrate birthdays - The Quran Courses Online Academy Party snappers, horns, bursting balloons, firecrackers, and other noisemakers are just one more way of trying to scare off any bad-luck spirits that may be hovering about. Where did this universal custom originate? They will call us the unbelievers but they are the worst example of our religion. If you believe it is haram to celebrate birthdays, then it would also be haram to go to a birthday party. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be CHANGED. And usually when we find people who celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), we find that they also have other innovations they like to add along with that too, and where will it stop? And I will support the rights of any people to practice the religion they believe in. This does not come under the heading of customs because it is repeated. We should simply use caution take care be careful and be prayerful a draw a line between right and wrong. Any cultural practice that puts you in social and financial pressure cannot be right and should not be continued. All who call on his name will be saved. Even though it has grown so common, there is no Hadith or instruction in Islam that instructs Muslims to do Muslims celebrate birthdays. Self, self, self! We were very happy to respond to this query and you can read the answer by clicking here. b) If there is no intention of imitating the Kuffar (and also the above mentioned evils are avoided) then the ruling on celebrating birthdays will depend on whether it originated from the religious customs of the non-Muslims and whether it is part of their faith or otherwise. What about birthday thumps, bumps, pinches, and the like? Kajian menunjukkan bahawa dengan menambah ekstrak kulit No religion is above the person. i stopped celebrating bdays lastyear. I will just mention two: The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: He who copies any people is one of them. Anyone commemorating Prophet Muhammads birth (PBUH) should never tie it to Islamic doctrine. Why do people say, Happy birthday! to each other? Beautiful and sooo true!, My father said that when you are unsure of whether something is wrong or right in Islam, remember that the point of our religion is not to stop us from having fun and to be a burden on our lives. My be they saw fairy tale movies. Therefore, birthdays are simply occasions of a persons date of birth and are a matter of culture. The holy quran is the only truth in islam. So these were 5 reasons why a Muslim shouldnt be involved in birthday celebrations. for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
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why don't muslims celebrate birthdays 2023