compare him to dictators like Benito Mussolini. He was worthless! GEORGE WASHINGTON Motto Screw taking a salary as a General, just bill em outrageously for your expenses! *** Nickname: The First Lady of Broadway *** Pro: Established the precedent of stepping down after 2 terms max. 2. This is my favorite list of presidents! "The United States former vanguard of liberal democracy has lost its way,"V-Dem's 2020 report said, adding that the US "is the only country in Western Europe and North America suffering from substantial autocratization.". 31. Of those visits, nearly two-thirds took place in the four battlegrounds with the most electoral votes Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina. [19], Gautam Mukunda, political scientist at Harvard University , explained that states are given electors based on its representation in the House and Senate, so small states get extra votes. He's the first outgoing president since 1869 to refuse to attend the inauguration of his successor. All this goes to show that while the salary of a President can be seen as a perk of office, it isnt without certain drawbacks. Todd Harrison, who directs the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, recently told NPR: "It will create a centralized, unified chain of command that is responsible for space, because ultimately when responsibility is fragmented, no one's responsible.". Opinion | The pros and cons of President Bidens historic All rights reserved. Why Do Presidents Serve Four-Year Terms? In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than one million votes, yet still lost the election on electoral votes. Accessed April 27, 2023. The former president was acquitted in a Senate trial, but will still go down as just the third president in US history to be impeached. Quote: There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.. Modern US Presidents: Ranked From Worst To First The Electoral College ensures that that all parts of the country are involved in selecting the President of the United States. Was Ronald Reagan a Good President? 13 Pros and Cons One can see its importance in the fact that despite Hillary Clintons national popular vote total, she won only about a sixth of the counties nationwide, with her support limited mostly to urban areas on both coasts. [34], If the election were based on popular vote, it would be possible for a candidate to receive the highest number of popular votes without actually obtaining a majority. He later said there were "very fine people on both sides.". [25], On Monday Dec. 19, 2016, the electors in each state met to vote for President and Vice President of the United States. Here are Trump's biggest accomplishments and failures as president, measured by their overall impact and taking into account the general response from Congress, the public, and the world. [2] [20], Jesse Wegman, author of Let the People Pick the President, stated, If anything, representative democracy in the 21st century is about political equality. PRESIDENTIAL PROS & CONS Part Two Epik Fails of History! The U.S. president is the head of the executive branch of the federal government and responsible for setting policy and implementing laws. If the election depended solely on the JAMES GARFIELD Motto: What $5,000 bribe from those street- paving people? *** Nickname: Ol Blue Eyes *** Pro: Was the first ambidextrous president and could speak both Greek and Latin. The Electoral College Top 3 Pros and Cons - Even as polling repeatedly showed that most Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, his overall approval rating barely changed. Jimmy Carter was a worldwide joke. Well break down the pros and cons of each president, so thatyou can make an informed decision. Con: Hisadministration was slightly overshadowed by the press obsession with his terminally cutesy grandson, Baby McKee. U.S. PRESIDENTS: PROS AND CONS | Balladeer's Blog The Electoral College comprises 538 electors; each state is allowed one elector for each Representative and Senator (DC is allowed 3 electors as established by the Twenty-Third Amendment). [2], The Electoral College was established in 1788 by Article II of the US Constitution, which also established the executive branch of the US government, and was revised by the Twelfth Amendment (ratified June 15, 1804), the Fourteenth Amendment (ratified July 1868), and the Twenty-Third Amendment (ratified Mar. This is the funniest but most educational thing Ive read in a long time! Vice President: John Tyler. Critics argued it was a windfall for massive corporations at the expense of the middle class. Woah! Most states use the winner-take-all method, in which all electoral votes are awarded to the winner of the popular vote in that state. The Trump administration didn't take any known responses. is the institutional or organization author for all pages. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Motto: The guy who put theman in Great Emancipator! *** Nickname: Honest Injun *** Pro: Guided the country through the Civil War and ensured thatslavery would no longer be legal in the restored Union. Trump is just the 11th incumbent president who won their party's nomination but failed to win reelection. WOODROW WILSON Motto: Hey, my League of Nations thing was no more impotent and corrupt than the United Nations has turned out to be! *** Nickname: Woody Dub *** Pro: Defeated both the incumbent Taft and Teddy Roosevelts Bull Moose Party candidacy in the election of 1912 Or maybe that should be a Con? Advantages & Disadvantages of Being the President - Career Trend Here are the proper bibliographic citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): [Editor's Note: The APA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Trump blamed "many sides" for the violence at the rally, which resulted in the death of a counterprotester, Heather Heyer. GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, often one of Trump's fiercest defenders in Congress, at the time said the former president's words were "dividing Americans, not healing them.". pros and cons Proponents of President Biden give him credit for eliminating the federal deficit and reforming welfare, while opponents argue that he cannot take credit for the economic prosperity that was achieved during his term. Because of the Electoral College, presidential candidates only need to pay attention to a limited number of states that can swing one way or the other. Con: Samuel J Tilden in all likelihoodreally won the disputed election of 1876 so Hayes should never have been in the White House at all. Donald Trump was one of your countrys best presidents! Trump repeatedly pledged to end "endless wars," zeroing in on Afghanistan. ZACHARY TAYLOR: Motto: The Compromise of 1850 willpass onlyover my dead body! *** Nickname: The Wall-Eyed Whig *** Pro:Got tough with the ever- disgruntled southern states by threatening to veto the Compromise of 1850 (which he feltyielded too much to the Democrats demands to extend slavery) and warning them that if they secededhe would personally lead the army against them and hang any rebels he came across. In addition, some of his decisions, such as loosening the strict rules on natural gas, were seen as being too risky. Pros And Cons Of A President - 724 Words - Internet Public Library The economy has since begun adding back jobs, but is far from a full recovery as the US struggles to contain the coronavirus and Biden takes over. Bush Economic Stimulus, 2023 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Five people were killed in the process. Trump refused to accept responsibility for his failed response to the pandemic, blaming China instead. "As a pediatrician, but also as a mother and a former head of state, I am deeply shocked that children are forced to sleep on the floor in overcrowded facilities, without access to adequate healthcare or food, and with poor sanitation conditions," Bachelet, the former president of Chile, stated. Thanks. WebGeorge Bushs ideals have gotten him elected president twice, and his incompetence has finally delivered the Congress to his domestic opponents and empowered his nations The pros and cons of the felon voting debate include arguments about the social contract, voting while in prison, and paying debts. After reading the pros and cons on this topic, has your thinking changed? Pros and cons definition and meaning | Collins English Pros And Cons Should the Electoral College be modified? Con: May well have been drunkoff his ass during his speech at Lincolns 2nd inauguration. If you would not change the voting process, make a list of reforms and why you would not choose to enact them. The former president's tendency to push important allies away and isolate the US, including by pulling out of landmark international agreements like the Paris climate accord, had a palpable impact. 36. This has caused many Mexicans and Muslims to be against him, and he has had trouble controlling the COVID-19 outbreak in the USA. Last Updated on April 20, 2023 by Shawn Connel. I used to support Obama but he turned out to be even trashier than other politicians. Wir verwenden Cookies um Inhalte und Anzeigen zu personalisieren, um Social-Media-Funktionen zur Verfgung zu stellen und unseren Traffic zu analysieren. Pros and Cons Roughly 22 million jobs were lost from February to April. GROVER CLEVELAND,TERM 2 Motto: Hes back deadlier and more powerful than ever before! *** Nickname: King of the Wild Frontier *** Pro: Was10 % doughier than in his first term. I think youre too easy on Bill Clinton and too rough on Obama but otherwise I loved all of these! It remains one of Trump's most unpopular decisions in the global arena, and has been condemned by top US allies who were also signatories to the deal. 5. On the other hand, there is much debateas to whetherhis policies or those of his predecessor have had a greater impact. As of Election Day 2020, Trump had not signed a coronavirus relief bill in roughly half a year. Line-Item Veto He was the vice president for two years before his presidency. 17. Alexander Hamilton was among those who advocated for a lifelong term, thinking it would prevent the president from being too focused on reelection to make good decisions. So good to see that you gave Obama the reaming that crook deserves! In many ways, the new branch is simply a more centralized version of military missions in space that already existed from the Air Force, Army, and Navy. "Last night, the United States brought the world's No. The Leadership of George W. Bush: Con & Pro | Joseph Bottum [7] [8] [9], According to Alexander Hamilton, the Electoral College is if not perfect, it is at least excellent, because it ensured that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. [7], Democratic Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak vetoed a measure in 2019 that would add the state to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would have obligated the states electors to vote for the popular vote winner. 1. Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), a project that monitors the health of democracy across the world, in its 2020 reportsaid the US has become more autocratic in the Trump era. In March 2020, Trump privately admitted to veteran reporter Bob Woodward (on tape) that he was deliberately misleading the public on the dangers of the virus in an effort to avoid inducing panic. 27. Thank you and thank you for the feedback. Trump in 2016 campaigned on reducing undocumented immigration, pledging to take a hardline approach. The US has the worst coronavirus outbreak in the world. [3] [4] [5] [6], In each state, a group of electors is chosen by each political party. (Thank you! I want to say this blog post was so fun to read! Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A President Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Trump in a July 2020 interview said he had not confronted Russian President Vladimir Putin on the matter. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Michael Gruber/Getty Images; Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images; Samantha Lee/Business Insider, Visit for more stories. Less than a week before he was diagnosed, Trump mocked then-presidential candidate Joe Biden for routinely wearing a mask in public. WebThe Pros And Cons Of The Presidency The presidency, even though loose in definition, upholds high standards for this country and are often the face of emotion and strength for Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard This is the best presidents article Ive ever read! At least 700 amendments have been proposed to modify or abolish the Electoral College. Im kidding! Ronald Wilson Reagan served as the 40th President of the United States from Jan. 20, 1981 to Jan. 19, 1989. Push for the position and policies you support by writing US national senators and representatives. But the fallout from the separations is ongoing. raised the risk of violence against journalists. That arrangement, he claimed in the October Democratic debate, would depoliticize the court, adding that We cant go on like this, where every single time To put this in perspective, former President Barack Obama appointed 55 circuit judges in his two terms in the White House. The GOP-controlled Senate instead prioritized confirming Trump's Supreme Court nominee, essentially placing the economy and the livelihoods of Americans on the back-burner. In honor of the Presidents Day Holiday weekend Balladeers Blog will present some of my quick takes on each of the 44 men who have stayed one step ahead of the law while occupying theoffice. James Madison stated, There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. Presidents Serve Four-Year Terms Trump installed three Supreme Court justices and 226 judges overall to the federal bench all for lifetime appointments. The UN human-rights chief, Michelle Bachelet, in July 2019 said she was "shocked" by the US government's treatment of migrant children and the conditions they faced in detention facilities after crossing the border from Mexico. They are glorified for their charisma and ability to lead, but even these brilliant men make economic, political, and social blunders. The pros and cons of President Bidens historic expansion of government. For example, Donald Trump donated his salary to the Department of Health and Human Servicesin order tocombat the opioid crisis. Your Andrew Johnson Con made me laugh so hard! This ugly tradition has continued ever since. A woman president would empower women and girls, who would see that a woman can lead a country and make tough decisions. 19. 18. The former president failed to thwart Iran's aggressive behavior in the region through a maximum pressure campaign, meant to squeeze Tehran into negotiating a more stringent version of the pact. They listened. He also worked to expand and extend emergency unemployment benefits ten times, helpinga lot ofpeople. Im here all week!). Trump's Biggest Accomplishments, Failures From His One Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16? Proponents say teens are knowledgeable enough to vote. ],, "The Electoral College Top 3 Pros and Cons,",, "The Electoral College Top 3 Pros and Cons. WebLyndon B Johnson was the President of the United States from 1963 to 1969. On the other hand, there is a concern that implementing such an amendment could limit spending and tax policies, which could have a negative economic impact. PRESIDENTIAL PROS & CONS Part Two Click here for Part One: George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.". SALT LAKE CITY As a presidential candidate, Democrat Joe Biden vowed to forgive at least $10,000 in student loan debt per borrower, which could eliminate loans for some 16 million people more than a third of current borrowers. Bill Clinton. The withdrawal induced a humanitarian crisis and created a security vacuum that Russia, Iran, and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, an accused war criminal, all benefited from. As the president of the US, Trump is the most heavily protected person on the planet. U.S. presidents havent had the option to serve a third term since 1951. The official general election results indicate that Trump received 304 Electoral College votes and 46.09% of the popular vote (62,984,825 votes), and Hillary Clinton received 227 Electoral College votes and 48.18% of the popular vote (65,853,516 votes). See full dictionary entry for pro Collins COBUILD Advanced Learners Dictionary. Oh, never mind!) Click "Start Assignment". Five people were killed. On the one hand, Trump is not a very politically correct person and often offends people with his views. The existence of the Electoral College precluded calls for recounts or demands for run-off elections. 39. Con: His crooked administration did everything but print counterfeit money in the White House basement and only his untimely death in office prevented the full truth of his cronies misdeeds from coming to light. Con: That whole treatment of the Philippines after the Spanish- American Warthing. Im kidding!). I loved the ridicule of Obama! 38. The president is elected to a four-year term and has the power to veto legislation, issue executive orders, and appoint members of the cabinet and Supreme Court. Excellent and very funny! These were all great but congratulations for singling out the wretched Obama as the worst president ever! Mass firings, frozen funding, and midnight rules: Inside the Democrats' operation to fight back against Trump going scorched-earth in a Biden transition, summarized the key aspects of the legislation, falsely claimed that ISIS is totally defeated, struggle to bring the country together after tragedies, people who've threatened protesters with guns. The president enjoys a status few will ever have and as such, The president routinely flouted public health recommendations before getting infected. [23] [26]. Con: His association with Andrew Old Hickory Jackson prompted his supporters to try to get people to call him by the awkward nickname Young Hickory.